So far I dont have a name and I am almost done with the structures. But I think its coming out good but I want to see what you guys think. ok to stop you guys from commenting on this. I am going to make ramps going up to the higher levels theres no need to comment on that.
Looks very good so far. This map has great potential to either be featured or well recognized by many. Flawless interlocking, and geomerging, I just have to say marvelous.
Hmm looks good so far, I would work on the outer edge bit more but so far the interlockage and geomerging looks flawless. Keep up the good work
Looks great so far. I like how you're incorporating a vertical feel to the map structures while also having a horizontal layout. You've got me stumped on those geomerged camos and overshields though, how'd you do it?
It's looking like a very beautiful build. I cannot No one can speak on the gameplay yet though. From the looks of it so far, it looks like a very jump oriented map. Just a heads up, I have nothing against it, but some people aren't a fan of maps made for the A button. Also, something everyone needs to understand: Flow, Design, Balance>All the time in the world you take to build it. I'm not trying to sound mean or spiteful, just some seasoned advice.
I was going to say something along those lines. But make sure you have ramps up to places instead of jumps, it makes a map flow 10 times better IMO and many others. A couple jumps are fine, but just make sure the map doesnt become jump orientated. Its not as hard as you think, just set down a powerup, grab it, then place fence walls down, delete a few of the bottom ones, spawn the powerup, and then grab it. That should work rather smoothly, it always has for me.
actually to merge it so that you cant grab it its best to put something under the map to stop it from fully going under. As for ramps going up to it I am going to make that and I am sure this map will amaze people.
From what I can tell from the pictures the map looks well made and clean. Sharing this with you. Around six months ago the map I am still creating to this day had a multitude of jumps that were mandatory to get to places. All the jumps I had ruined the flow of the map. Fast foward to now and I have a variety of ramps and a few jump ups. I have found balance between the two. I hope you can too.
The first picture leads me to believe you stole a couple pieces from Sanghelios as you have the same structure in the same spot. The forging fundamentals look sound, but from what I see there is a lot of jumping involved and the high ground looks a bit too powerful - all the best spots are high about the ground and it makes people on the ground pretty much bait.
I gurantee 100% I stole nothing trust me I'm not like that. And if you read my earlier post I am going to make ramps up to the higher ground and make the lower people less vulnerable.
This looks great so far,and I like the geomerged camo's but Why so much jumping?I know It problyhat your aming for but ramps are better han jumps.just a heads up
That's not stolen from Sanghelios at all. The ones in Sanghelios are higher off the ground. Just because he has two ramps at different altitudes in the same portion of the map doesn't mean it's stolen. And just because it's used in Sanghelios doesn't mean that ramp jumps can't be used in other maps.
I like the geomerged powerups in the ground, but what purpose do they serve? Mabye the mark red/blue bases?
it looks expertly forged, and is nice, but im just tired of this design. Every map that comes out looks just like this now. Im urging people to start thinking of new things.
That looks really nice from what you have so far. The angled merged box and some of the structures look really nice. The layout seems cool and I really like all of the geomerged powerups and the g lift. Great looking map good sir.