
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by The Dew, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    Ultimatum 2.0


    I have now fixed the parts of the map that were escapable before. I used a fence box from another part of the map to block most of it off, sign A and B, and a dumptser to fill in the rest. I am no long using any crates to block anything off. All of the dumpters do NOT move so there will be no problems with them respawning and dissappearing. I have added starting spawns for every gametype except VIP and Infection. There is also a weapon list at the bottom of this post.
    Here are some pictures of the changes.



    The map that I started 6 months ago is finally done. This may be my last forge map but we’ll see how much time I have. So I’ve been noticing how most Foundry maps are really tight and claustrophobic which is understandable since Foundry is so small. But with this map I aimed to make more of an open playing field. Ultimatum works best with Slayer, 1-Flag, and Assault. All other gametypes work but these have the best gameplay in my opinion. The defenders have a 3 level base with a sniper and the flag/bomb is on the top floor. The attackers have a 2 level base with the flag/bomb on the bottom floor. There is a sword in the middle. I tried to limit the power weapons on this map because they didn’t work well with the gameplay. Now to the pictures…










    Weapon list:

    - 3 Battle Rifles
    - 2 Carbines
    - 1 Assault Rifle
    - 1 Beam Rifle (120 sec respawn)
    - 1 Needler (60 sec respawn)
    - 1 Mauler (45 sec respawn)
    - 1 Energy Sword (90 sec respawn)
    - 3 Spikers
    - 2 SMGs
    - 1 Plasma Rifle
    - 1 Plasma Pistol
    - 1 Bubble Shield
    - Various Frag, Plasma, and Spike grenades

    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Enjoy :)
    #1 The Dew, Dec 22, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2008

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map seems realy cool and like a lot of fun. just fix up some of the walls and make it less escapedable and it would be a very good map. nice job dude. great idea!! 4/5
  3. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys. You escaped from it? I'll have to take a look at it. I used too many resources building the map, so when I had to block everything off I didn't have much stuff left.
  4. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Wow i like how you are able to use double walls and walls to make a map look so incredible. I never would think of using that much and it actually turning out that good.

    Nice job, keep it up
  5. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    What happened to the other replies? There was 8 of them last iime i checked.
  6. Tej0ta

    Tej0ta Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, I really like the idea for this map. It does feel much more open like you intended. Great map it haz my DL.
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    They may have been deleted.

    This is a very nice map. I don't think this should be your last map, you've got good skills.The walls make the map seem very clean, and I love that. Great job :)

  8. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To be quite frank, this is one of the best multi-leveled maps I have ever seen. It almost puts MLG Xyience to shame. IT is very well made, and offers excellent gameplay to it. It works well with Team or FFA games, and definately captures how a multi level map should be made. 10/10
  9. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    When I looked at the first picture, I knew you got some of your ideas from Xyience (come on don't lie!!). It looks good although escapable, if you could give us a weapon list, and some gametypes that would really help us out alot. I will DL and give it a chance..
  10. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    I just got done with a forgethrough on this map, and I must say that I really like the design you've layed out. Things seemed to flow well together and every corner was different, although seemed balanced at the same time.. so well done.

    I do have some concerns though. It could be doue to the known glitch that happens from time to time that deletes things like starting spawns points, respawn areas, and objective locations, but your map has none of any of them. The only objective locations present on the map was an oddball spawn and a few hills for KotH. All gametypes need to have starting points, as well as respawn areas. Without starting points, games become very unbalanced very quickly, with players spawning much closer to certain areas or power weapons than they should, giving them an unfair advantage. Without spawn areas, spawning in a map this size becomes very predictable, as players will automatically spawn as far away from where they died as possible, leading to a good amount of spawn killing.

    I think this map would probably play very well for FFA, Oddball, KotH, and Juggernaut. Juggernaut is pretty much set up by default on all maps as it requires no starting points or respawn areas, and go-to points are optional. So that one is good to go. But Oddball, Slayer, and KotH all need starting points, spawn areas, the works. Currently you are at the item limit, but there are many items outside the map that can be deleted to allow you to set up a couple more gametypes.

    Remember, only 1 starting spawn point per team is needed, as opposed to the common practive of putting 4 or 5 per team. 1 does the trick fine, and will save you items. You will probably have to be pretty picky as to what you set the map up for due to the low number of items you have available, but you should probably be good for 3 full gametypes (+juggernaut which is already good to go like I sad). I hope you revise this map with accordinlgy, because I'd love to get some proper games on here soon.
  11. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    This map looks pretty good from what I see. good interlocking too. It does look easily ecsapable though. If possible you should fix that. Otherwise really nice map =)
  12. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    Thanks for the positive feedback guys.

    I completely forgot about the starting spawns. I'll have to go back and edit those in. If anyone has any ideas of how to make the crates stay there and not dissappear, I would like to hear them. I'll add a weapon list to the first post.

    BTW: I don't know what MLG Xyience is. I haven't been on the forums as much as I used to. I started making this map over the summer and its been almost finished since then. I didn't have the time to work on it anymore. Now that I have time is was either scrap the map or get creative with blocking it off.
  13. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry for the double post but I have updated the map with starting spawns and made it inescapable. Check the first post for a more detailed description of the changes and more pictures. There is also a weapon list at the bottom of my first post.

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