Towers v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Berkgina, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    this is going to be the first map i am posting on this website i have actually made other maps before. this map is best used for my custom gametype which is simply snipers and BR's. otherwise if that doesnt interest you it also plays well with just BR's and there are other weapons on the map such as:
    <br>- a rocket launcher<br>- a spartan lazer
    <br>- 3 sniper's
    <br>- BR's
    <br>- SMG's
    <br>- brute shot
    <br>- plasma pistol<br>- and a few others<br>&nbsp;there are also grenades placed around the map both frag and plasma

    <br><br>below are some pic's of the map<br><br>&nbsp;[​IMG]<br><br><br>&nbsp;[​IMG]






    <br><br>Two For One by Grassanator

    <br><br>This map was created by me Berk4manbum (not my main account my month account) real account ran out of live<br>&nbsp;and this map was also created by spazmonkey92 and he requested that i tell you he made the crane in the box and the fencewall doublebox pathway... but the rest was all me lol
    <br><br>P.S. if i have use this in any bad way that breaks one of the rules could someone please tell me so i dont make the same mistake next time

    <br><br>download map link: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    <br><br>i will post the game types next because i forgot to make them soo yea please leave comments and give feedback

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey, when u name ur map, id suggest not putting version 1 next to it, it's like in a thesis paper, we all know it ur ideas so u don't put "i think" unless u state it's someone elses idea, or a version 2

    and this website doesn't take html coding
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    ok suggestions on posting,,, this website does not use html so the br tags will not work..

    and second for some reason you had this thread posted twice. i would have a mod lock either this one or that one.

    Get those fixed and i will rate :D
  4. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
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    some parts are sloppy some arent, some places there is geomerging/interlocking, some places there arent. makes me think that more than one person made this map...idk as my friend JASONYO said:
    I agree. looks pretty nice, knowing that you CAN geomerge i am puzzled by "why in some places so sloppy?
  5. Spartan 396

    Spartan 396 Ancient
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    This looks like a nice, unique map, abet a bit sloppy in some spots. I will DL this and tell you how it goes :)
  6. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    what in my map was sloppy because i dont want to make the same mistakes as before... and i didnt interlock everything because sometimes it causes lag in the games which irritates alot of people so i try to avoid any unnessacary interlocking
  7. Spartan 396

    Spartan 396 Ancient
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    Just got done playing..

    The pictures you took hardly do the map itself justice. The map has some very nice interlocking and geomerging. The map itself has a good and unique layout. It would probably be fun to play with 6-14 people judging by it's size.

    Some of the areas do look like you got a little lazy though and there also might be some problems with camping with power weapons, which I think there are plentiful amounts (Not saying that's bad, I haven't played with other people yet).

    Overall I'd rate this map a 4/5 because it really deserves it.
  8. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    some of these pictures may not be up to date because i did fix up some areas
  9. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    at first, i thought "this is kind of sloppy, and it doesn't look very good..." but you can geomerge... not sloppy because it's not interlocked. i hate people who say that everything MUST be interlock, even when it doesn't need to be. believe me. but look at pics 1 and 2. the shield doors have gaps between the corners. in pic 3, the geomerged open box is WAY off centered (but you may have meant to do that, i'm not sure). in pic 4, the window panels in the tower are crooked, and the wall next to the double box in slanting. it's those little things that really shouldn't be sloppy like that, and it doesn't take very much effort to fix them.

    so, all things considered, i give your map a 3.75/5, but make sure to fix those sloppy things on v2. and use the most updated pics, so that you don't get people telling you this stuff. keep it up!
  10. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    the map doesnt look bad. but i dont really see the point of putting the double walls on some of the boxes. there also looks like a lotta cool jumps.
    the back ally and bases could use some work. over all prob a 4.5/5
    btw, FH doesnt use HTML. i think the coding it uses is called BB. right?
  11. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    It may be a bit sloppy in some parts, but overall (by pictures) it looks nice.
  12. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    woot i helped XD go spazzy!

    yea its a good map, not just because i helped.

    umm theres secrets in it like the tele door, u walk into a door and u get teleported

    there is not a big chance of camping because of the walls blocking off the sections.
    i tried..........and failed.

    1 of my fav bits is in the back corner with the 2 merged wall corner. a little hole that amuses me
  13. simonstwin

    simonstwin Ancient
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    Where are the towers? I consider renaming the map, and writing V1 is always unappealing.
    Something like 'Urbanocity' or 'City Brawl'
    Towers v1 sounds very dull.

    Otherwise, the map is decent, except for it being sloppy. Great idea!

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