
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by xi PheoniX ix, Dec 22, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

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  1. xi PheoniX ix

    xi PheoniX ix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by: xi PheoniX ix

    Formerly Complex-32C and Complex, the new and probably final version of this map entitled 'Complexity' is the epitomy of all the suggestions from the first two times around, built from the ground up. Complexity is an objective styled attack and defend map. The attackers spawn at the entrance to the facility and can ether storm the front, sneak in through the lower right, or take the high ground and run up left. Inside the base, two-way structures provide the defenders cover up high, while providing attackers cover down low. The attackers can also choose to use the upper ventilation shaft for a sneaky attack. This map is reccommended for one-sided games like Single-flag or Single-bomb. All gametypes are supported.

    Map Details

    * The following changes have been implemented

    Battle Rifle x8
    Sniper x1 - 60s Respawn - 0 Spare clips
    Smg x2
    Spiker x4
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Plasma pistol
    Rocket Launcher - 120s Respawn - 0 Spare Clips
    Shotgun - 60s Respawn - 0 Spare Clips
    Needler - 60s Respawn - 0 Spare Clips
    Brute Shot - 60s Respawn - 0 Spare Clips
    5 Frags
    5 Plasmas

    * The easy esacpe has also been removed (In screenshot 5 on the right)



    Download Link

    #1 xi PheoniX ix, Dec 22, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2008
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks like an awesome map! The layout is very unique and something I could never have thought of. There's a balanced mixture of cover and openness which makes for really great gameplay and the aesthetics and weapon placement are top notch. I have a question though... where does the teleporter on the left of the 5th picture go to? Anyway, good job! 5/5
  3. majorsh0ck

    majorsh0ck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this maps layout is ok but this map the way you forged it is just sloppy and the crate idea.....just it would be better if there was single boxes in the ground rather than a whole bunch of freaken crates man.
  4. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Questions left unanswered by the pictures:

    1. Where does the teleporter in the 5th picture go?

    2. Why is there a huge ass gap in the 8th picture?

    3. What is the point of the little hallway/tunnel in the 9th picture?

    Answer these please and I shall consider downloading your map.

    2 remain.
  5. xi PheoniX ix

    xi PheoniX ix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whats sloppy about how it is forged? I think the map is actually quite cleanly interlocked. If your going to flame something, you could at least give a reason. Also, theres literally only 3 crates... not that many, and they play out quite nicely, so before simply critisizing something, actually try it out and give useful feedback thanks.

    The teleporter goes right above to the landing. In the previous versions of this map there was an upper walkway there, but with is removal, I put in a teleporter to allow access up there.

    *Note, the map has been updated with a few changes, and the pictuers will not reflect them. Refer to the first post for the weapon changes.

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