Vision Division was one of the first maps I created in forge. After the discovery of interlocking and the unlimited budget glitch, I thought it was time to go back and update one of my favorite maps. Download Vision Division This has actually been sitting in my hard drive for some time, I've been distracted by other unfinished products. Overview: Vision Division is a symmetrical style map that was designed to be used for multiple gametypes.. The map is dissected into two halves which are identical in every way. These two pieces only meet together at the side of the map opposing both bases. This creates a "U" or horseshoe shape. Using this design allowed for amazing game play with all gametypes. From Capture the Flag to Infection, this map supports it all. All gametypes have been tested to ensure a positive gaming experience. Map Description: There are varying levels on Vision Division, which provide multiple routes to navigate through the map. Each section of the map requires a different tactic of survival, so weapon choice on the map is crucial. The structure of the map was tested and built to prevent camping and force player movement. All 3 levels of the map are easily accessible from multiple locations. There are at least 5 points of entry on every level, so it is crucial to continually move or you are likely to be flanked from behind or from the side. Each Base is equipped with a single battle rifle which continually respawns, along with a sniper rifle. The sniper rifle has minimal ammo to prevent camping during slayer matches and other a-symmetrical gametypes. Each base is also provided with a bubble shield for defensive measures. At the highest central area of the map is a Spartan Laser. It has a great view of the entire map, but is susceptible to fire. The best feature of this map is its ability to make players move throughout the entire map. Each section of the map has its pro's and con's, from weapons, to cover. And a player that is familiar with the map can take a quick advantage of the power weapons located on the map. Gametypes Supported Slayer KotH Territories Capture the Flag Oddball VIP Infection Assault Notes for individual gametypes: I recommend playing Team Slayer/Slayer, Multi Flag, and Crazy King King of the Hill - Turn sequential hills on, and I recommend setting the changing hill time to at least 1 minute. Infection - Turn vehicle use off. Otherwise a player can knock the mongooses off their platforms and get inside a cage box....and thats just not fun. Capture the Flag - I recommend playing with teams of 5 or 6, there is a lot of terrain to cover in this map, and having 5-6 players allows 2-3 players to go on offense while 2-3 players stay on defense.
The ground up top is smooth as a babies bottom. The link is up....I feel stupid for forgetting it in the first place.
That must just be me then lol. I guess now that I look at it, it looks pretty smooth even though it just up. But that is just the wall because of the wooden pillars inbetween it. So it looks uneven but probably isn't. I should've looked "more closelier".
This looks like really nice map. I'll leave a more detailed comment once i've Dl'ed it. Good post too.
Hope you like it. I'd like to have your feedback on weapon placement...since you and ash seem to be experts at it. Theres a few areas that could possibly use tweaking.
With the way the map is built and foundry geometry, its difficult to get a whole shot of the map. I did the best I could to give you one side of the map, seeing as both sides are perfectly symmetrical.
yep, and now that I have played it, I can tell u its great! I love the way all the power weapons are on the long way round so u make a choice over speed or power.
hooray for elevated floors (only if they're done well like this one) and i'm not sure how this compares to gridlock but it is close
Great map for all gametypes. Love how you HAVE to get passed the other team to win the objective games.