Sylar This is my first Forge Hub Map so tell me what you think. Making this took a long time and I took my time with everything I did. This Including Designing and Creating Scenery, by using all of my skills in Interlocking and Geo-Merging meaning the outcome was my best map yet. Its fun to play and its great eye candy making this map great to play on. Reviews from testing this map are saying this map is 'Insane'? Well anyway I better start showing you the map now and be sure to comment on the things that need to be improved on my map or on my Thread. This is the centre building where most of the fighting goes on This is the Overshield Ramp (Geo-Merged for easy access) This is the Shotgun Tunnel with stickys on the Geo-Merged box and a Shotgun in the Tunnel This is the front of the Red Base with a Powerdrain and a BR against the interlocked wall This is Rocket spawn (180 Respawn Rate - 0 Spare Clips) This is the Bubble Curve with a bubble shield in the Geo-Merged wall corner and a turret (Next to Fusion Coils) on the the curve In the bottom of the Centre Building there is a Lift That takes you up to the Second Floor There are 2 side entrances to the Centre Building on the Left And on the Right This is sniper Spawn (Yes it Glows! ) This is The Hash This is the Inside of the Red Base Flag Spawns on the Truck And the Back of the Base, Well - A Geo-Merged Bridge And Behind it is a BR and some Stickys! This is the Blue Base The flag spawn... Around the back of the two bases is a corridor seperated by a window panel wich still allows combat Well thats all Folks I hope you download the map and enjoy playing it Download Sylar Here This Map Supports all Gametypes but I reccomend - CTF, Slayer, Team Slayer or King of the Hill Gameplay on this map is great, every map ive made has beign close combat and not very open. So i decided to make an open map, gving me a perfect chance to use my Forging Skills in interlocking and Geomerging. This map plays great with long range weapons especialyfor and Snipers but it also plays great with close combat like Shotguns or AR's. I have included equipment but have kept it to a minimum and everyone loves a bit of destruction with the rocket launcher. Gameplay is Fast and there is always lots of action. Its great for tactical games or just plain fun.
Well, I can definately say that your interlocking and geomerging skills are outstanding. Some of the architecture is simply beautiful! I can tell you spent a TON of time making sure everything looked just the way you want it. But, I'm not sure how everything would flow together, im worried about the gameplay. Between all of your aesthetically awesome structures youve got loads of open space. But that might be just the pics and I guess the only way to know is for me to DL. I'll go check it out and get back to you. Overall, it looks superb, as i said i'm just a little worried about the gameplay.
You know, at first I thought you just Geomerged and Interlocked( Extremelly well, by the way)some random structures and called it a map. But now, I can see some pretty good gameplay coming out of this. The OS ramp is very cool, as is the base structures. 4.75/5, Not perfect, but pretty good. Merry Christmas! Desert Rat 852
Its has some great interlocking and geomerging, and just like everyone else said, at first I thought it was just random, but now I see a nice map shaping up. However, it may be a little bit open, but I will still DL and see your Geomerging. Love your A sign arrows,Great Job 4/5
well ive seen people are commenting on the fact that the map is open so just please read the last parapraph of the thread
Wow, i can definitly say you are basically a master at interlocking and geomerging and the features you used in this map are very incredible. But i just wish you could use this to create a better layout for a map because this layout isnt the best playable layout. Its more aesthetics then competitive
What really cuaght my attention is the hash and shotgun tunnell,really interasting.But just my point of view i thought i was really open which is good for Brs but sometimes you can get screwed.Overall its pretty good!
o wow u r a master of forge. this must have taken you so long to do, and it shows. very well done. u couldn't have chosen a better name, cuz that guy is beast
The map looks well constructed. It has seemingly seamless geomerging which I am quite fond of but it looks like Sylar has some major layout issues. The map doesnt look well thought out, and It seems like you just through structures that you thought were unique and cool around randomly. I suggest making the map slightly more enclosed and let structures balance each other out equally that was people can move around with less of a risk to be shot at from cover.
very good for a first map, your interlocking and geomerging are really perfect i didnt notice anyhting wrong except for the map felling a little to open
this map is....amazing. thats the only word for it. this is a great map, especially for a 1st post. excellent job. wish i could forge this well.......
I think it takes more than just a bunch of fancy interlocking and geomerging to make a good map. I'll download and give a fuller opinion.