The Saw Cube by Gamer720 ..and you thought the Rubik Cube was difficult.. Welcome to the newest edition of the Saw Series! The sixth to be exact. This one is a bit easier than Saw Tower, but more difficult than the Saw Evolution. I decided to try something new for this one, instead of making a series of short puzzles, I made 4 very complex, long, and multi-step puzzles. For the most part it worked very well, and is great fun. I am not going to go into detail on the puzzles, as I don't want to give too much away. The video is being made soon, but for now I have some photos for all of you to view. The starting room, in "The Cube" These teleporters all seem to go to the same place... A mongoose? A long-time trademark of the Saw Series I spy a regenerator How are you ever going to get by those teleporters? A death trap? I wonder what sits on those weapon holders... I win?? Have fun, muhahaha. Download No Gametype Required! For all of teh nubs who can't beat the puzzle. Tutorial Linky
Pssssshh, what are you talking about? Lol, sorry, The link is up there now, I feel like such an idiot right now.
This line makes me very, very confused. Anyway, the map looks great, with lots of awesome puzzles. I also like the idea of four very long puzzles instead of a lot of short ones. I have also seen some of the other saw maps, and this looks like one of the best. great job Edit: Okay, thanks for editing that line. Now I understand it.
Very awesome map Gamer. Loved testing this, and have been even since...the building process of the 2nd multi-step puzzle Like you have said, not as hard as Saw Tower, but still hard. The one part that really got me mad was the 3rd complex puzzle. Good times.....
very nice a cant wait to test it out these puzzles look very complex especialy the first one with the room being slanted does it need a specific gametype or will slayer work just fine
looks good I always like a good puzzle on those rainy days when no one is online can't wait to play it!
This Saw map looks pretty difficult, so I'll download and try to beat it just like the other Saw maps. I'm glad that it's easier than Evolution because that one was really annoying to beat. Glad to see you make another one.