Ghost Town By: UR MAST3R Description: Ghost Town from the upcoming Legendary map pack comes early. I made this based off of the pictures that Bungie gave us in one of the Weekly Updates. I stuck to the pictures very closely and it is the closest remake to the original Ghost Town that I've seen. I put alot of time and effort in to make everything look and play flawlessly. The weapon layout is almost the same as the one shown in one of the recent Weekly Updates. With the limited budget I had to cut the mongooses and a few weapons but other than that everything is the same. I'll let my pictures do the rest of the talking. I hope you guys like it. Pictures: DOWNLOAD: Enjoy
Re: Ghost Town from the upcoming Legendary Map Pack Unfortunately forge does not allow you to add the jungle theme that Ghost town has. Looks pretty well made though.
Re: Ghost Town from the upcoming Legendary Map Pack Wow, great job, especially due to the fact that you only had a few pictures. Queued for download as soon as I get the chance.
Yes, I am so glad somebody did this. But, if I were you then I'd be prepared to get shot in the face by Bungie. Now there is no point of buying the Legendary Map Pack (assuming the other maps are created in Foundry.) And I bet Bungie is regretting making Foundry for this very reason.
Still we can't be 100% accurate on these maps and if Bungie decided to throw in a large map we won't be able to recreate that either. Did a moderator edit my title because I didn't name it Ghost Town Premake.
Sorry to say, no matter how good it looks, it will never play or feel like Ghost Town. That is just the way it is. I am sure Ghost Town is bigger than Foundry so it doesn't even matter. Anyways it does look very nice although you have no clue what the map looks like so you cannot create a perfect remake or even close. I would suggest using the money glitch if you had problems with money.
The only problem with this is that the area you used in Foundry is probably smaller than the actual Ghost Town map.
I'm gonna DL just because it seems strange to me that someone would premake a map when you know the Bungie one will be better (no offense, it's not like it's your fault). Seems like a cool idea for a map and it looks like you made a decent job of it.
XD I seriously was working on a premake as well. I thought it'd be funny to do one. I was also planning on making remakes of levels like guardian or the pit... just as a joke mainly... I'm downloading it...
Pictures 6, 7, and 9 look awesome to play and strangely enough remind me of the hong kong level on Timesplitters 2. I will definately play this and let you know what my friends and I think
looks cool, although the money glitched would have helped you out a hella lot. The map seems very similar to the released pictures on B-Net. Of course it won't be as good, but hey! At least we got a premade version already. xD
Wow, this looks really good. Even if this wasn't like the actual Ghost Town, which it is, I think I'd still enjoy it. Queued.