TraininGround by, sploder360 Author: sploder360 Starting time: 10-11-08 End time: 12-21-08 Description: Perfect merging in almost every aspect of the map, made on Foundry, and made for FFA only. There was alot of time put into this map_hope you love it. Download Here:
How to add pics. Go into thearter take screenshots of your map, then go to and click on thescreenshot. Save it. Go to upload it from your computer then link it to forgehub.
^ What luckiesnipes said. You have some ok geomerging from what I can see, but you can't see much from your pictures and it looks pretty messy. I'd need to download it to look at it more.
from what i can tell this looks like an amazing map i would recoend puttting more screenshots and uploading them from your halo 3 profile like luckiesnipes said 3/5 untill you fix your pics
Alot of people have told you to fix your pics, but here is the actual link on how to do it. Here. Its probably easier than what you did. About the map, it looks okay but fix your pics and I'll edit this post.
What am I training for? walking lololololol. You should give more insight of what kind of training ground it is.
Sorry dude, I dont think this could beat my map, but I will still check it out. But, hey, its not a training ground, its a ffa map. opps!
Fixing Sorry, i didnt use photo bucket for the pics so they are screwed up... I promise I will fix them sometime on 12-26-08. Please wait patiently and have a great christmas
It doesn't look too good. There is little use of interlocking which gives the map bad presentation and makes it look sloppy. Sorry, but I won't be downloading this one. It doesn't stand out to me.