[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVkASTdxvkk[/youtube] heres a link to the page aswell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVkASTdxvkk enjoy!
i think i heard some pirates of the carribean in there, and perhaps some from gladiator, im not 100% sure.
hehe me too.musical doesnt really describe this very well,still it's nice to see a halo vid that isnt just a random machinima and try to find turboguru productions in machinima.com for the details.its there movie
actually it's all gladiator music. When i was watching gladiator at the scene where maximus was trying to escape and all the gladiators and guards were fighting i thought to myself wow, that sounds a lot like the Pirates of the Caribbean music. then my girlfriend said "hey, isnt that the same music in Pirates of the Carribean?" could it be the same??
If you go to their site, its not either. It was "Barbarian Horde" by Hans Zimmer =] I got that from there website Here
I personelly love the credits "special thanks to the following gamers who had no idea they were in a video" XD lol
Well that's the song name, but it was used in gladiator. I listened further and figured out there is no way it's from potc. It's definitely in gladiator for sure, i had just watched it yesterday. I didn't mean to portray it as from gladiator, but it's there!
I loved this video. Have you guys seen the new one(Valhalla Musical?) When I watched the valhalla one it really sent a shiver down my spine because it is very dramatic and brutal and it really shows that war is not just a game.