Hey all, I'm the guy that brought you the terrible MLG maps Aus and Rapid. Ive finally learned my lesson and decided to take a bit more time with one of my maps(This one took me 2 days), Here's the result: MLG Beaver This map has almost everything interlocked, if its not interlocked its geomerged and sometimes both! I called it beaver because of all the routes to get somewere, you can be a really really sneaky beaver. Weapons: 4 BR's 2 Carbines 1 Mauler (Drop spawn i think) 6 Frags 6 Plasmas Plays MLG TS, MLG CTF Ons, MLG KING Used Onslaught wall and cranes blockers, hope you dont mind Salot Ok then heres all the screenshots: Overview showing everything but A side and Blue Base A side I present the awesomeness that is B side Under B Front of the bases Middle (you can crouch under just past the cross in the picture) A side of base B side of base Flag Spawn (in the open box) http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=61086379
Looks pretty nice, is it meant for CTF? The bases are aysymetric so i don't think objectives would be great. But this looks fun for slayer.
I like it. It's a good clean map. A couple of things I would fix would be that crouching point, because if it is too hard to crouch, you could be shot down. Also spawning the flag in the box may cause issues on getting the flag anywhere. I haven't even played it yet, but just by looking at it, those are the only things I could possibly change.
The crouching part helps escaping from the people on the A, B towers not from the bases, and it does it very well. My friends and I can that part the beaver. The flag works good where it is you just cant do the one man army flag cap. You need a second person to cover you while you get it out.
welll... It has alot of merging and alot of stuff in general. seems very crouded.. I would say it has a urban kind of look to it, which in my mind, would be best used for SWAT than for MLG and since Swat isnt my cup of tea.. well i dont like tea actually since SWAT isnt my cup of Hot Chocolate ( =] ) i probably wouldnt play it
It looks pretty good, I was hoping for a Beaver Creek Map GRRR. Umm, what can I say, the interlocking and geomerging is nice, and you have a few kinda original structures, however some of it just seems pointless, and overdone. MLG is not usually my thing, and I will have to skip this map...
You don't need weapon holders on the dumpsters, unless you want a weapon there. The dumpsters won't move by anything, except a spawning immovable object, gravlift, or a mancannon.
Overall Pretty descent map, I say that because the interlocking is smooth and clean.There's nuthing negative, I just prefer to have a few jumps.I like to strafe up a ramp so I can continue to battle insted of wondering where I need to jump.Curious were you got the name as well, lol.Check out MLG Instinct.