
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Dredbr1nger, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. Dredbr1nger

    Dredbr1nger Ancient
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    CS_Assault (Counter-Strike remake)

    Forged by Dredbr1nger

    Base: Foundry

    Supported Gametypes:
    • Assault
      Capture the Flag
      King of the Hill

    For those of you who don't know, CS_Assault is an awesome map from an awesome team-FPS called Counter-Strike. The scenario involved Counter-Terrorists storming into a complex warehouse, eliminating the Terrorists, and rescuing the hostages. Well I thought the map played very well and decided to remake it Halo style!

    The map is obviously a warehouse that is the center of attention. The attacking team spawns in the back ends of Foundry, having vehicles and power weapons scattered around to storm the warehouse. There are multiple entry points to the warehouse: a garage door, a backdoor, and a ventilation system on the ceiling (which itself has 2 exits via vents). Inside of the warehouse is a maze of double-boxes and bridges. There is also a sniper perch to where the original hostage room wouldv'e been.

    Obviously, I couldn't have made an exact replica of the CS 1.6 CS_Assault, the map was 2 times bigger than Foundry and had lots of un-neccisary space. I didn't have enough budget to geomerge the correct inside of the warehouse as well, so I winged it.

    For me, I consider this map a feat. It's my first good effort utilizing interlocking and save-quitting. Most of the time spent in Forge was making the warehouse ceiling and the ventilation system. It's also very fun to play. Many people have told me though this is THE funnest map to play Rockets on and is great for Slayer/Team Slayer. It is compatible with all gametypes.

    Forging 101:

    [ YES ] __Immovable Objects
    [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ N O ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    The Canvas...

    Same Tower of Power, Different Game


    Warehouse Garage Entrance

    Warehouse Backdoor

    View of Both Vents

    Outside the Main Vent

    Warehouse Interior and Secret Vent Exit

    Upon Entering the Back Door

    Sniper Perch Overlooking Warehouse Garage Dor

    The last thing I ask of you before you download my map is to post constructive criticism, I still consider myself a "noob" forger and any help is appreciated.

    Download CS_Assault

    Version 3...coming soon! Here's a teaser showing how I plan to make a hostage room...I'm planning on the vent dropping into a covered room which will lead to another room, which will be a switch causing the hostage to leave. The hostage room will be behind the new wall, where that empty space is. As you can see, it is more cleanly interlocked a bit.

    #1 Dredbr1nger, Dec 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2010
  2. Finding Fate

    Finding Fate Ancient
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    I like it, allot it is a really good concept with allot of halo originality , but it needs to be cleaned up, and allot if you need help send me an friend request and i will help you at, Finding Fate or KSI Hazardous ( im not in KSI) :)
  3. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I huess it looks okay. Really you should turn over the boxes for a smoother floor and slightly interlock them together so that this map plays better. The first picture needs to look a little more like the actuall thing. alos there is a technique for merging gravity lifts into the ground that will make them indestructable and it will make your map look much more profesional.

    To tell you the truth I really am not that hyped to play this map. you see so many maps that are just like this. But you never know I will download and get back to you with a full review.
  4. Dredbr1nger

    Dredbr1nger Ancient
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    Yes, I do understand the fact it is thrown around everywhere. I guess it has to look somewhat decent. =P

    And yes, thanks for the offer on helping to clean it up. I'll send you a request in the morning or something, I have to sleep.
  5. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    this looks like you put alot of time into making this map as accurate as possible, but some of the things could be a bit more cleanly interlocked, like the center single wall in the last pic you have, could be smoother. overall, it looks like a great map. If you clean it up and make it look more professional, Many more people would be... More inclined to try out a DL. Good luck on v2 and happy forging 4/5
  6. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    I think you should make a gametype specific to this map to make it play like the real CS_Assault.

    Make it VIP settings, with the VIP spawning inside the warehouse where the hostages normally are. Create a switch that the CTs have to unlock so the VIP can escape (This might be tricky, maybe Finding Fate can help help you with that). Make sure you make it One-Sided VIP and the setting that gives the VIP an area to get to (like Rocket Race) and set the goal area at the CT spawn. Set everyone to 1 life each.

    That would be cool to play. I'm not exactly sure if this is possible or not because you may not be able to place VIP spawns so you might want to test that before starting
  7. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    This is really actually quite good. I must say I love the open warehouse and the fact that there is outside stuff too but the untidyness to it looks bad. If you could go back and interlock a bit cleaner it is a definite download from me. Until further notice 3.3/5
  8. Dredbr1nger

    Dredbr1nger Ancient
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    Yes I have seen videos on switches, though I don't know how to make them. =P

    How do you make the VIP spawn in a certain place and not with his team?
  9. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    It looks pretty good, the house/warehouse idea is kinda overused, but if its assault I will usually play it. I might DL and play if I get some time tonight.
  10. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    wow man nice job! i've thought of the possibility of remaking this on halo and wasn't quite sure if i'd do it very well if i did it but man it looks really good! glad to see someone could make it! looks really good! nice job! oh and i guess what's funny is now you could make it "de_assault" if you put it on the assault gametype, funny huh? assault on assault! XD, well to me i think you did a great job! you plan on making anymore cstrike remakes? im sure they'd be pretty good, just that depending on the map it'd have to be scaled down a little, but w/e nice job again :D
  11. Dredbr1nger

    Dredbr1nger Ancient
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    These other CS maps that may be possible to remake in Forge:


    I can imagine those being halo'ized bit...already thinking ideas =)

    And of course I want to remake a legit Boarding Action (Halo: CE). I would have to think of death zones though between the 2 ships though, and I would prefer it better if it was floating in the night sky of Blackout (I don't have legendary pack yet).

    Lol anyways I am going to make a CS_Assault v3, extending the vents and having them reach to a new hostie room...where the counter-terrorists will rescue a VIP (I still gotta figure that part out XD).
  12. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    yeah sounds great! (eh all of it? lol)

    like i guess if you wanted to do the vip thing, you have one defender spawn in the hostie room and have like a little "cell" for the player, maybe like you make it with a custom powerup switch somehow (of course the traits would all be unchanged, i would think :p) like with the old mancannon-dumpster-powerup switch. and i guess people could hear the sound of the mancannon going off like in the game you could hear the sound of the doors opening if you were close by as an indicator the hosties might be being rescued. XD well hope that helps!
  13. Dredbr1nger

    Dredbr1nger Ancient
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    Been a while since I last posted.

    I currently have Xbox Live Silver, so I can DL stuff from bungie.net only and upload stuff...no playing =/

    Anyways I updated the post with a teaser screenshot for version 3.
  14. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Oh my god. This was my favorite map back when I played CS 1.6

    I love how you used the crane for the vent. Oh the joys of grenade spamming from the roof. However it looks like its missing some things, and its got a few inaccuracies. I think using sandbox would benefit you, and interlocking would definitely help your map out.

    Oh btw, for the vip switch, its quite simple really. Make a simple custom powerup door switch and have the VIP inside of the room, have a destination you need to bring them to to win, and make sure the gametype is one life so you can still win the round the old fashioned way.
    #14 aMoeba, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  15. Dredbr1nger

    Dredbr1nger Ancient
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    I will eventually get mythic map pack and get it remade, but this will do for now. =P

    I am in the process at this minute of making the VIP room. And yes, the CTs will shoot a switch, releasing the VIP. This is bad for the Ts if they shoot switch. I'm also thinking of ways to improve vent cuz it really is in-accurate and needs to fit the needs of my updates.

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