Edit - This is here so I don't have to scroll all the way down. Don't click, it won't work. [aname=Top].[/aname] Table of Contents [jumpto=Intro]Intro[/jumpto] [jumpto=Getting Started]Getting Started[/jumpto] [jumpto=Sensitivity]___Sensitivity[/jumpto] [jumpto=Controls]___Controls[/jumpto] [jumpto=Auto-Aim]___Auto-Aim[/jumpto] [jumpto=Playlists]___Playlists[/jumpto] [jumpto=Gameplay]___Gameplay[/jumpto] [jumpto=GameplayYoutube]______Youtube[/jumpto] [jumpto=GameplayMLGVoD]______MLG Tournament VoD[/jumpto] [jumpto=GameplayFileshares]______Pro Player Fileshares[/jumpto] [jumpto=Weapons]Weapons[/jumpto] [jumpto=Brute Weapon Beatdowns]___Brute Weapon Beatdowns[/jumpto] [jumpto=Dual-Wielding Weapons]___Dual Wielding Weapons[/jumpto] [jumpto=Reloading]___Reloading[/jumpto] [jumpto=Assault Rifle]___Assault Rifle[/jumpto] [jumpto=Battle Rifle]___Battle Rifle[/jumpto] [jumpto=Beam Rifle]___Beam Rifle[/jumpto] [jumpto=Brute Shot]___Brute Shot[/jumpto] [jumpto=Carbine]___Carbine[/jumpto] [jumpto=Gravity Hammer]___Gravity Hammer[/jumpto] [jumpto=Magnum]___Magnum[/jumpto] [jumpto=Mauler]___Mauler[/jumpto] [jumpto=Needler]___Needler[/jumpto] [jumpto=Plasma Rifle]___Plasma Rifle[/jumpto] [jumpto=Shotgun]___Shotgun[/jumpto] [jumpto=SMG]___SMG[/jumpto] [jumpto=Sniper Rifle]___Sniper Rifle[/jumpto] [jumpto=Spartan Laser]___Spartan Laser[/jumpto] [jumpto=Spiker]___Spiker[/jumpto] [jumpto=Equipment]Equipment[/jumpto] [jumpto=Bubble Shield]___Bubble Shield[/jumpto] [jumpto=Power Drain]___Power Drain[/jumpto] [jumpto=Regen]___Regen[/jumpto] [jumpto=Lone Wolves]Lone Wolves[/jumpto] [jumpto=LW Blackout]___Blackout[/jumpto] [jumpto=LW Epitaph]___Epitaph[/jumpto] [jumpto=LW Foundry]___Foundry[/jumpto] [jumpto=LW Guardian]___Guardian[/jumpto] [jumpto=MLG]MLG[/jumpto] [jumpto=Amplified]___Amplified[/jumpto] [jumpto=Narrows]___Narrows[/jumpto] [jumpto=Swat]Swat[/jumpto] [jumpto=Construct]___Costruct[/jumpto] [jumpto=Narrows]___Narrows[/jumpto] [jumpto=Team Doubles]Team Doubles[/jumpto] [jumpto=Blackout 1-Flag]___Blackout 1-Flag[/jumpto] [jumpto=Blackout Ball]___Blackout Ball[/jumpto] [jumpto=Blackout Hill]___Blackout Hill[/jumpto] [jumpto=Blackout Slayer]___Blackout Slayer[/jumpto] [jumpto=Blackout Snipers]___Blackout Snipers[/jumpto] [jumpto=Boundless Ball]___Boundless Ball[/jumpto] [jumpto=Boundless Hill]___Boundless Hill[/jumpto] [jumpto=Boundless Slayer]___Boundless Slayer[/jumpto] [jumpto=Boundless Snipers]___Boundless Snipers[/jumpto] [jumpto=Cold Storage Ball]___Cold Storage Ball[/jumpto] [jumpto=Cold Storage Hill]___Cold Storage Hill[/jumpto] [jumpto=Cold Storage Slayer]___Cold Storage Slayer[/jumpto] [jumpto=Construct Ball]___Construct Ball[/jumpto] [jumpto=Construct Hill]___Construct Hill[/jumpto] [jumpto=Construct Slayer]___Construct Slayer[/jumpto] [jumpto=Construct Snipers]___Construct Snipers[/jumpto] [jumpto=Epilogue Hill]___Epilogue Hill[/jumpto] [jumpto=Epilogue Slayer]___Epilogue Slayer[/jumpto] [jumpto=Epilogue Snipers]___Epilogue Snipers[/jumpto] [jumpto=Foundry Slayer]___Foundry Slayer[/jumpto] [jumpto=Foundry Snipers]___Foundry Snipers[/jumpto] [jumpto=Ghost Town Ball]___Ghost Town Ball[/jumpto] [jumpto=Ghost Town Hill]___Ghost Town Hill[/jumpto] [jumpto=Guardian Ball]___Guardian Ball[/jumpto] [jumpto=Guardian Hill]___Guardian Hill[/jumpto] [jumpto=Guardian Slayer]___Guardian Slayer[/jumpto] [jumpto=Guardian Snipers]___Guardian Snipers[/jumpto] [jumpto=Narrows Slayer]___Narrows Slayer[/jumpto] [jumpto=Narrows Snipers]___Narrows Snipers[/jumpto] [jumpto=Pit Stop Ball]___Pit Stop Ball[/jumpto] [jumpto=Pit Stop Slayer]___Pit Stop Slayer[/jumpto] [jumpto=Pit Stop Snipers]___Pit Stop Snipers[/jumpto] [jumpto=Team Slayer]Team Slayer[/jumpto] [jumpto=Blackout]___Blackout[/jumpto] [jumpto=Boundless]___Boundless[/jumpto] [jumpto=Construct]___Construct[/jumpto] [jumpto=Foundry]___Foundry[/jumpto] [jumpto=Ghost Town]___Ghost Town[/jumpto] [jumpto=Guardian]___Guardian[/jumpto] [jumpto=High Ground]___High Ground[/jumpto] [jumpto=Isolation]___Isolation[/jumpto] [jumpto=Narrows]___Narrows[/jumpto] [jumpto=Standoff]___Standoff[/jumpto] [jumpto=Pit Stop]___Pit Stop[/jumpto] [jumpto=Valhalla]___Valhalla[/jumpto] [jumpto=Conclusion]Conclusion[/jumpto] [jumpto=Special Thanks]___Special Thanks[/jumpto] [aname=Intro].[/aname] Intro - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] In this guide, I'll try my best to give as much information as possible. My goal for this guide is to have everyone who reads it level up at least once in any playlist. They could have just bought the game a month ago, or been playing since release, it doesn't matter. Anyone can get good at Halo, they just need to learn the right way to play. Some people like playing Halo for fun, which is fine, and some people like playing competitively, which is fine as well. Obviously if you want to get a certain level you can't just "play for fun" and use the needler all game. You and need to start playing differently and play a little competitive, and I'm hoping I can help. In order to become a "Matchmaking Champ", you need to be good at everything in matchmaking. This comes down to knowing all the maps, all the weapon spawns, all the player spawns, and how to use every weapon. In this guide I'll go over some general advice for improving your game, some tips and advice for using every weapon in matchmaking, and then go over strategies and advice for every gametype/map combination. This guide is not done, and I doubt it ever will be as I'll keep adding on to it whenever I have time. You might be wondering what my credentials are for writing this. I have countless 50s in Team Slayer, Team Doubles, and a 50 in Snipers, MLG, and Swat. Every once in awhile I'll make a new account to help my friends level up in different random playlists, so I've played a lot of Matchmaking. I'm obviously not the best Halo player in the world, but I know enough that I figured I'd write a guide to help everyone out. There are always going to be other ways to do the things I go over in this guide, but I've had success with the advice that I'm giving. Don't ever think that anything in here is 100% the right way to do something, but from my personal experience this whole guide will help the average player out. [aname=Getting Started].[/aname] Getting Started - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] THIS IS NOT A THREAD WORSHIPPING THE BR, DON'T WORRY. The key to getting good with every weapon, in my opinion, is getting good with the BR. It's not necessary, but it's what helped me get a lot better with every other weapon. From Sniping to ARing, both improved alongside my BR. In the majority of Halo players opinions, the BR is the most well-rounded gun in the game, and requires some of the basic muscle movements needed to be good with every other weapon. Once you are good with the BR, everything else comes naturally. You learn the basic reticule movement for using every other weapon, and it teaches you the basic reflexes and muscle movements you need to be consistent at everything else. In order to start improving your game, one of the first things you need to do is make sure you're playing on the right sensitivity. [aname=Sensitivity].[/aname] Sensitivity - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] The first step to becoming a better player is finding the sensitivity that you feel the most comfortable with. The best way to figure this out is to play a game on each sensitivity. Start at 10, and just keep moving down from there. I would suggest doing this in a custom, because if you've played with your sensitivity at 3 for six months and then try switching to 10 for a game of Team Slayer or Doubles, the results aren't gonna be pretty. You need to take it slow, and get your sensitivity right so you can start improving. The sensitivity I like playing on is 4, but this isn't the best for everyone. I know someone who plays on 1, and someone who plays on 8. They're both 50s, so it just goes to show that the sensitivity doesn't make a difference, it's all about preference. When I first got Halo, I played on 10 because in Gears of War I played on High, so I figured they were the same thing. Around April, someone told me how it was easier to BR if you lowered your sensitivity, so I tried out all the different sensitivities, like I suggested above, until I hit 5 and thought it worked great. I switched to 4 about two months later because I was playing really bad one game, and and I ended up keeping it because I felt like I had a lot more control over what was going on. I've tried 1, 2, and 3 before, and they're all too slow for me, but 4 is almost perfect. Honestly, if there was a 3.5 I would use that, but unfortunately there's not. What I'm trying to say here is that you never know what sensitivity you'll play best on until you try all of them out. You never know, you might be a beast playing on 10, or you might be just as good playing on 1, or even 6. You need to try them all out and see which one you play best on. I know that a majority of people who consider themselves "good players" play from 2-5, but if a different sensitivity suits you better don't be afraid to use it. [aname=Controls].[/aname] Controls - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Once you feel you've got the right sensitivity, you need to find the right control scheme. Here's a great thread showing the pros and cons of each button layout. I personally like playing on Bumper Jumper because it lets you jump without taking your thumb off the right stick, which can make a huge difference in a close fight. Some people like playing on Default because it feels most natural, while some like playing Boxer or Green Thumb because of the options it gives you. Another topic related to your controls is vibration. It helps you know when you're getting shot, but it can hurt your game as well. I like playing with vibration on, because it helps me know when I'm getting shot, and I can generally tell from what direction. Some people prefer to play without it because it helps keep their shot steadier. I've tried it, and it is true, it's a lot easier to no-scope and BRing is easier, but I don't like the fact that it takes away the sense of awareness you get. Just like sensitivity, it comes down to personal preference and what you play better with. [aname=Auto-Aim].[/aname] Auto-Aim - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] There is a small amount auto-aim in Halo, and here's a great thread to explain all of that. As you can see, it changes from Halo 1 to Halo 3. Being able to use auto-aim to your advantage or avoid using it to your disadvantage can be very important while playing Halo. Most people like using it, but some people like taking it off (which I have no idea how to do), but for the most part, it's there to help you. I know this obviously won't really make any tremendous improvements in how to play, but it's definitely interesting to watch at the least, and may teach you something you can use to your advantage sometime in a game. [aname=Playlists].[/aname] Playlists - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Before you start playing, check out the different Matchmaking Playlists, and the chances of getting each gametype here. The first one breaks-down each playlist and shows you the chance of getting each gametype, helping you decide what playlist you think you'd be able to get the highest skill in. The second link shows you what map/gametype combinations are in each playlist, which can also be helpful in deciding which playlist you think you can achieve your highest skill in. [aname=Gameplay].[/aname] Gameplay - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] While this may sound corny or cliche, one of the best ways to get better at Halo is to watch the gameplay of someone better than you. They really don't even have to be "better", just watching different games off people's file share's will always help you learn new things to help you play better. No matter what their rank is, you can always learn something from watching how someone else plays. It might teach you something you can do differently than your normally do it, or it might teach you a certain way NOT to do something. For example, if you watch their game and see they got a killing frenzy with the sniper, notice where they were on the map, what their teammates were doing to help them out, and how they used the cover on the map to their advantage. When they died, try to figure out why. Maybe they were one shot and jumped back out to try and no scope someone when they should have waited for their shields to recharge. While this may seem like common knowledge, a lot of the deaths most people get in a game come from making dumb decisions like that. Here's some links to different resources you can use to watch different gameplays to help you get better. The first is my personal Youtube channel, which I periodically upload my gameplay on. With all of these different sources, you can watch and learn from them. With this gameplay, obviously it's not all from best players in the world and there are mistakes throughout. As you're watching, pay attention to what I did wrong when I died. Should I have jumped back and asked for help from my teammates, or did I just get Out BR'd? [aname=GameplayYoutube].[/aname] Youtube Channels - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] I like using Youtube as a resource because you can subscribe to a specific channel, and whenever they upload a new video you're immediately notified on the Youtube homepage. This is a very efficient way to watch new gameplay, or to watch anything that you enjoy doing on Youtube. YouTube - IVovaK's Channel YouTube - Tw1Zt3DKhAoS's Channel YouTube - JhayRC's Channel YouTube - H3AsiiM's Channel [aname=GameplayMLGVoD].[/aname] MLG Tournament Gameplay (VoD) - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Video onDemand Archives | Major League Gaming This is another one of the best resources to use for getting better at Halo, because you're watching the best of the best. The only downside to this is you only see how they play MLG Gametypes on MLG maps, but it is still a great way to get better at Halo in general. I recommend watching the most recent tournaments to get the most up-to-date gameplay, however it never hurts to go back and watch VoD from older tournaments as well. [aname=GameplayFileshares].[/aname] Pro Player Fileshares - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] This is not the most consistent way to watch new gameplays, but if you check at the right time you can downlaod their gameplay straight to your Xbox before they even get uploaded on Youtube. Watching gameplay this way may take a little longer to set up, but it allows you to press Y in theater to position the camera however you like and will help you get a better understanding on the decisions the player whose gameplay you're watching is making. [aname=Weapons].[/aname] Weapons - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] With all weapons, you need to remember that you may have to lead your shot depending on how far away they are. Whether you're BRing someone on the Pit from opposite snipe towers or rocketing someone in rocket race, you wilil need to lead your shot, even on host. You also need to remember to RELOAD when you're not shooting anyone, or don't see anyone on the radar. I hate watching peoples gameplay where they shoot two snipe bullets and don't see anyone for a full minute, but never reload during that time. Why didn't they reload? It takes a second to do, and gives you a better chance to get the kill because you have 4 shots instead of 2. [aname=Brute Weapon Beatdowns].[/aname] Brute Weapon Beatdowns - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Something to keep in mind when using Brute Weapons (Brute Shot, Gravity Hammer, Mauler, Spiker) is that its beatdown is slightly more powerful than every other weapon. Not by much, but enough to potentially get you an extra kill or two throughout your Halo career. Quoted directly from Bungie: Source: Bungie.net : Inside Bungie : News This is basically saying that if you have the chance, beat someone down with a Brute Weapon instead of something else, because it will do more damage. I haven't tested this in very many scenarios, but I'm assuming it could save your life every once and awhile. [aname=Dual-Wielding Weapons].[/aname] Dual-Wielding Weapons - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] When dualing weapons, you want to think about what weapon you're dualing with and where you are on the map. If you're dualing a magnum and mauler in one of the bases on snowbound, you probably want the mauler to be your primary, not the pistol. This way, when you beatdown, you have the mauler still for close range-combat incase either 1)The person you were shooting at didn't die yet and needs one more mauler shot to kill them, or 2)There are gonna be more people coming through the door that want to get destroyed by your mauler. If you're playing on The Pit with a mauler and magnum and you're running around out by where the needler spawns, it's very open, and you probably want your pistol to be your primary and the mauler as your secondary. This way, if you beat down and loose the mauler, you still have your pistol for defending yourself from further away, because obviously a mauler won't do you much good if you're trying to weaken someone picking up the rockets from so far away. [aname=Reloading].[/aname] Reloading - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] I've seen plenty of people die because they kill someone with their AR, and don't reload, leaving 2 AR bullets left in the clip. They'll walk around the map for a bit, maybe pick up or throw some grenades, and then start shooting someone from behind who doesn't see them. They would obviously get this kill if they had reloaded, but since they didn't reload in their 30 seconds of wandering, they only have 2 bullets and automatically reload after they take 2 shots. This causes them to die because they're reloading and can't defend themself. Something to remember when you're playing is that you can press Y while you're reloading to switch weapons, you don't have to wait for it to reload. Sometimes if I'm reloading snipe and I see someone, I'll just Y out of the reload and start BRing them, then reload both when I'm done. Another thing you need to remember is how many shots each weapon has. Don't expect to get four shots out of the rockets without reloading, as there's only two in a clip. With the BR, you need to realize you don't get 50 shots to hit someone, so you need to time your reloads and shots carefully. With the standard Sniper, there's only 4 shots in a clip. With the Covenant sniper you have 10 shots, but can't shoot it too fast or else it will freeze up. These are all examples of different things you should keep in mind while you're playing. [aname=Assault Rifle].[/aname] Assault Rifle - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] A common misunderstanding with the AR is that it sucks. It's not a bad gun, its just not very efficient from long range. Up close, the AR is nasty and sometimes I prefer to use it over the BR, especially if the person I'm shooting at doesn't see me. Most people consider it a "pray and spray" type of gun, but that's not always the ideal way to shoot it. If the reticule is red on the person that you're shooting at, you want to hold down the trigger. If it's not and is still the blueish/green color, than you want to hold it down for a second, let off the trigger for a mili second than keep spraying. This stops the spread for widening too much, and makes the bullets more concentrated. It's kind of hard to explain and doesn't really make sense, but try testing it in a custom game with a friend some time. In most close-range AR battles, you get the same thing every time. Two players charge eachother ARs a-blazin, and they both beat each other down. Sometimes, just one person dies, and sometimes they both die. This is fine to do sometimes, especially when you think you won't be able to get the kill unless you run towards them and beat them down to trade kills. Most of the time when I start getting AR'd, I don't run towards the person shooting me. I start backing up, and sometimes strafing side to side like I do when I BR. Generally, the person won't have expected me to move away from them and they'll beat down when they're not anywhere near me because they expected me to charge them, which pretty much gives you a free kill. They might run out of ammo because you're too far away to kill, and they'll try and throw grenades, which now all you have to is avoid the grenades and continue ARing them for the kill. This doesn't happen every time, but as you get used to backing away from people ARing you, you slowly get better at jumping up and down and making yourself harder to hit and knowing if you should beat down because they're close enough, or if you should just keep backing away and shooting. [aname=Battle Rifle].[/aname] Battle Rifle - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] The BR is the starting weapon in MLG, and in my opinion, the most well-rounded starting weapon in the game. It's decent at long-range, dominant at medium range, and fairly useful at short-range. Unlike the AR or Pistol you can also spawn with, the BR gives you the best chance at defending yourself from any distance when you spawn, which is why I prefer playing with BR starts. A common misunderstanding with the BR, is that every shot needs to be a headshot in order for it to do full damage. This is false. As long as there is absolutely no lag, or you're playing on LAN (generally not the case) it takes 3 shots ANYWHERE on the body with all the bullets hitting to take down someone's shields, and then one bullet in the head to kill them. The whole burst doesn't have to hit them, just one bullet from the burst needs to hit them in the head. With this said, you don't need to be running around the map lining up a perfect headshot with every shot. If you see someone, just hit them. It doesn't matter where. As long as they're not one shot, just shooting someone will make it easier for someone else on your team to get the kill. I usually shoot for the neck three times, and then move up just a bit and shoot the head twice. I generally anticipate shooting at least 5 times because even pros, on LAN, can't get a perfect 4 shot every time. You need to accept the fact the Xbox Live isn't perfect, and they're not always gonna die when you want them to (or when they're supposed too). It will make you a better player and get you a lot better. In normal matchmaking, it takes 3 BR shots then a beatdown to kill someone. In MLG, this is different and it takes only 2 shots then a beatdown. In MLG, the BR is a lot stronger and movement is a lot faster, and seeing as this is the standard MLG weapon, it's important that you get used to the speed of the gametype you're playing and adjust the way you play accordingly. A whole new dimension to BRing is your strafe. While being able to hit enemies is great, being able to dodge and juke them is even more useful. If you don't really know what strafing is, or want to learn some advanced strafing techniques, check out this thread as it has a lot of great information. [aname=Beam Rifle].[/aname] Beam Rifle - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Before the Snipers Playlist came out, I honestly hated the Beam Rifle. I didn't see the point to making a different sniper, and I never really used it. After playing the playlist a lot though, I realized that it's extremely powerful due to the fact that you don't have to reload. What other power weapon is like this? The Sentinel Beam? The Laser maybe, but the charge time can be considered a "reload". The Beam Rifle is only on Snowbound and in the sniper playlist. The most effective places to take the sniper on Snowbound is to take it on top of one of the bases or over by the rocks where the ghost spawns. I like to at least pick it up in the Snipers playlist, because it lets you Y Y to get out of scope, and you can use it for quicker no scopes if you need to. It also has unlimited ammo and no reloads (in the playlist), so it's easy for getting multi-kills with. Some things to remember when using this is that you never have to reload, but you need to make sure you don't shoot too fast. Shooting too fast will cause it to overheat, and you won't be able to use it for a few seconds. While sometimes this might be necessary, I generally try avoiding it. You can still switch to your secondary weapon when it overheats though, so whenever it does overheat I switch it out because even if all you have is a plasma pistol, it's still more effective. If you have a BR or Carbine as your secondary, you can quickly go for two body shots and then switch to your other gun. Even if you hit both shots, they're dead and you have something else out. If you would have only hit one of the shots, the other guy is one shot and you have an easy cleanup kill. Even if all you have is an SMG or Mauler, it's better to have anything other than a jammed sniper. If you hit one shot and miss one, then they're one shot and you have a fairly easy SMG kill. If you miss both shots, then at least you have your other weapon out and can continue shooting them. [aname=Brute Shot].[/aname] Brute Shot - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] The Brute Shot is a brute weapon, so check out the section on [jumpto=Brute Weapon Beatdowns]Brute Weapon Beatdowns[/jumpto]. The brute shot is like a mini rocket launcher. Instead of having two shots, it has six. With the Brute Shot it will rarely take 3 direct hits on someones head to kill them, however it generally takes 4. These 4 shots don't have to hit them, because the damage is all splash damage. generally just drill the whole clip into people, not worrying about how many shots I'm taking. I like using the brute shot like a shotgun or mauler. I actually prefer the Brute Shot due to the fact you can use it from long range, and it's actually very effective against someone with a sword. Shooting someone with a Brute Shot will generally either push them back or reduce their lunge, so it is the ideal weapon to use against someone camping with a Sword, or just camping in general. Because of it's splash damage, you can shoot the ground around walls to make them move, showing you exactly where they are on radar. Once they show up on radar, you can nade them and continue Brute shotting for the kill. As I mentioned above, the Brute Shot has a lot of "stopping power", and is very useful for taking out vehicles. Whether it's a Ghost or Warthog, a full clip of dead-on shots will destroy a vehicle. If a moving vehicle is hit dead-on by a Brute Shot, it usually slows down a bit or is flipped over. At that point you can either try to stick it, or just continue shooting. In close-range fights with the brute shot, you can easily kill someone with one shot then a beatdown. Even though this hurts you, if you have full shields you should survive anything they could do to you as long as they don't have a shotgun, mauler, etc. Theoretically, this should be the case, however I've noticed a lot of times where I've been killed by someone when I had full shields, shot them up close once, we simultaneously beat down, and we both died. This might be because they have host, or it could be due to lag. I'm not really sure, but it doesn't happen too often, so it's not something I worry about. [aname=Carbine].[/aname] Carbine - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] The Carbine is very similar to the BR. The idea of leading your shots slightly, and going for body shots while they have shields, and shooting them in the head when they have none, is the same. In the hands of someone who is good with it, the Carbine is actually better than the BR. It takes more shots to kill someone, but it also shoots twice as fast. The BR takes 4 perfect shots to kill, and the Carbine takes 7. Since the Carbine shoots twice as fast, it has the potential to be the better weapon. Many people don't know this, because for some reason you can't have it as a starting weapon, and they simply don't use it. I think the Carbine is an underrated weapon. If you think about it, if you can master the Carbine you will be able to beat anyone in a 1v1 BR/Carbine fight. Personally, I'm disappointed that you can't choose the Carbine as a starting weapon, because it's a lot better than people give it credit for, and is one of the more skillful, dominant weapons in the game. [aname=Gravity Hammer].[/aname] Gravity Hammer - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] The Gravity Hammer a brute weapon, so check out the section on [jumpto=Brute Weapon Beatdowns]Brute Weapon Beatdowns[/jumpto]. The Gravity Hammer can be very useful on unenclosed maps such as Guardian, where you can knock people off the edge. On Epitaph, the Hammer is very effective along the outsides of the map. The reticule doesn't need to be red to knock a person off, if you're pretty close to someone near an edge, just swing at them and it should be enough the push them off, especially if they're jumping. With the Hammer, you can damage people through walls. Next time you pick up the Hammer on Guardian and are staring at someone with a Shotgun on the other side of the glass, pick up the Gravity Hammer and swing. It might not kill them, but it will hurt them enough for them to do something stupid, like try and charge you with their shotty, or just run away into your teammate for an easy kill. Another useful trick with the Gravity Hammer is using it to jump up into hiding spots. Although not always the fairest way to play, it's still a useful tool to use. Look at the ground and have your back facing the higher ledge you want to get up to, and jump and swing right as you jump, and it should give you an extra boost. It's hard to find the exact distance you need to be away from a wall to do this, and it varies with the height the ledge is, but once you figure it out it's easy to do consistently. This is very effective, combined or used in place of, the Brute Shot on Epitaph, to get onto the high ledges of the map, both on the inside and outside. [aname=Magnum].[/aname] Magnum - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] I generally use this until I get a BR for medium range stuff in Team Slayer, but never really use it otherwise. The AR is more consistent up close, and the Magnum is too inconsistent long range to expect to do any damage. On a good host, it takes 5 shots to kill, but I usually expect to take about 6-7 due to the fact that Xbox Live is never reliable. The AR is usually better in Team Slayer games, but the Magnum can be useful when dualed with a Plasma Rifle, or even a Mauler. Since the Magnum only takes 5 shots to kill, you might think "Oh, if I dual-wield it with another magnum I can kill someone in 3 shots!". I'm not sure why, but Bungie decided that when dual-wielding Magnums, the damage decreases and it takes 7 shots to kill someone instead of 5. I'd advise against dueling Magnums, because it doesn't give you much of an advantage over one magnum, and also prevents you from throwing grenades. [aname=Mauler].[/aname] Mauler - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] The Mauler is a brute weapon, so check out the section on [jumpto=Brute Weapon Beatdowns]Brute Weapon Beatdowns[/jumpto]. The Mauler is very similar to the Shotgun, yet not as powerful. Dual-wielding maulers can be more powerful than a shotgun, but not always practical because you can't throw grenades as easily. Whenever I have a mauler and I find another one, to get more ammo, I quickly dual-wield the maulers, than drop the second one right away. This gets you 5 extra shots. It might not seem like much, but it can never hurt. When dual-wielding with a mauler, I like to use a Plasma Rifle or SMG. Especially on host, it can be as deadly as a Shotgun. Put a quick round of Plasma Rifle/SMG into someone before you shoot/beatdown with the Mauler and it is just as good as a Shotgun. Sometimes you find yourself in a position where you're too far away to lunge after you shoot them once. In that case, take a quick shot with the mauler and switch to your other weapon. It takes a chunk out of their shields, and usually catches people off-guard because you aren't trying to continuously mauler them. [aname=Needler].[/aname] Needler - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] When using the Needler, you need to remember that it has a lot of auto-aim built into it. Although it is a little random at times, the Needler can be a very good weapon. When needling someone, you want to lead your shots just a bit head of where they're going. If they're running in a straight line, it's pretty simple, but if they're strafing as they BR you it's pretty hard to hit them, and you have to aim a fairly far distance away in order for it to lock on to them. Keep in mind that it never hurts to beat down someone while you're needling them up close, you might have them weak enough to kill them with a beatdown. Another trick with the Needler, related to strafing, is that the Needler works a lot better when you're strafing in the same direction as the person your shooting at. If they're strafing to the left, you want to strafe to the left while you shoot. If they're just running in a straight line to the right, move to the right while you shoot. It helps the auto-aim built into the Needler, and improves the chances of your needles connecting. [aname=Plasma Rifle].[/aname] Plasma Rifle - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] This is honestly my favorite dualable gun. It drains shields so fast, and combined with an SMG or Spiker it becomes even more deadly. As I said above, this gun should only be used for draining someones shields. It's almost useless against someone with no shields, and takes almost twice as long to kill someone who has no shields than it does to completely drain the shields of someone who has full shields. One thing I like to do with the Plasma Rifle is to use it somewhat like a Mauler or Shotgun. When someones close to me, instead of using the AR or BR, I'll shoot really quick with the Plasma Rifle and beat down. This works even faster when you're dual wielding Plasma Rifles, but still works fine with just one. If you need to help out your teammate and all you have around you is a Plasma Rifle, don't be afraid to pick it up and shoot. It drains shields faster than the BR or AR you probably had, and your teammate will thank you for it when he lives and keeps his Sniper. [aname=Shotgun].[/aname] Shotgun - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] The shotgun is the most dominant close-quarter weapon in the game. A smart player can control a game with the shotgun, and a lousy player can give it away. When using the shotgun, don't be afraid to melee. I melee after every close-up Shotgun shot, even if I'm 100% sure the shot alone will kill them. This is a good habit to get into to make sure you get the kill. The Shotgun can be very powerful combined with grenades. Sometimes you don't need to beat down after the first shot if you throw a grenade and get them weak. Just because you have a Shotgun though, doesn't mean you have to keep it out all the time. When you're in open areas of the map, have a different medium to long ranged weapon out. This allows you to defend your self with more ease than a Shotgun would, and prevents you from giving the Shotgun to the other team. When you're camping with the Shotgun, make sure you're not too close to the corner. You want to be close, but not so close that you might miss them if they jump up in the air to try and assassinate you, but not too far away that you won't be able to get the lunge from your beat down. [aname=SMG].[/aname] SMG - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] The SMG is basically an AR with more ammo. It's more badass to have in your hand, can generally beat an AR 1v1, and is dualable. You can dual it with a plasma rifle, a Spiker, a magnum, a plasma pistol, or even another SMG if you want. Some tricks with the SMG, is to throw nades BEFORE you start shooting at somebody, and then use the SMG to clean up the kill. Try and bounce the grenade off a wall or the floor, and have it bounce right into them. This makes them extremely week and easy to kill, because the SMG is more efficient at killing someone without shields than it is draining shields. When using an SMG, you also need to remember that you have about twice as much ammo as an AR. With this being said, you can take down someone with a lot less effort because you don't really have to worry about running out of ammo as early as you do if you're using an AR. Also, if you're SMGing someone who is ARing you, don't be afraid to keep your distance. It will make their bullets do less damage, and they'll eventually run out and start reloading, while you kill them with your SMG. [aname=Sniper Rifle].[/aname] Sniper Rifle - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] I used to be terrible at sniping. I really can't even describe how bad I was when the game came out. I just practiced a lot and ended up getting a lot better. It's really about muscle memory, and getting used to how fast you move while scoped in, and knowing when to pull the trigger. Never be ashamed to get body shots. Headshots really only matter if you're going for montage clips, and even then they're not that important as long as you're racking up huge multi-kills. If I'm in a BR battle with someone, I'd rather the person on my team with snipe just shoot them in the chest and guarantee the kill then have them try go for the headshot and miss, causing me to die and potentially cause us to loose. When you're sniping, don't be afraid to waste ammo. It's better to take 4 shots and miss all of them and die than to die trying to line up the perfect shot. If someone on the other team kills you and you took 4 shots trying to get the kill, not only will the player on the other team have less ammo when he picks it up, but he'll most likely be reloading it the instant he picks it up and be an easy target for someone on your team to get it right back. Another trick with the Sniper is to jump off the map with it if you know you're going to die. In the game I got my first 50, we were only up by a few kill on Guardian, but their team had control of the Snipe Tower. I knew if they got it, they'd have a good chance to come back. I crouched down through the bottom of the map, picked up the Sniper, and tried to no scope some of them as I jumped off the map. Obviously, the no scopes failed, but they ended up only getting one kill because of the sniper, and then it was gone. I wouldn't suggest doing this all the time, but there are some times where it's necessary. If you know you're gonna die, and no one is around you to pick up the sniper and you know the other team will get it, just jump off the map. If you were going to die anyways, you know you made the smart decision because you prevented the other team from getting kills. [aname=Spartan Laser].[/aname] Spartan Laser - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] The laser can be compared to both of the snipers. Not only is it good for "sniping", but it's also the most efficient way to take out a vehicle from long range. One of the main disadvantages of the laser is the charge time, but a smart player can overcome this by choosing the right times to charge it. When I have the spartan laser, I'm always charging it, unless I have camo. If I'm not gonna be able to kill anyone with it, I let go and let it die. If I see someone, I go for the shot. A good tactic with the laser is to charge it behind a wall, and then jump out and shoot them. This gives them little to no chance to defend them self, and there's no giant red beam to give away your position. Just make sure you don't wait too long to jump out, you don't want to kill yourself. I've done it plenty of times, and it's embarrassing. Along the lines of giving away your position, once you start charging the Spartan Laser you show up on radar. It doesn't matter if you're crouching or not, the enemy will be able to see you. So even if they can't see the laser, or even hear it charging up, they will see you on radar. Unless you don't mind trying to no scope with it while you're getting shot, you should make sure you're far enough away from your target that you don't show up on his radar. [aname=Spiker].[/aname] Spiker - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] The Spiker is a brute weapon, so check out the section on [jumpto=Brute Weapon Beatdowns]Brute Weapon Beatdowns[/jumpto]. The Spiker is very similar to the SMG, however there are a few differences. When using the Spiker, you notice that you need to lead your shots. The little "spikes" often times trail off into nowhere and don't really hit your target. You need to practice aiming just ahead, and moving around accordingly so your shots hit. Like other dualable weapons, the Spiker is deadly with the Plasma Rifle. Due to the fact you have to lead your shots with the Spiker, it almost makes the Plasma Rifle worthless to use with it, so dualing two Spikers is the best way to go if you feel like having two weapons. [aname=Equipment].[/aname] Equipment - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Learning when to use your equipment can be just as useful as aiming it. When you're throwing grenades, keep in mind that they come out of the top left corner of your crosshair, so if you're trying to line up a stick, don't aim directly on the target, aim slightly to the right, lining up the left of your crosshair. [aname=Bubble Shield].[/aname] Bubble Shield - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] When you have a Bubble Shield, be sure you use it in the place and time that benefits your team the most. Unless you're getting shot with a sniper, don't throw your bubble down until your shields are low. It starts working instantly as you throw it down, even if it's not expanded yet. Remember this while using it. The ideal place to use a Bubble Shield would be in a spot where you can not only use the bubble as cover, but also the walls around the bubble. If you're playing on Guardian, a terrible spot to throw down the bubble would be top mid. Once it dies, you're screwed and you have no easy escape route, and you'll probably have to leave it early in an effort to stay alive. It might be necessary if you're one shot and the only way you will live is if you throw down the bubble, but if you're just running through the top of the map and decide to throw it down, it's a waste of cover. A better spot to use it would be at S2 by the Overshield. You can use both the bubble and walls as cover, and once the bubble dies you still have an escape route using the walls and different levels at the Snipe Tower. An advanced tactic you can try with the bubble shield is leaving it just enough to throw a grenade or shoot, and then dropping back into it. This will let you be invulnerable while in the bubble, and only able to be shot while you're outside the bubble. Be careful with throwing nades, because one bad nade will destroy the bubble and potentally kill you. [aname=Power Drain].[/aname] Power Drain - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] I like to think of the Power Drain as an extremely powerful grenade. You don't even have to get a good throw to weaken someone, and you can occasionally use it to jump off to get to high spots on the map. When throwing a Power Drain, especially over long distances, you have to aim higher than you would with a grenade. Power Drains fall quickly, so practicing throwing them in a custom for a few minutes is very beneficial. When using the Power Drain/nade combo up lifts, like on Construct, you want to throw the frag first and then throw the Power Drain. This way they both get to the top at the same time and explode, killing anyone camping up top. It doesn't always get you a kill, but it can be useful for clearing out the top of lifts. [aname=Regen].[/aname] Regen - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] When using a Regen, it's smart to use it as close to your teammates as possible. If you are weak and know you will die if you don't use it, don't be afraid to throw it down. If you can help it though, use it as close to your teammates as possible so they can benefit from it as well. When using a regen, it's smart to use it at a higher elevation than your opponent. This makes it harder for them to bounce a nade on you, one of the only ways to kill someone in a regen. [aname=Lone Wolves].[/aname] Lone Wolves - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] When playing Lone Wolves, the key is to not get angry. This can't be stressed enough. They key to doing well in Lone Wolves is staying calm and not getting angry when people steal your kills, as this will be happening all game, not only to you, but to everyone. Once you learn to control your emotions you'll become a lot better, and you'll play more consistently. Since you can't talk to people in Lone Wolves, a great way to "talk" to people is to t-bag them. This might seem stupid, but this applies to the mental game. If you t-bag someone, chances are you'll get them so angry that all they want to do is find you and kill you to t-bag you. This will make them play terribly, and make bad decisions in an attempt to kill you. On the other side of this, don't go on bounty missions to t-bag people who kill you and stole your shotgun, just keep playing smart, trying to scrap up kills any way you can. [aname=LW Blackout].[/aname] Blackout - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Blackout]here[/jumpto]. Blackout has two major control points, the Snipe Tower and the BR Tower. My favorite spot to be at S2, the middle level of the Snipe tower, because it gives you the most room to move around while sniping and also gives you plenty of cover to keep yourself alive when you start getting shot at. It's easy to take out people coming up the ramp from S1 with grenades, and with the bubble shield that spawns beside you it gives you an opportunity to escape from someone coming from any direction. [aname=LW Epitaph].[/aname] Epitaph - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] While a lot of people hate this map, it's fairly easy to do well. Remember to keep track of the rockets and shotgun, as well as use the equipment scattered throughout the map. Camping around corners works very well because the map is so enclosed, and is a good way to get a quick, cheap kill. Tbagging also works well on Epitaph because it gets people mad, causing them to rush more than they usually would. If you ever find you don't have any good weapons, don't panic. Wait for two people to start fighting, and throw a grenade towards them and start shooting. This way you will get kills without taking damage, and have a chance to get a free weapn or two. If you ever find yourself face-to-face with someone through the shield doors and think you can suicide stick the guy on the other side, don't do it. Unless you're positive you will kill him and stay alive, it's not worth it. If either of you have a power weapon you will just be giving it to someone else, and you'll be making it harder on yourself to eventually get it back. You can throw grenades under the shield doors, but it is hard and you should definitely practice it in a custom game first before you try it in Matchmaking. YouTube - Lone Wolves Slayer BRs Epitaph Gameplay I played a game of Lone Wolves when I got back from the dentist, while I was still high on laughing gas and went +21. There's a lot of random t-bagging because I don't really know what I'm doing, but it's still some good gameplay that might teach you a few things. [aname=LW Foundry].[/aname] Foundry - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Foundry]here[/jumpto]. There are 4 major spawning areas in Foundry, each of the 4 corners of the map. It's important to control at least one of them, and use grenades and power weapons to your advantage to catch people off-guard when they spawn. Use the fusion coils to your advantage, and don't forget to use any equipment you pick up. While it's generally not worth it to go out of your way to get a Bubble Shield on Foundry, if you end up with one make sure you use it. The Rockets spawn surprisingly fast on Foundry, I think it is every two minutes. Make sure you are ALWAYS checking those, as they could spawn anytime and end up saving your life. YouTube - Lone Wolves Slayer BRs Foundry Gameplay #1 3 killing sprees on Foundry, showing good spots to sit/camp at for kills. Got my 46 in LW this game YouTube - Lone Wolves Slayer BRs Foundry Gameplay #2 Some more Lone Wolves gameplay. Not anything too amazing, just some gameplay that might help you improve. [aname=LW Guardian].[/aname] Guardian - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Guardian]here[/jumpto]. The main spawning areas on Guardian are Bottom Blue and Green. With this said, it is best NOT to try and control those areas, because if you aren't there, there is a better chance that's where everyone will spawn, making it easier for you to kill them because you know that's where they will be. Two spots I find the best to control on Guardian are Snipe Tower, because you can see the entire map, and Top Gold, because it has the most entryways and most access to spawn points. It is also very close to the Shotgun and Camo, which are both essential to have to win in Lone Wolves. When you are at Snipe Tower, you need to make sure you are always checking anyone coming from Bottom Blue towards the lift, and also anyone who is spawning at Green. If they spawn at Green and start coming up Elbow, or even if they spawn Bottom Blue and come towards snipe lift, you have a height advantage over them and immediately have the upper hand. Whenever OV spawns, DO NOT pick it up until someone appears on your radar. This way it gives you a short invulnerability, and a free kill. When you're at Top Gold, you want to be couching against one of the walls. This way people coming towards you won't know where you are, and you will have a better chance at getting the first shot on them and killing them. Keep in mind that the most common place for people to be coming from are Bottom Blue and lifting over from Green. [aname=MLG].[/aname] MLG - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] MLG is the most intense playlist, and unquestionably the hardest one to get a 50 in. Many people love playing MLG because it gives them the opportunity to play against pro players, and also challenges them in ways that Team Doubles or Team Slayer can't. MLG takes extensive teamwork to excel in, as well as raw skill. [aname=Amplified].[/aname] Amplified - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] On Amplified, all you have to remember is to never stay in the same spot for too long, and stay near your teammates. You don't want to all be too close to eachother, but being too far away will cause weird spawns and prevent you from being able to help eachother. I like staying down low on this map, but it depends who I'm playing with. If I feel confident my teammates will help me finish people, I move around the bottom of the map because there are a lot of different ways you can go to sneak away from people. Staying up top works as well, but I always find that it's harder to find cover when I'm up high. YouTube - MLG Team Slayer Amplified Gameplay :: 18-7, +11 This is a game of Amplified where I went over +10 and carried my team. As you watch, notice how when I'm doing well it's because I am moving around the map, and when I die it's because I stayed in the same spot too long and wasn't able to keep myself alive. I stay near the bottom of the map for most of the game like I said before, and it works well. [aname=MLG Narrows].[/aname] Narrows - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] To start off on Narrows, you need to gain control of the top of the map. You can do this by either lifting to the other teams side and try to shoot them through the air and get in behind them, or you can go up through top mid and get control that way. What I like to do to start off the game is lift over to grab the other teams sniper. Usually, they don't expect it, and if they do it's not too hard to either lift back over or just go further into their base. By going further into their base, it causes the other team to get distracted by you and forget about maintaining top control. This will allow your team to push towards top mid and gain control of the map. You might die, but your team will gain control of the map and that's what key. Whenever you die on Narrows, the most important thing to do is get to a spot where you can either help your team maintain control of the top of the map, or you need to organize a push towards together to get the other team out of your base. It doesn't matter whether your playing Slayer or CTF, having the other team in your base is a bad thing and you always want to keep them out. It's important not to get too distracted by one guy in your base though, if your whole team focuses on him then it gives his 3 teammates the opportunity to gain control of the top of the map, which is the main priority on Narrows. YouTube - MLG Team Slayer Narrows Gameplay :: 20-3, +17 Other than the first death I get where I stand in the open letting the guy lifting over kill me, I make good decisions throughout the game and go 20-3. There are a few things you might be able to pick up from this video, so feel free to watch it. YouTube - MLG CTF Narrows Gameplay :: 22-4, +18 A game of CTF on Narrows where I went over +18 and got a Running Riot to end the game. As you watch, notice how once I get up top with the sniper we immediately start capping the flag. That is key in Narrows, if you can control the top of the map with a sniper and put shots on the other team it's an easy win. YouTube - MLG CTF Narrows Gameplay Part 1 YouTube - MLG CTF Narrows Gameplay Part 2 Another game of CTF on Narrows. Watch the decisions I make; notice what I did wrong when I die, and what I did right when we get flag caps. [aname=Swat].[/aname] Swat - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Coming soon. [aname=Construct].[/aname] Construct - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Coming soon. [aname=Narrows].[/aname] Narrows - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Coming soon. [aname=Team Slayer].[/aname] Team Slayer - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] The goal to Team Slayer is to outslay your opponents. Work with your team. It doesn't matter if someone steals your kill, it's about your team having more kills than the other team. Put shots into everyone you see, you never know if it could help out your team in some way. If have a BR and see someone across the map, shoot at them. Even if you don't kill them, it will improve the chances that someone else on your team will. Never be afraid to talk to your team and call things out to let everyone know what's going on. If someone on the other team has rockets in Sword Room on The Pit, and your team knows that, than either no one will go in there, or everyone will work together to kill the rocket guy and get the rockets. If you don't say anything, your teammates will see you died there and rush in to help, not knowing that there's someone camping with rockets. Teamwork is key in Team Slayer, hence the name. [aname=Blackout].[/aname] Blackout - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Shotgun - 180 Sniper - 180 Sword - 150 3x Magnums - 30 2x Battle Rifle - 30 2x Plasma Rifles - 30 2x Spiker - 30 Plasma Pistol - 30 SMG - 30 Bubble Shield - 120 Power Drain - 120 Regen - 120 8x Sticky - 10 6x Frag - 10 14x Fusion Coils - 120 There are two place you want to set up on Blackout, either Snipe Tower or BR Tower. The ideal setup for holding down snipe would be one at S1, one at S2, one at S3, and one at Lift. Over on the other side of the map, holding down the BR Tower should be done with two at BR 3, one at BR 2, and the last anywhere around Library or BR 1/2. These two setups have everyone on your team spread out evenly around the map, while still being able to influence the other teams spawns. If you first spawn at red lift, you want one guy to grab the Power Drain/Shotty and check to see if anyone went for sword. You want another guy to go up the lift, explode the fusion coils with a grenade, and then pick up the BR and put shots on the other team. You want two people going towards Snipe Tower, one picks up the Sniper at S3 while the other one sits on S2 and waits to see what goes down. If you spawn in Library/Sword, you want someone to drop down and grab sword, and camp with it where ever your team decides to set up. You want another guy to grab the Regen and BR, and the other two to go towards Snipe Tower to get the Sniper. If the other team's gonna get it before you, don't be afraid to shoot the fusion coils. It might launch the Sniper off the map, so that no one can have it, or it might launch it towards the middle of the map, closer to you. Not showing up on radar is very crucial on Blackout. Crouching around can be very useful, due to the fact that since the map isn't open and there's strict paths you have to travel down, if someone sees you on radar they can generally tell exactly where you are. On the opposite side of that point, you need to always watch your radar. People like to crouch around corners on this map, so just because a dot goes away for a few seconds, that doesn't mean the person died or left. Chances are, they're camping with a Shotty or SWord waiting for you to go around the corner. Tell one of your teammates about it, or throw some grenades and take it into your own hands. [aname=Boundless].[/aname] Boundless - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] 2x OV - 180 - 8:50, 5:48, 2:46 2x Sniper - 180 Shotgun - 150 Brute Shot - 120 2x Mauler - 90 4x Carbine - 30 2x Battle Rifle - 30 2x Plasma Rifles - 30 2x Spiker - 30 3x Plasma Rifle - 10 3x Spiker - 10 Bubble Shield - 90 4x Frag - 10 4x Sticky - 10 4x Power Core - 180 On Snowbound, camping in the bases was very effective. There were shield doors everywhere protecting you from grenades, and plenty of close-combat weapons to help keep the tent pitched. With the removal of the majority of the shield doors on Boundless, camping in the base isn't as effective, because it's so easy to throw grenades in for easy kills. The most efficient setup I've found is to have two people by the rocks by the Mongoose spawn, and two people on top of one of the bases. Not one on each base, but two on the same base. Since there isn't a set side of the map that each team spawns on, controlling one side is key to forcing the other team to continuously spawn across the map, forcing them to come to you. At the start of the game, have one guy grab sniper and get to the top of the base. You don't literally have to be on the top, but to the side or somewhat behind it works. I've played agaisnt some people who grab the Sniper and take it down low into one of the tunnels to watch Shotty, but unless you get a headshot, it's really easy for the person you shot to just run back down the tunnel. If you're up top, you can see the whole map and help your team get the power weapons, so it's always a better spot to be in. Alongside with grabbing snipe, have one guy go to get OV, one guy go to the top of the base with the sniper to clean up kills, and another guy go down low to get shotty. When the game starts out, I'm usually the guy who goes to the top of the base to clean up kills, and I always start out by trying to stick the OV guy. I go to the top of the base and chuck two stickies towards the path the OV guy will run in. I've never gotten it before, but once I bounced a sticky off the OV and it stuck the guy, but he picked it up so it gave him the invulnerability and it didn't kill him. Even the people grabbing the OV don't die from the sticky nades, they might get damaged and the people who didn't grab the OV will hang back with their low shields. [aname=Construct].[/aname] Construct - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Sniper - 180 Sword - 180 Flamethrower - 120 Laser - 120 Missile Pod - 120 6x Battle Rifle - 30 4x Spiker - 30 2x Assault Rifle - 30 2x Brute Shot - 30 2x Mauler - 30 2x Plasma Pistol - 30 Battle Rifle - 10 2x Power Drain - 60 Bubble Shield - 60 10x Frag - 10 4x Sticky - 10 6x Power Core - 60 The key to winning on Construct is controlling the Purple Lifts and the Sword Room.The setup I usually go for is having a guy in each purple room, and then two in the Lobby. The two lobby guys can help people in either Purple, or double team anyone coming up one of the sword legs. At the start of the game, if you spawn underneath sword have everyone go up the closest lift. This way you get everyone up top and have map control immediately. If you spawn down by Gold Lift, have everyone on the team nade the power cores across the map for a lucky kill. Have 2 people go up Gold, and have the other gwo go down low to get the maulers. Once they have the maulrs, have the two guys who went up Gold go towards one of the purple lifts together. Once they start getting shot at, the two mauler guys should go up the lift at the same time to kill the people up there. Once they're dead, you're up two guys and should have no problem double teaming the other two to get control of the lifts. A common mistake I see a lot of peple make on Construct is to immediately go up a lift when they spawn. This might be safe sometimes, but most of the time if you're spawning down low, the other team is up high. The best way to get control of the top part of the map is to coordinate going up the lifts with your team, or walk up the sword legs or the ramp. A lot of people forget about the Laser on this map, but it's pretty much always there, no one really picks it up. Don't be afraid to use it, it's a good way to kill people camping the lifts from far away. [aname=Foundry].[/aname] Foundry - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Shotgun - 120 Rockets - 90 2x Sniper - 90 4x Battle Rifle - 30 2x Brute Shot - 30 2x Plasma Rifle - 30 2x Spiker - 30 Plasma Pistol - 30 4x Battle Rifle - 10 2x Spiker - 10 2x Bubble Shield - 60 Grav Lift - 60 Power Drain - 60 8x Frag - 10 4x Sticky - 10 6x Fusion Coils - 30 6x Cones - 30 3x Wire Spool - 30 1x Forklift - 30 1x Truck - 30 Foundry is one of my favorite maps to play in Matchmaking. Sure, it might look boring, but from layout of the map to the way the spawns work, it's one of my favorite maps. Working with your team, it's fairly easy to get control of the back of the map and force the other team to consistently spawn by no power weapons. The ideal setup on Foundry is to have your whole team spread evenly thoughout the back half of the map where the Snipers and Rockets spawn, giving your team the best chance at securing them when they spawn, and using them to spawn kill the other team. A good way to start out on Foundry is to have at least two people go along the wall to the Sniper. One should grab the Sniper, and one should get the Rockets. One person should go to Power Drain, to at least see where the other team is on radar. If there's a lot there, the power drain guy should back up and tell his team so they can help him out. If the guy at Power Drain notices someone going along the back wall to get the other teams Sniper, he should throw some nades and shoot at him. Even if he doesn't kill him, he will make him weak enough to help your teammates who went for Sniper/Rockets to kill him. Once you get control of the back, don't have the same person grab both Snipers. If you let two people have one, then there's more people shooting them at a time to help out the team. The two snipers should be on the opposite sides of the rocket spawn from eachother, so each one can watch a side of the map. The snipers shouldn't have Rockets either, if one of them dies then it gives the other team both a Sniper and Rockets. If someone else has the rockets, that's 3 different people using power weapons at the same time. A trick that not a lot of people know about on Foundry is that you can jump on the fusion coils to get on some of the Double Boxes. The only other way to get up there would be to use a Grav Lift, and since there's only one on that map that spawns every 60 seconds, it's a convenient way to get a height advantage over the other team. Another thing that most people don't know about Foundry is that standing up off the floor on one of the Double Boxes will take away a lot of the spawn influencing you have. You still have a little when you're up high, but there are 4 invisible spawning areas in each of the 4 corners of the map, and if you have three people on the floor by one sniper and one person up on a double box by the other one, there's a chance that they might spawn on the floor beside the guy up high. As long as you have at least one person on the floor on the Sniper/Rocket side of the map then it should force them to spawn near the start spawns, but occasionally if you've been repeatedly killing them on the other half of the map, they'll spawn over ther because the game thinks that it's safe. [aname=Ghost Town].[/aname] Ghost Town - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Camo - 180 - 8:50, 5:48, 2:46 OV - 180 - 8:50, 5:48, 2:46 Rockets - 180 Shotgun - 180 Sniper - 120 2x Needler - 90 4x Spiker - 30 2x Brute Shot - 30 Plasma Pistol - 30 Plasma Rifle 6x Battle Rifle - 10 Bubble Shield - 60 Grav Lift - 60 Power Drain - 60 6x Frag - 10 6x Sticky - 10 2x Mongoose - 30 There isn't really a power spot to control on Ghost Town, so the best spot to have your team hang out is in the middle. People can branch off to the sides, but you mainly want to control the Big Hole room, because the Rockets, Camo, and OV area all very easy to get if you're team is controlling it. If your team starts off in the Garage, have one person take the Mongoose and drive to the OV. Even though there will probably be people on the other team over there grabbing the rockets, if you get the OV you can use the invulnerability to kill them. The other people should get up top, and try and control the Hole Room. The earlier you get control of it the better. If you spawn down by the sewers, have one person go to Camo, two people go to Rockets, and one grab snipe. The two people who went towards the rockets should pick them up immediately, and grenade the little tunnel the bridge goes over. If there's someone coming through in a mongoose, youu're gonna have to kill them very quickly with grenades and rockets before they grab the OV. [aname=Guardian].[/aname] Guardian - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Camo - 180 - 8:50, 5:48, 2:46 Sniper - 180 Shotgun - 180 Gravity Hammer - 180 Brute Shot - 120 Plasma Pistol - 90 3x Spiker - 30 2x Magnum - 30 Battle Rifle - 30 Carbine - 30 Assault Rifle - 10 2x Plasma Rifle - 10 SMG - 10 Bubble Shield - 60 4x Frag - 10 4x Sticky - 10 3x Power Core - 180 Since Guardian is an asymetrical map, there are a lot of different ways you can go in the beginning of the game, and I definitely can't go over all of them. First I'll go over the different places I like to go when I spawn on the area between the Jungle and Snipe Tower (Elbow), and then what I like to do when I spawn by shotgun. When you spawn on Elbow, your main priority should be to NOT pick up the OV until you're certain you can get a free kill with it. This might mean waiting for someone to go over lift, come from bottom or top mid, or to sneak up from elbow. While waiting for a good time to use OV, you or someone else on your team should pick up sniper and help out the people on your team going camo. If you're sniping, you should generally stay around snipe tower, preferably near the top where the stickys spawn (Snipe 3). Alternatively to going towards OV, you can go towards Green. You can go bottom mid, get up on the stump, or go off the lift towards camo. Make sure you look over towards the snipe lift to see if the people over there need help. As long as they're waiting for the right time to pick up OV, they should be fine. If you plan on going over lift to get camo, pick up the brute shot to use. It's almost as good as a shotgun, and is useful in trying to get camo. Elbow is my favorite place to spawn on Guardian, it's easy to get the lead in the beginning and really easy to hold down snipe tower as long you don't let the other team get camo. Spawning down by shotgun is hard, and you don't really have as many options as you do spawning at elbow. You can either go camo, bottom mid, go up the ramp towards blue room, or go off the lift towards snipe. Personally, I like going off the lift towards snipe. This forces them to burn OV in the beginning, and makes anyone down there pay attention to you instead of camo, and gives your team a better chance at getting camo. Assuming they pick up OV, you should get the stickys and throw them down hoping to get a lucky kill as you run away. You can go towards camo, but since you can't see anyone coming towards you, you have to be listening for anyone coming off lift. As long as you don't hear anyone, grab it quick, and run back. If anyone saw you, drop down to bottom gold and run towards blue. If they didn't, go towards snipe tower to help out your teammates. During the course of the game, remember to be timing the weapons and power-ups. If you time the OV which respawns every 180 seconds, picking it up right before someone kills you can save your life and get you a free kill or two. Snipe tower is the best spot to hold down, having a guy at S3, one at S2/S1, one on Elbow, and one at Green Stump. This covers the whole map, and with this setup every person is set up to help out everyone else. [aname=High Ground].[/aname] High Ground - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Camo - 180 - 8:50, 5:48, 2:46 OV - 180 - 8:50, 5:48, 2:46 Laser - 120 Sniper - 90 Shotgun - 90 2x Brute Shot - 60 2x Plasma Pistol - 60 4x Mauler - 45 8x Carbine - 30 6x Battle Rifle - 30 6x Spiker - 30 4x SMG - 30 4x Spiker - 10 3x SMG - 10 Power Drain - 120 Bubble Shield - 90 Grav Lift - 90 10x Spikes - 10 8x Frag - 10 8x Fusion Coils - 180 High ground is an asymmetric map, and not balanced very well in my opinion. The main objective on this map is to control the base, and force the other team to spawn down on the beach. If you can do that the whole game, you'll win. It doesn't matter if the other team is better than you, if you control the base and force them to spawn on the beach all game, you will win. The ideal spot to control is the Laser Tower and the Bridge. It doesn't really matter where everyone is, as long as everyone is somewhere near the bridge or the tower, you will be fine. I say this because even when you have control of the base, if someone on your team pushes too far out, the other team will spawn behind you in the base. Everyone should be floating loosely around the base so they can get back to help when this happens. When you first start out the game, if you spawn in the base, congrats. You have the advantage. Have two people get on the Mongoose and drive out to the rockets. Have the passenger jump off and grab the Camo, and the driver drive right into the rockets and pick them up. With the camo guy, team up on the Sniper with your rockets. Have the camo guy pick up the snipe, and get back to the base immediately, while watching over by the Grav Lift area, because there are probably gonna be people over there trying to get up to Laser. The two people who didn't get on the mongoose should get the Laser, Power Drain, Brute Shot, Mauler, and even some spike grenades. There are usually people who go for the Grav Lift, so be very cautious and call them out to your team when you see them so they can help you out. If you spawn on the Beach, have one guy grab the OV and grav lift, and throw nades towards Camo/Rockets in an effort to flip/kill anyone riding over in a mongoose. Have two people get on the Mongoose/Ghost, and one guy grab snipe. The sniper should be looking to put shots on the people who might be riding in on the mongoose, and also sniping the laser guy. The Ghost/Mongoose guys should be concerned with getting the Rockets and Camo. Once everyone has their weapons, the main priority should be getting control of the base. The other team will probably spawn in the base again once you kill them the first time, so be ready for them to spawn in the back of the garage by the ghost or by the missile launcher. [aname=Isolation].[/aname] Isolation - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Rockets - 180 Sniper - 180 4x Brute Shot - 30 4x Mauler - 30 Needler - 30 Shotgun - 30 12x Battle Rifle - 10 4x Spiker - 10 2x Assault Rifle - 10 2x Regen - 60 10x Frags - 10 10x Spikes - 10 Ghost - 180 2x Mongoose - 30 As the game starts, one person should get in the mongoose by your base and ride it down the the rockets. If there's another guy close-by that won't cause him to leave later, he should get on too to help get the rockets. The other two people should grab the Regen and Brute Shot, and move in towards the Sniper and Ghost. Use the Regen to your advantage, and throw it down in a spot where both you and your teammate can use it. If you notice that no one on their team went down low to get the rockets, a good idea would be to run away. You don't want to try and take the other team on 2v4, so hanging back and waiting for your team to get the rockets and the ghost is a good idea. Holding down the top of the map on Isolation is usually the best way to go. you want to have all your team up top so you can double and triple team the other team. The only disadvantage to staying up waaay up top, where the Shotgun spawns, is that you let the other team get all the other power weapons and Regens, so you don't want your whole team there. Above the map, anywhere above the bases works fine, so that you can drop down and quickly grab new Regens when you have to. If you time the rockets, you shouldn't have to worry about the other team getting them, and with a solid team shot you should be able take out anyone who tries to come above ground. [aname=Narrows].[/aname] Narrows - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] 2x OV - 180 - 8:50, 5:48, 2:46 2x Sniper - 150 Rockets - 120 2x Brute Shot - 90 2x Needler - 90 6x Battle Rifle - 30 4x SMG - 30 4x Spiker - 30 2x Plasma Rifle - 30 2x Power Drain - 90 Bubble Shield - 90 10x Frag - 10 10x Sticky - 10 6x Fusion Coils - 150 Gaining control of top mid on Narrows is crucial. Even though the other team doesn't spawn on the same side like they used to, this is still an efficient strategy. By controlling the top of the map, you control the Bubble Shield, the Rockets, and both of the Snipers. At the start of the game, you should have two people on your team go towards the man cannon, and two go top mid. One person should go over the man cannon, and either take their OV or their Sniper, whichever he decides is the best decision. The two who went towards the top of the map should try and prevent the other team from getting the Rockets until your sniper can kill then. Since the spawns are a little crazy on this map, sometimes you might feel that holding down the top isn't the best, and your team decides to stay on one side of the map. This is great, except you won't have control of the Rockets or Snipers, so you will have to be timing those perfectly to get them. I'd advise having everyone up top, but that's just my personal preference. I get a lot of kills on Narrows from the Fusion Coils that spawn up by the Bubble Shield, and rarely die from them. I always shoot them when they spawn so the other team can't use them, but I make sure my teammates aren't nearby so it doesn't hurt them. If you can't blow up the fusion coils, make sure you stay far enough away from them that they won't damage you when they explode. [aname=Standoff].[/aname] Standoff - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] 2x Camo - 180 - 8:50, 5:48, 2:46 More spawn times coming soon. When playing Standoff, your main priority should be controlling the laser, not the warthogs. If you have the laser, it doesn't matter if the other team has a warthog, because you can easily kll it with the laser. The laser is also the strongest long range weapon on the map, so it's key that you control it. What I like doing at the beginning of games on Standoff is nading the other teams warthog. Have everyone on your team throw a nade towards it, and sometimes you get a kill. It usually doesn't work, but sometimes it blows up their hog, and sometimes you get a kill from it too. I've splattered someone with this before too, so you never know what could happen. After nading the hog, have two people get in your hog and drive away. Have one person grab the rockets (not camo), and move towards laser. Have one person grab the camo, and go in for the laser. The reason you have the camo guy grab the laser, is because since he doesn't have the rockets, he won't be tempted to shoot and reveal himself. Once the camo guy has laser, move back towards your base and look for their hog. While going for the laser, you might have to crouch so their camo/rocket guy doesn't see you on radar. A lot of people forget that there's a Bubble Shield and a Needler on the map. These can both be very useful for flanking towards the back of the enemies base. The Needler is beastly once you get behind/beside the other team, and can usually get you a few kills while your teammates distract them by shooting at them from across the rocks. If you feel you're going to die, you have your Bubble Shield to buy some time for your teammates to come over and help you, as there's gonna be a few people trying to kill you. On Standoff, it is also key to try and get someone behind their base. Even if this person is the worst Halo player in the world, if they're behind the base, then the entire team will be distracted by them, giving the rest of your team easy kills while they try and kill the guy in the base. If you're ever the person in the base, don't go down without a fight. Steal their Shotgun or Power Drain, and hurt them before you die. If you feel you're not gonna be able to out-BR someone but still have the opportunity to get away, go for it. Stay alive for a few more seconds and cause an even longer distraction while your teammates get closer. [aname=Pit Stop].[/aname] Pit Stop - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Camo - 180 - 8:50, 5:48, 2:46 OV - 180 - 8:50, 5:48, 2:46 More spawn times coming soon. YouTube - The Pit (Pit Stop) for an example of a start I like to do when I get snipe. When I start out on The Pit, there are two paths I like to take. My favorite involves grabbing snipe, but another way involves going through camo hall and grabbing camo. There are many ways to grab sniper, and where to go with it. One thing you can do is go through the back of your flag spawn and pick up the mauler and proceed to grab snipe, or you can get snipe and lift up to get the brute shot and regen. When you're up there, you can only watch your side of the map and areas around their snipe tower, so it's not really the ideal way to go. My favorite thing to do is to go out in front of my teams flag spawn and go towards the snipe bridge facing theirs and throw nades up in the air towards where their sniper spawns, and grab my teams sniper under the tower and scope in towards theirs. If anyone rushed it, they'll be one shot and it'll be an easy kill. From there I go down towards OV hall and pick up a BR and OV. If there are no people on their team down there I'll grab a BR and OV. If there's one person with a BR, I'll BR them. If there's someone with a snipe and they came around the corner before me, I'll BR them because they're probably already scoped in and would kill me if I tried to snipe them. If I went around the corner first, I'll have snipe out and snipe him. If there's more than one person, I jump up towards sword and grab power drain to drain the OV and get an easy double kill. Once I deal with OV, either getting it or killing everyone around it, I'll go towards sword. If their team hasn't picked up their sniper yet, I'll nade the area around their snipe lift (Courtyard) which will both prevent them from spawning there, and hurt anyone who does. Once I have their sniper or just my own, I'll sit in sword for the majority of the game sniping. You can see their whole area on their side of camo (Green Box) and rocket hall (Long/Empty Hall), you can see above (Turret) and below their snipe tower, you can jump up and see the area around their needlers and shotgun hall, and within a second or two you can get in a position to shoot anyone anywhere on the map and either give support to a teammate or get a kill. Another great way to start the game as I said earlier is to get camo. What I do first is grab the BR that's right beside where you spawn (BR 1) and shoot the fusion coils beside green box. I then go to very edge of the ledge where spikers spawn (Plat) and jump off towards green box. It's a hard jump to make, and you have to time it perfectly to make it. I then bounce a nade off the far wall towards where the magnums spawn on their side of camo hall (Green Hall) and then throw a nade directly towards it. This almost guarantees a kill if only one person goes camo. It will hurt anyone coming towards you and give you either a kill or an easy 1 shot BR kill. I then grab camo and work from there. If they got rockets, you can try and use your camo to kill the rocket guy or try and go in and assassinate their sniper. It depends who you're playing with and what they're doing, as well as what people on the other team are doing. As the game progresses, remember to always be timing power weapons and power ups to give yourself the best chance to win. If you feel like you're a lot better than the other team, you might want to have one person on their Tower, one person in Sword, one on their Green Box, and one near Long Hall. This way they will generally spawn in Shotty and Flag Room, and it's easy to spawn kill them. The guy at Long Hall can grab the new rockets when they come up, and the guy at Green Box can get camo. If you feel like you won't completely dominate the other team, a smarter set up would be to have one guy at your Long Hall, one in Green Box, one in your side of Sword, and one on your Tower. This is pretty much the opposite of the setup you would have if you were on the other teams side, but is just as effective. Everyone can help everyone else out, especially if it's BR starts. [aname=Valhalla].[/aname] Valhalla - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Spawn times coming soon. The key to winning on Valhalla is holding down top mid. You get both the higher ground and Laser, which are both the key to winning. By holding down top-mid, it increases the chances of your teammates spawning close to the middle of the map, which will make it easier to help support each other. Of course, camping in your base works occasionally, but the other team will eventually get enough power weapons to kill you, and then have control of the top. When I spawn on Valhalla, I like grabbing snipe and going off the side mancannon toward the turret. This is the spot I always like to chill with the sniper, not top-mid. While top-mid is one of the best spots to be on the map with a sniper, the turret is essentially the best. When you are top-mid with a sniper, you can see almost every spot on the map... but everyone on the map can see you. This leaves you prone to getting shot from anywhere, which is why I don't like taking snipe there. When you're at turret, you can see the two side mancannon "caves", both of the bases, and the shotty caves. You have a horizontal line of sight across the map that can allow you to put shots on anyone on the map, and help out your team. Obviously, top-mid is a great spot to be with the sniper as well, but due to the positioning of the turret rock on the map, and the cover that it gives you, I prefer to snipe from there instead. Other than the guy on the turret, there should be at least 2 people top-mid, an then another guy over by the shotty caves. Assumming you have a sniper at the turret, you have the whole map covered and you can shoot anyone from anywhere. If you find yourself falling behind, don't be afraid to wait for a minute or two for all your weapons to respawn. Make sure you not only use the sniper and power drain to your advantage, but also the missle pod, warthog, and all the grenades in the base. These can all be helpful when clearing out the other team from the top of the map. [aname=Team Doubles].[/aname] Team Doubles - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Doubles is very similiar to Team Slayer, except that staying close to your teammate is even more important. You don't want to be too close, but not too far away. You should be able to help eachother within a split second, but there really isn't an ideal distance. It depends on the map, the starting weapon, and what both of you have. In doubles, the goal is to control the power weapons. If you can do that, you will win. Since there are only 2 people per team, it's a lot harder to team up on someone who has rockets or sniper than it is in Team Slayer, so control of power weapons is the key to winning. I only have objective gametypes listed below, because the Slayer gametypes are very similar to the way you play them in Team Slayer, so you can just look above for a guide on those. [aname=Blackout 1-Flag].[/aname] Blackout 1-Flag - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Blackout]here[/jumpto]. You will either spawn at bottom Red Lift, or spawn over in Library. If you spawn by the lift, you're on defense, if you spawn in the Library, you're on offense. When starting the game off on Defense, it's a good idea to have one guy go bottom mid to get the power drain, and then drop down to get the shotty. By going this way, you'll be able to see on radar whether the other team is running top mid to make an early rush on the flag, or dropping down to get the sword. The other guy should go to Snipe Tower and get the bubble shield and Snipe. Depending on what the other guy tells you, you're gonna want to watch whatever part of the map they're at. When you're on offense, have one guy drop down to get the sword, then go towards BR1. Do the jump-up to BR2, and work with your teammate to find out where the sniper is. Have the other guy go up to BR3 and get the BR. Shoot the fusion coils to launch the sniper either off the map, or to the middle, so the other team can't get it. Wait for your partner, and make a push towards the other side. Remember to use the Regen to your advantage, and if one person dies, especially if they still have 2 people alive, just drop back and wait for the other to respawn. [aname=Blackout Ball].[/aname] Blackout Ball - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Blackout]here[/jumpto]. When you spawn down at the bottom of the lift, you want to make sure one guy gets the Power Drain/Shotgun, while the other one gets the Bubble Shield/Sniper. The Sniper really isn't very important, the key is to make sure you get the Bubble Shield. It gives you precious Ball time, and you can use it both offensively and defensively while you're holding the ball. Once you grab the Bubble Shield, move towards the ball in the middle. If there is someone there, have the power drainer throw the Power Drain on the guy, at him, and team shoot him until he dies. If no one is there, or you've already killed the guy on the ball, pick it up and go towards the Snipe Tower. If someone starts shooting at you, wait until you're about half shields and throw down the Bubble Shield. You don't necessarily have to sit in it, but you might have to depending on where the other team is. If there is someone rushing at you with a sword, you should probably move as far away from the bubble as possible, so the sword guy can't use it to his advantage. If you spawn in the Library, have one guy drop down and get the sword and go towards the BR Tower. Do the jump-up to get to BR 2, and watch the middle. If there's a guy rushing the ball, be prepared to nade it. If he throws down a bubble, don't be afraid to rush at him. Don't pull out your sword until you get close enough to lunge, that way he won't run away. This way you can still shoot at him if he leaves it, and you'll surprise him with it if he decides to camp in the bubble. Have the other guy on your team go up and get the Regen and BR at BR3, and immediately shoot the fusion coils. This will either launch the Sniper towards you so you can use it, or launch it off the map so the other team can't. If someone is rushing the ball from the lift throw a grenade at them. The fusion coils, grenade, and your BR should be able to kill him, or at least scare him back into the lift. At any point during the opening rush, be prepared to give your teammate assistance from someone at the Snipe Tower. Once you gain possession of the ball, move back towards BR Tower and get to the top. I see a lot of teams try and hold the ball at the bottom of the Red Lift. It gives you the opportunity to play the ball off the edge near Elbow, and it lets you go up the lift to get away. It's a decent spot to hold the ball, but holding the ball at the top of the BR or Snipe Tower is a lot more efficient. You do not want to be too close to each other as that is an easy kill, but you should be close enough to help each other out. A setup that works well is to have one guy with the ball at S1/Elbow, and another guy at S2/S3. This way the S3/S2 guy can put shots on anyone on the top half of the map, while the guy at S1/Elbow can shoot people on the bottom half of the map, and throw the ball off if they think they'll die and loose map control. The guy at S2/S3 can always drop down and help out the guy down low if need be. [aname=Blackout Hill].[/aname] Blackout Hill - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Blackout]here[/jumpto]. Hill order: 1) Top-Mid 2) BR1 3) BR3 4) S1 ?) Elbow (Not sure if it goes here still after the update or not) Using the equipment in Blackout Hill is extremely important. With that said, there should be one person who goes for Bubble/Regen (depending where you spawn) in the beginning, and one person going for Shotty/Sword (again, depending on where you spawn). Using these to your advantage in the beginning is key to giving you and your team momentum on the first hill. A lot of people don't really think about this while they're winning early on, but keeping control of everything is just as important as getting control in the beginning. The equipment spawns every 2 minutes, so that is every 2 hills, so the 3rd hill should be treated somewhat like the 1st in the sense that it's more important to get control of power weapons than it is to just rush the hill and get the first 5 seconds before dieing. [aname=Blackout Slayer].[/aname] Blackout Slayer - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Blackout]here[/jumpto]. If you don't have a BR on Blackout, it doesn't really matter. You need to control the Shotgun and Sword, and also make sure you have equipment. To start the game, make sure someone on your team has either a Shotgun or a Sword, and also make sure to have as much equipment as possible. A sword in a bubble shield will beat an over confident opponent trying to BR you, as well as an AR combined with a power drain. Coordinating with your teammate, you want to hold down either Snipe Tower or BR Tower. Having one guy at BR3/S3 and one going between S2-S1/BR2-BR1 is ideal, but any way you figure works the best will do just fine. [aname=Blackout Snipers].[/aname] Blackout Snipers - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Blackout]here[/jumpto]. There will only be equipment and fusion coils spawning in Team Snipers. Since there are no weapons, only equipment, controlling it is important. Either holding down Snipe Tower or BR Tower is a good strategy, just don't have both people at the same spot. Since you both have snipers, you don't have to be right next to each other to help the other guy out. When you're holding down Snipe Tower, have one guy on the tower and the other guy at Red Lift. If you're at BR Tower, have one on the tower and another one at Library. The Power Drain located bottom mid can be very effective for breaking the other teams setup, so don't forget that it's there. It's not essential to use to win, but it can be used to your advantage if you need it. [aname=Boundless Ball].[/aname] Boundless Ball - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Boundless]here[/jumpto]. Both sides have most of the same stuff, so generally you'll want one guy to get snipe/bubble shield and have the other guy get the OV. If you spawn by the laser base, you should have the OV guy make a run down through shotty before going in for the ball with the guy who got snipe, who should be sitting on top of the base trying to prevent them from grabbing the ball. If you spawn in the snipe base, both people should push together towards the ball spawn with OV/snipe/bubble. The main spots you want to hold the ball is in either of the two bases, or down by where shotty spawns. It's smart to have a bubble shield at all times, because it usually gives you 10-15 free seconds. You don't want to use your bubble shield until you absolutely have to, preferrably when you're holding onto the ball. Make sure you don't throw your bubble down too far out in the open, or else you won't be able to stay alive and get to cover once it dies. Even if you don't have a shotty in the bubble, or camping with the ball, a Mauler or Brute Shot can be just as effective while defending the ball, so don't be afraid to take the extra 5 seconds to pick one of those up. [aname=Boundless Hill].[/aname] Boundless Hill - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Boundless]here[/jumpto]. Hill order: 1) Ghost/Mongoose 2) Camo 3) Laser Base 4) Sniper Base 5) Purple "Nipples" Just like in Ball, you want to make sure you have the guy going directly for the hill grab the Bubble Shield so he can get some time while in the hill. If you spawn by the Sniper base, have the guy who grabs OV rush the hill and get some time in the hill with his OV. Have the other guy grab snipe and either flank around towards shotgun, or get on top of the base. If you spawn by the Laser base, have the guy who grabs the Bubble Shield take the needler up top and potentially use it to shoot the guy who grabs OV. Have the sniper grab the OV, and try and watch the other teams sniper and not let him snipe the guy going for the hill. As the hill moves, make sure to always be going back to get Bubble Shields, as they are vital to getting time in the hill. Always make sure you're not too close to your teammate as it will make it easy for the other team to kill you, and make sure you are always timing the power ups, as they can be used to get hill time. [aname=Boundless Slayer].[/aname] Boundless Slayer - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Boundless]here[/jumpto]. Both teams can spawn anywhere on the map on Boundless, so it's important to have both you and your teammate on one half of the map so you force the other team to spawn on the other half, knowing where they will be. You can either be both be on the Laser/Sniper half of the map, or both be down by Shotgun or by the Mongoose. In my opinion, having a guy on the Sniper base and a guy by the Mongoose rocks is the best set-up, because it forces the other team to spawn on the Laser of the map, which is generally lower than the Sniper side. This gives you a height advantage, but also gives you an easily accessible OV you might need to grab if you start getting shot at. [aname=Boundless Snipers].[/aname] Boundless Snipers - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Blackout]here[/jumpto]. There will only be equipment and fusion coils spawning in Team Snipers. Since you spawn with Snipers, two long range weapons, you want a player on each base. This way you can cover the whole map, and give support to each other. Since you are not close to each other, it will be hard for the other team to find both of you and concentrate on shooting two people at once, so the more spread out you are the better. [aname=Cold Storage Ball].[/aname] Cold Storage Ball - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] On Cold Storage you will either spawn in the shotty room, or up by camo/snipe. If you spawn by the shotty, have one guy pick up the shotty and camp the OV for a free kill (works a lot better in slayer than objective) while the other guy goes to get the bubble sheild/rockets while watching for someone who might be rushing the rockets with camo or watching for the sniper across the map. Once you hae the bubble sheild and rockets, that should be a free 20-30 seconds with the ball. If you spawn up by camo, have one guy grab camo and snipe, while the other guy goes back to get power drain and rockets. If the snipe guy watches rockets, there's almsot no chance of the other team getting them unless they have a bubble shield. Use the power drain the other guy picked up to your advantage, and try to flush them out of the bubble to get rockets. The key to success on this map is controlling rockets and power ups, so getting rockets early will help you get early ball time. One of my personal favorite spots to hold the ball on this map is up in the snipe/camo room. I have the ball guy camp behind the teleporter across from the camo spawn to assassinate anyone who comes through, and the other guy camp to the right of the sender node in the hallway that goes towards the power drain. If someone comes to you from the main room, you can have the ball guy drop the ball and nade/shoot, and have the sender node guy help. If people are coming from rockets, through where power drain spawns, the guy camping beside the sender teleporter can easily catch them off guard and assassinate at least one of them, getting help from the ball guy afterwards. If you ever need run away and move around the map, remember to use the teleporters to your advantage. If you go through one with the ball, don't be afraid to camp behind it and assassinate them when they come through. There's nothing they can do about it, and it's an easy way to get control of the map. [aname=Cold Storage Hill].[/aname] Cold Storage Hill - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Hill order: 1) Bubble ?) Camo ?) Shotty ?) Below Power Drain I'm not 100% sure on the order, but I think it's pretty close. The first hill is where the bubble shield spawns, and getting there first is crucial, to not only control the bubble shield and rockets, but also to get an early lead. If you spawn in the shotty room, have one person grab the OV and go out and get the regen, then go towards the hill to help out the other guy. Have the other guy, mentioned before, go for the bubble shield and rockets. If you spawn up by camo, have one guy get camo and go for the hill. Have the other guy grab the snipe and first watch rockets so the other team doesn't get them, and then help the other guy out with kiling the people in the hill. Have the camo guy grab the power drain on the way to the hill, and try and use that to kill the guy going for rockets. Even if they have a bubble shield down, the power drain should be able to make them weak enough for a beat down to kill them. They will probably have a shotgun in the bubble though, so be wary of that. The hills move every minute, so always rememebr to time the next hill, and get ready for the switch 10 seconds or so before it moves. [aname=Cold Storage Slayer].[/aname] Cold Storage Slayer - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] When you're playing Slayer on this map, there's no real "objective" you have to worry about, other than timing power weapons. Rockets are extremely over powered on this map, so it's important to always be timing them. The ideal areas to control are the Camo/Sniper room, as well as the rocket area. It gives you not only the rockets, but also a bubble shield and a power drain, which can both be superior to the regen you ultimately give up to the other team. [aname=Construct Ball].[/aname] Construct Ball - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Construct]here[/jumpto]. Past Level 45, I've never won a game on this. I don't know why, but I always get matched up with laggy Austrailians who pull host and DO NOT DIE. Aside from that, both teams spawn down low, and the key to winning is to get up top first and get control of the bubble sheild/sword. If you spawn down underneath sword, have either both people go up open lift, or have one go up open and one walk up the sword leg to grab sword. The person who went up the lift should grab a BR, and defend the ball from far away until the sword guy can help out, with both the power drain and sword. If you spawn by Gold Lift, have one person go up and the other go down the ramp underneath to try and get a quick kill in the beginning. If there's no one down there, grab the stickies and a mauler, and go up one of the sword legs. The other team will probably have the ball in a bubble, with a sword protecting him, so you'll have to wait for the bubble to die. Nade it, and grab the ball. Holding the ball at top Gold works best, as the only ways to come are from Closed Street, Open Street, or come up the lift. If you see them coming from closed, move towards open with the ball to gain a little extra time before you start shooting them. If it feels like you're gonna die and they'll get the ball, throw it off the map, or jump off with it. This resets the ball and forces the other team to go and get it when it respawns. [aname=Construct Hill].[/aname] Construct Hill - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Construct]here[/jumpto]. Hill order: 1) Bubble 2) Bottom Mid 3) Top Gold 4) Open ramp The first hill is on the bubble sheild spawn, and getting up there as fast as you can helps, but isn't always possible depending on your spawn. If you spawn under sword, you're in the best position to get the first hill. Have both people go towards open purple (because it's on the opposite side the other team spawns on, so there's less chance they will be able to hit you), and as you're going up check to see where they are going. If they go up closed, both people grab the BRs (do this no matter what they're doing) and have one person go and grab the bubble, sticks, snipe, and hill, and throw down the bubble once you see them or start getting hit. Have the other person go and get sword, and control lobby. If you spawn below closed and gold, you should have one person go up gold, and one person go down low and grab a mauler and sticks. Have the mauler guy go up one of the sword legs into sword, and check to see if anyone's around it. If they're both in the hill, wait for the guy who went up gold to get to either open or closed street, and start nading/shooting. They'll probably have the bubble down if they're on the hill, and one of them most likely picked up snipe. This spawn is a lot worse in my opinion, so you really have to rely on getting the 2nd hill in order to get most of your first points. Make sure you're always anticipating the next hill. Even if you're getting outslayed, you can still win if you time the next hill, and fight for as much hilltime as possible. [aname=Construct Slayer].[/aname] Construct Slayer - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Construct]here[/jumpto]. [aname=Construct Snipers].[/aname] Construct Snipers - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Construct]here[/jumpto]. There will only be equipment and fusion coils spawning in Team Snipers. [aname=Epitaph/Epilogue Hill].[/aname] Epitaph/Epilogue Hill - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] The hills move to the four wings of the map, and I have no idea what order they move in. I think the first hill is by camo lift, and after that I have no idea. I think it might switch over to OV, and then to the other wings after that. The power ups are crucial on this gametype, as well as rockets, shotty, and using the regen to your advantage. Like all other hill gametypes, the hill moves every minute, so you need to always be timing the next hill to get a good chunk of free time. On Epilogue, you either spawn by the OV or the Camo. If you spawn OV, have one guy grab the OV and use the invulnerability to get the rockets andrush the hill. The other guy should go off the Gold Lift and grab the Brute Shot on the platform. With that and the rockets, you should have no problem clearing out the hill. If you spawn up by camo, have one guy grab it, than drop down to grab the shotty and the regen. Crouch in the hill with Camo and Shotty, and don't shoot them until you know you'll get the kill. One of them probably has rockets, so you don't want to let them know where you are until you absolutely have to. Have the other guy pick up the Bubble Shield and Sniper, and watch for anyone going over the lift. Snipe them if they do, even if you don't kill them, you'll definitely scare them away. As the game goes on, remember to always be grabbing equipment and power-ups. That's the key to winning here, as having a Bubble Shield or a Regen gives you free time in the hill. [aname=Epitaph/Epilogue Slayer].[/aname] Epitaph/Epilogue Slayer - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] [aname=Epitaph/Epilogue Snipers].[/aname] Epitaph/Epilogue Snipers - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] [aname=Foundry Slayer].[/aname] Foundry Slayer - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Foundry]here[/jumpto]. [aname=Foundry Snipers].[/aname] Foundry Snipers - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Foundry]here[/jumpto]. There will only be equipment and fusion coils spawning in Team Snipers. [aname=Ghost Town Ball].[/aname] Ghost Town Ball - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Ghost Town]here[/jumpto]. I've never played this before, it always gets veto'd. I'd assume holding it in snipe would be the best spot, as there's a lot of space in there to run away once the get close. Controlling rockets and bubble shield is key here, as well as using the grav lift to move around the map quickly with the ball. [aname=Ghost Town Hill].[/aname] Ghost Town Hill - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Ghost Town]here[/jumpto]. Hill order: 1) Camo 2) OV 3) Under snipe bridge 4) Shotty If you spawn in the garage, have one guy go towards the hill and camo, and the other one take the mongoose over to OV and rockets. Make sure you GET THE OV FIRST, and then move towards the rockets. If you take the mongoose over, you should be able to get the OV, and give yourself invincibility for 3 seconds. If they send someone to rockets, watch out for those, and nade it right whne you get off the mongoose and grab the OV. If there's no one there, grab the rockets and get over to the hill as fast as you can to help you teammate, because he's probably getting double teamed. Have the guy who went for the hill get the grav lift to use as an easy escape if he gets double teamed on the hill. If you feel it's necessary, try and burn camo before you die so they can't use it. If you spawn over by the sewers, have one guy go for the sniper, and one go for the rockets. The reason you should go for the sniper over going for the hill is because if you have the snipe, you can pick off anyone trying to get camo or just sit in the hill, and you also prevent them from getting it. The rocket guy should pick up the rockets, and be listening for a mongoose. If there's anyone driving over on the mongoose towards the OV, get ready to rocket them as they come through, but if there's no one there, grab the OV and get over to the hill as fast as you can because both people on the other team are probably there. On your way to the hill, make sure you grab the bubble sheild on the bridge, because that's a free 10 seconds of hill time. [aname=Guardian Ball].[/aname] Guardian Ball - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Guardian]here[/jumpto]. If you spawn down by shotty, get shotty and camo before you go for the ball. Have one guy get shotty, and the other one go top gold and watch top mid (in case they try to rush it) and make a push towards camo. Once you have camo, have the camo guy move between the other team and the ball, and have the shotty guy go for the ball. If you can, get the bubble sheild too. Once you have the ball, they will definitely make a push towards you. As long as the camo guy isn't moving, they won't see him, and he will be able to surprise them and get at least 1 kills, leaving a 1v1, where your guy has a bubble sheild and a shotgun. If you spawn on elbow, have one person grab OV and snipe right away and rush in to pick up the ball. Have the other guy go towards green to get the brute shot and bubble sheild, and make your way towards camo to stop them from getting it. Pay attention to the snipe lift, to see if the guy with shotty is lifting over. If he does, forget about him and double team the camo guy. You should have OV, a bubble sheild, the ball, and a brute shot to work with, so even if he ends up picking it up, you have an easy kill. After the initial rush, try to gain control of snipe tower and hold it down. If the first guy dies and you're over 50% sure the ball guy will die too, throw it off the edge so they can't set up right away, and try and defend the played ball when you spawn. [aname=Guardian Hill].[/aname] Guardian Hill - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Guardian]here[/jumpto]. Hill order: 1) Top Mid 2) Blue Room 3) Elbow 4) Top Gold If you spawn on elbow, have one person get snipe/OV and get into the hill, and the other person grab the brute shot/bubble shield. Throw the bubble sheild into the hill for the OV guy, and try and get camo. It's not very important that you get it, just that you don't let them get it, or kill them if they do. If they get away with it, you lost the initial battle and they'll eventually use it to gain control of the first hill. The hill moves every minute, so with about 10 seconds left one person should be over in blue room waiting for the next hill. If you spawn down by shotty, grab it and go towards camo. Have the other guy go with you and grab the BR. If they have no one going to get the Brute Shot or Bubble Shield, the BR guy should drop down and get those while the shotty guy works on securing camo. Once you get it, croutch into the hill and contest it, while your teammate helps anyone they have in the hill. If you have bubble sheild, use it with the shotty to your advantage. Make sure you're timing the hills, they move every minute. [aname=Guardian Slayer].[/aname] Guardian Slayer - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Guardian]here[/jumpto]. [aname=Guardian Snipers].[/aname] Guardian Snipers - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Guardian]here[/jumpto]. There will only be equipment and fusion coils spawning in Team Snipers. [aname=Narrows Slayer].[/aname] Narrows Slayer - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Narrows]here[/jumpto]. [aname=Narrows Snipers].[/aname] Narrows Snipers - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Narrows]here[/jumpto]. There will only be equipment and fusion coils spawning in Team Snipers. [aname=Pit Stop Ball].[/aname] Pit Stop Ball - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Pit Stop]here[/jumpto]. When you start off on this map, have one person grab the BR right beside spawn, and the other one grab the BR by the stickies close to rockets. The guy who picked up the first BR should shoot the fusion coils from far away so the other team can't use them against you, and jump towards camo/ball. The other guy should be going for rockets, and hang back a bit and force them to make the move first. Once they go to grab them, nade and shoot. Once you have rockets, use those to gain control of the ball. I see a lot of people try and hold the ball in Shotgun. It might seem like a good spot, because it's way in the corner, and there's only 2 ways in, but it's extremely easy to get naded. The ideal spot to hold the ball is on Snipe Tower, as it gives you enough cover, and a regen. The ball guy should be on the tower, and the other guy should be on Training or Plat, it's your preference. If the ball guy is taking too much damage, just throw down the regen. If you still think that won't keep you alive, just start running away. You can drop down below the tower, or run towards your teammate as he helps you out. Something I've tried before as a last-ditch effort is to camp with the Ball on OV. It gives you a few seconds of invulnerabilty, so once they charge you, pick it up, and get your free kills. [aname=Pit Stop Slayer].[/aname] Pit Stop Slayer - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Pit Stop]here[/jumpto]. [aname=Pit Stop Snipers].[/aname] Pit Stop Snipers - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] For the spawn times, click [jumpto=Pit Stop]here[/jumpto]. There will only be equipment and fusion coils spawning in Team Snipers. If I am missing any map/gametype combinations that show up in Doubles, please PM me. I want to have everything, and there's so many, I'm almost positive I'm missing some. [aname=Conclusion].[/aname] Conclusion - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] Thanks for reading this, and I hope it's helped. Even if it hasn't helped you, it's probably helped countless other people. If you want help with anything, please PM me, I'd be glad to help. If you post in the thread, I'm sure someone else would be able to help you as well. This guide will constantly be updated, I'll eventually finish up all the Team Slayer and Team Doubles guides, as well as add advice for every other playlist. Feel free to check back every once in awhile to see whats been added. If you want to help other people find the guide, add this to your sig. Sorry it's not a convenient little copy/paste thing, but everytime I try using the Code: thing it doesn't work. [CENTER][URL="http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/49412-novaks-halo-3-matchmaking-guide.html"][IMG]http://i42.tinypic.com/10n9wut.png[/IMG][/URL] Link:[URL]http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/49412-novaks-halo-3-matchmaking-guide.html[/URL] [LEFT] [aname=Special Thanks][COLOR=Black].[/COLOR][/aname] [SIZE=5][B]Special Thanks[/B][/SIZE] - [jumpto=Top]Top[/jumpto] [B]RampaginFetus[/B] - Gave me a lot of information on the Brute Shot, the brute weapon beatdowns, and showing up on radar while you charge the laser. [B]Mace [/B]- Reminding me to add the advantages to shooting in bursts with the AR, over just holding down the trigger [B]Lightsout [/B]- Some help with the Brute Shot [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
*Phew* What a long read. I liked it though, you did not finish the grav hammer one though.... Anyway I commend you on writing up such a long guide and I actually learned some stuff. Might want to put this guide in your signature. Oh and one more thing
meh... i dont see whats with the hype of the BR.. it ruins MLG. i didnt read halve of it as it seemed to be just worshipping the BR
Thanks, I guess I might have accidentally deleted part of the Grav Hammer portion or something. Thanks for the pic too, haha. You probably only read the first 3 paragraphs, where I went over the fact that getting good with the BR will get you better with every other weapon. If you would've kept reading, I go over tips for every weapon, and strats for both Team Slayer and Team Doubles. And yeah, I did say that being good with the BR was the key to being good at Halo. Honestly, once you have a steady BR, you get good with every weapon. This was in no way supposed to be a thread worshipping the BR, I spent over 3 months making this, re-reading and re-thinking everything I added. I just have some things in the Intro about the BR, because it's helpful. This was meant to help people get better, and I'm in no way saying the BR is the best weapon.
how does the BR ruin MLG when MLG is based around the BR??? The BR is the most well-rounded weapon as it is effective at nearly any time. We don't worship the BR, we just know how powerful it is and how useful of a weapon it is to be skilled with. The BR is the weapon that takes the most skill to be good with in halo 3. I dont see how you can say the BR ruins MLG unless you have a terrible BR and dislike MLG because you suck at it.
hey good job, i really like what your trying to do here, it was a great guide, and i actually learned some stuff. Nice job, and thanks for the help, I found the guide to be useful especially for the people whos not to great and dont fully understand halo3. good job
Assault Rifle (AR) - A common mis understanding with the AR is that it "sucks". It's not a bad gun, it just sucks long range. Up close, the AR is nasty and sometimes I prefer to use it over the BR, especially if the person I'm shooting at doesn't see me. In most close-range AR battles, you get the same thing everytime. Two players charge eachother ARs a-blazin, and they both beat eachother down. Sometimes, just one person dies, and sometimes they both die. When I start getting AR'd, I don't run towards the person shooting me. I start backing up and "straffing" like I do when I BR. Most of the time, the person won't even know what to do and they'll beat down when they're not anywhere near me because they expected me to charge them, which pretty much gives you a free kill. This doesn't happen everytime, but as you get used to backing away from people ARing you, you slowly get better at jumping up and down and making yourself hard to hit and knowing if you should beat down because they're close enough to, or if you should just keep backing away and shooting. you forgot to add that if the ar is shot in bursts, like the marines in halo 1 do, its much more efective, acurate and deadly than full-auto full autos good when your 3 feet away from a person, but in a medium, medium-close firefight, bursts is the way to go.
Is it proven that bursts are better? Anyway, the BR is a gun that rewards great accuracy, I hope people realise and will help with every other gun. Great guide though, not sure if I will read to the end, I skipped the fairly unnecessary stuff.
well, thats obvious but if you dont have acsses to a br, and your in a firefight with say an oponnent with another ar. bursts
I must say, this is a very respectable and reliable guide. This totally leaves mine in the dust. This must have taken you a great deal of time, and I thank you on the effort and your will to help the community. I'll be linking this guide at the bottom of mine, showing how far others can go to help.
He said in the Snipers Playlist He does mention it, you just happened to cut out the part where it IS mentioned: ______________________________________________________ My thoughts: REALLY great guide. I agree with every point you made, except on the Sensitivity. I personally prefer 9. And yes, I do see a difference between 9 and 10. Also, if you're a beginner, swap to Bumper Jumper now!!!!! If you learn to play with it, it will be the best settings you can possibly have(imo). And for the Spikers part, I am almost positive that it doesn't have a beatdown similar to the Brute Shot.
Soldier: He didn't cut out the AR bursting part, I just added it in after he suggested it. Haha. I also wasn't very clear about the infinite ammo thing with the beam rifle being only in the team snipers playlist, so that's why he said that. Thanks, I appreciate it. It did take me awhile, I started in September and slowly added a new weapon or map every day. It's still not as big as I want it to be, I plan on adding stuff to it every day for a few weeks until I cover everything I want, which I'm not even sure what all that is.
AS long a read it was that was a very good guide.you start making weapon guides.like good tactics when to get that weapon,and a multitude of other thing.that was very nice of you to write this for the community.
4 is the best sensitivity for Sniping and BR'ing because it goes just the right speed to keep up with the moving target, yet you can still spin around fast. If you find it too slow, 6 is your best best because you prefer more twitchy controls and more than likely have the tendency to maintain hand movement composure in a firefight, meaning although you're tense, you wont jerk the thumbstick. 8+ Sensitivity + No-Scope = Complete Luck
It does, lemme go dig up an old article from Bungie. This article. And here a direct quote NovaK ya might want to put that in for legitness.