im not getting this game but i think there are alot of people who like it on here so ya [youtube][/youtube]
The editor looks fairly simple. Seems easier to use compared to Forge, but I guess both things are completely different. I would get the N+ because I loved the game on the computer, but I don't feel like spending 800 points for it. Maybe 400, but not 800.
you can play n+ online for free it was a online game before 360 linke here >>>> personally i play the downloaded one because you get way more levels and can make maps ill post link to download in a second Edit: link to website
As for the ssb level editor... epic. I can't wait to try it. i really need to check out N+. The N game is so much fun and i spent many wasted educational hours playing. There is a better version you can actually download to your computer, i believe it's (??). Its whatever site makes the game.
That looks pretty sweet but it would be cooler if they had some more advanced options. Such as adding crazy random events like most of the actual levels have, like the zero-g map.
You can play Brawl with a Wii-mote or a Gamecube controller. The gamecube controllers plug directly into the Wii. As far as the level editor goes, seeing as how it's really only a "2D" stage, I don't see very many original "maps" coming out of it.
Wow that's sick!!! Imagine how tired your hand would be after making a map though... I don't have a Wii but I'm not gonna buy it for one game.