Into a phone! Yes, it's legal and free. All you need to do is go to and download their service. Next, create an account. After that, go ahead and install Fring on your iPod Touch 2G. After it's installed. Go into the program and go to add-ons. Click on SIP and go to voip buster Enter all of the info necessary to "subscribe". After that, you'll be able to call anywhere in the world! If you live in the U.S. Remember to dial 1 before the number. Example: 1 (555) 555-5555. I almost forgot that you will need a microphone for your touch. I suggest going to your local Best Buy and picking up a "Monster Cable Microphone Attachment" which should be in the iPhone accessories. Technically, it's a plug that goes into your iPod and then you plug your headphones into that and it works as a handsfree headset and mic. Enjoy your free calling!
Yes, only if it is in WiFi range, then you are able to do it. I actually tried it out, and its ****. It doesn't work half the time. Well, it's a ripoff basically.
awsome man thanks im gonna do this now i hope it works only catch is you need wifi,oh well free calling in school!
Oh yea. Forgot that you need wifi. It does work well though. And I've been calling LAN lines everywhere. I forgot to mention that you can also call internationally too.
hey the link is broken! are you going to fix it becuase when i click it i get this page:
I have an iPod Touch, but this doesn't work very well. Fring is a great app, though. I understand why this is being developed, but it will always only be when you have wifi, and most often if I'm not at my house or a place I go reguarly that has wi-fi, the signal strength otherwise will be lousy or I won't have wi-fi at all. Now, if I lived in maybe NYC or Boston, this would be great!
Sure if you would enjoy paying oh.... About 50-70 dollars a month. Not to mention the fact that an iPhone can (unless jailbroken) can only go through at&t. Let's not forget that the iPhone is much more expensive too. So did I prove my point enough?
There bare minimum monthly payment is $70 a month....that comes with an unlimited data plan and 300-400 minutes of talk time. The iPhone is actually cheaper, shelf price wise at least. the 8 gig iPhone costs $200 while the 8 gig iTouch costs $230. It comes down to if you have money for the monthly plan and if your old contract happens to be up. (canceling a phone plan early costs money and can sometimes hurt your credit rating)
Oh... I didn't know the iPhone went down in price. Still though, I'd rather not pay the minimum of 70$ a month for wireless and 300-400 minutes. It's such a rip-off. I'd rather have free calling since I live in a town with many wifi hotspots. Heck, almost every restaurant I go to has wifi. Besides, I got my iPod touch for free.
Jailbreaking am I right? I think it is illegal though - or I've heard it is My friend did this ages (and I mean ages) ago with his iTouch. It's a great feature but he still prefers to use his actual phone. I just take it as the iTouch phone is a bit more impractical. If you have a lot of wireless stuff though it could work. Good luck for those who try.
I think I might be getting an I touch for christmas, and this would be a great addition to what I hope will be a wonderful new piece of technology (well for me anyways). Great Find, hope it doesn't become ILLEGAL BAHM BAHM BAHHMMM