This Rube Goldberg Machine is amazing. totally beats goatnutz and adelyss' in my book. No offense.
The only original part is the ending. Besides that its just a grenade for a minute and then soccer balls rolling the rest of the time. So I think not IMO.
Ehhh... it didn't really seem that good. It was just your basic Rube Goldberg machine while Goatnuts and Adelyss incorporated a ton of advanced switches and timed map events for theirs to operate. If you downloaded Goatnuts and Adelyss' Rube Goldberg machine, you would see how complex it is and why it won the contest.
oh well i just thought it was really cool. Lol... and yeah now that i think of it you are kinda right about the switches everywhere. I still think you guys should have won. so dun wory its gun b k.
We're not saying it's bad... we're just saying Goatnuts and Adelyss made a better one. Lol, it must have taken them a long time to float everything though.
It's a pretty cool machine but it's nothing special. The ball being the I was cool but the rest was just Ok. Adelyss and Goat's was really well made with a whole bunch of cool crap like the pallet on the nades. That still was a cool machine, just not as cool.