session download this is probably my most original map since lost islands... it has a unique design with all boxes and double boxes touching the floor geo-merged into the ground with top notch wapproce interlocking... i finished test playing the map last night with my brother 2 of his friends and 2 of my friends i dont know if i got the spawn issue down all the way but it seemed fine when i pretty much hope i got it down so you know there might be a v2... i know what you all are thinking about how all my maps have an overload of power weapons well i fixed it read the weapon list below... 2 sniper, 60, symmetric spartan laser, never, both ghost, never, both sentile beam, 90, asymmetric gun turret, 180, asymmetric neddler, 60, asymmetric 6 br, 20, both ok now time for the only thing most people look at the pics red base blue base wapproce's old school style shack again dl link download
This looks very neat with very good interlocking but you may have to jump to much. anyways Id say 4/5
very nice, I noticed that you put lots of time into this, all the "supporting" single boxes are merged, well done 5/5
Wow wap... 5/5 needsmoarintrlox feechurenao kthxbai... So, this is what you have been working on instead of being in the forums... I'm going to download and check it out. Full review will be edited into this post after some test rounds. EDIT 1: Forge through I looked around in forge for a little while and I noticed a couple of slightly crooked geomerging. I also noticed taht the overshield has a 30 second respawn rate(ouch) and people could camp there. Lastly, I broke your map by grenade jumping off the top of the structure in the 6th picture on my first try.
i thought i fixed the overshileld problem i might of lost power in the middle of fixing it cause we had an ice storm last night i never knew it was escapable and so yea ill be happy to fix those things....
Yeah it looks like you could grenade jump to that double box and then crouch jump through the doors. but I may be wrong. Nice interlocking and geo-merging. For people who have not noticed, just about every single object is either interlocked with another or geomergied into the ground. It really makes this map look a ton better.
This looks pretty cool, I will Dl it. The merging on the map looks really well done as well. The spartan laser is in a pretty neat spot as well. The geomerging looks pretty good to.
Well Done Wap. The Map looks amazing, i like the little Laser spawn, very cool. I also like the geo-merging with the single-boxes, shows you are realy trying hard. Good job. If i can find a map that isnt needed or old, ill be sure to DL, but my space is full for now.
Hey i like the layout of this map, and also i like the way you use bridges to your advantage in making maps.. nice job on this, gameplay was excellent
Great layout, I've read what some people have said, and I think I'll wait til you fix a few things before I download and play it. That way Session is at it's full potential.