Well i used to do quite a bit so heres some of my stuff, just let me know what you think. I know im not great but im thinking of starting up again but im not sure if i was any good in the first place Its not in any order so somes old somes newer... My deviantart has some less GFX stuff but its still GFX and Art related like photography etc > Link I also made wallpapers etc. I used to be called Timesplitter on forums thats why it says Timesplitter on some of them and im normally RJ on forums but i could only have a 3+ letter name Some are old like i said Just thought id share Max of 20 images lol i had 44 at first.
wow you have very unique signatures going on there, i see you use renders a lot in your sigs, they look really nice, keep it upo
I think you would be really good on creating a banner for a website, you should make a FH one and post it to see what it would look like
unique.. thats the word. some of them are very interesting. IMO your best at techy stuff. and eguitarplaya, that was my thoughts too. not really good but good
To be honest, none of them are particularly great. The ones that look the best are the two tech ones, which were both clearly made by copying a tutorial.