hey everyone im back again with some new pics Enjoy Brothers Fusion Water Blue BOOM head shot? Dark Plasma Lava Green Dark Sniper Rate? Bungie link: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
You need to post a link to the file share so we can get these. Also about the pics, most are not that impressive. But the Fusion one is very, very sexy. Put the Link so I can get it! :happy:
opps lol my bad i edited it theres a link to them all at the bottom of my first post its a link to my file share with them all there
Hmm. i really like lava green. idk about the others though. how did you do that effect??!? 5/5 for that pic 3.5/5 for the others. keep up the good work
Screenshot Review Brothers - 7/10 I like the effect, but not the colors. It's just a little too dark and blurry for my taste. Fusion - 9/10 The colors look amazing. I don't know if it's staged or not, but if it is then you could try to get a different angle and introduced more of the orange. Water Blue - 10/10 I've always wanted to know how to do the effect you used (the picture splits a bit). With the colors and angle you got, the split isn't too prominent and overbearing, allowing for the picture to truly shine. BOOM head shot? - 10/10 The contrast in the picture is amazing. The way the colors are so diluted, it almost looks like something out of 300 or The Spirit. Really good angle on the picture too. Dark Plasma - 8/10 The colors are good, but it looks out of place. Maybe if there was a different angle. I don't know, I'm just not liking this one for some reason. Lava Green - 9/10 The bright colors of the explosion emphasize the Spartan's features. It looks to me like Lava Green was taken right before Dark Plasma was taken. Dark Sniper - 6/10 A really over used effect, and there isn't really a good angle on the person either. Overall - 59/70 - 84% - B Keep on taking pictures, because you seem to be good at it. Don't let my overall score get you down, because if you just took out the first and last picture your score would be much higher. Spoiler Your score without those two... 46/50 - 92% - A Well now I'm off to look at your Bungie screenshot gallery, I hope you've got pictures just as good as these in there. Edit - I really like these pictures, in your recent screenshot gallery... Forge 102 Forge 103 Forge 101
hmm nice i like water blue the best cuz its my fav color,dark sniper and dark plasma are my runners up
Wow i dont care what other people say but i havnt seen pictures as good as those in a long time. I mean the second picture just has magnificent color. how did you do that
omg ... those are simply the most epic screenshots iveever seenawsome 10000000/10000000 iam looking forward to seeing more from you
Those are all amazing pictures. I would really like to know how you pulled off the effect in Fusion. 5/5 for sure.
id usually tell yall how i did alot of them mainly (fusion) but i made it with the legendary o Major Shock o Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Service Record he has been on bungie fav's and there front page pics about 9 times now and he doesnt want anyone to know anything we ever find so im sorry i cant also take a look on the newest one anyways ill be updating new pics alot be looking