I don't know if everyone knows how to use the glitch, but I saw a lot of poeple want downloadable gltiched maps, so I will make them for you for free! All you have to do is: Gamertage: Map: and I will make the map put it on my filesahre and I will recommend it to you and once you dl it then reply to me saying you have it. I can budget glitch every map, so just ask
Already done, sorry mate. Remember to use the Search Bar before creating a thread, just so you don't make a repeat. See this thread for all of the Budget Glitched maps. Well, at least you won't have to waste your time making them then! Nice of you to offer this service though.
They are, you just have to click 'back to file' above, right of the original post. That's the same for evey link on Bungie.net links.
I think what he is trying to do is make maps that are already started that he can budget glitch? Atleast that is what I am taking in from it.
yes you are right, but I more than half the people here don't know how to link their gamertage to bungie.net so I can actually put it in my fileshare, and they can DL it there
Kk then no problem what-so-ever. I agree newer members may not link their gamertags but I swear the majority do. Good luck on what you're doing.