Over Under Pro is the 7th version of my over under map. The map has been tested many times and tweaked for optimal playability. I've had many different people play this map, and it has recieved good reviews. The map contains interlocking and geomergeing for a smooth feel. All floors are smoothly interlocked to reduce bumps. The map plays well with CTF, TS, and assualt. The many levels of the map provide quick gameplay, causing the play to constantly be on the alert. Screenshots: Link to Map in Your File Share: Updated Respawns* Over Under Pro Thanks for looking at my map. Also, please Post here
looks like it would fit a lot of gameplays and would be fine. Anyway, the map is very well forged, The symmetrical bases look identicle and cleany made. 5/5 great map
Flaming Recons?! Well the map looks good, it makes Foundry look slightly larger than it really is. The center walkway on top looks really nice, and it has good cover too. 4/5. I think I'll download this map and get a game going later.
lol, who did you get to mod the film? The map looks pretty good, looks like an MLG type map Good interlocking
haha, who DID you get to mod the film? awsome map, i really like the dumpster/singlebox columns, never seen that done before
PROS Interlocking/Geomerging looks nice Great idea By the looks of it the gameplay seems to be very fun Cons Could have made a little bit more cover. Overall:With a great persentation and solid game play you get a Dl and a 5.0/5.0
I guess i might be able to see the connection there. However i've only played on onslaught maybe twice, so i don't really kow if they actually look the same or not. Also, po po ronnie, i'm seeing you everywhere now! With the lack of cover, i kind of wanted it like that so people would have to be constantly alert (and i ran out of money). Thanks for all of the comments.
I saw this over at Atlas, and man have you improved this map! Great job on it,t some very smooth techniques and unique structures. The middle piece reminds me a bit of amplified's. You might want to rename the "action shots" to "hey look, I have recon... shots."
Thank you, and the center was inspired by amplified. Amplified is my favorite map. Oh, and i can't wait to see what maps get picked from atlas, the custom playlist is going to be awesome! oh, and for the action pics, i don't have recon. LOL. Thanks for all the comments and ideas.
Reminds me of MLG. As far as gameplay goes though it is a solid and structural. I would add some more cover myself. Certain areas strike me as 'dangerous' if confronted with the wrong weapons, ammo, ect.
It was inspired by MLG maps (amplified for example). There is a good amount of open area. This creates fast paced gameplay. (i couldn't add any more cover if i wanted to, i ran out of money)