Lost River Created by MASSAVE LEMONZ This map supports game the game GRID. This map has 1 shotgun 1 sniper 4 magnums 2 grenades 1 greanadelauncher 2 brs is good for up to about 8 people is symetric you start out in a house in front of the river and can go up stairs to the br next you can fall in to the river or go to the sniper tower -------------------------------------------------------------------------- picture of the sniper tower -------------------------------------------------------------------------- picture of the bridges -------------------------------------------------------------------------- picture of the right side of the map -------------------------------------------------------------------------- picture of the left side of the map -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out this map Game Type (GRID.) Sorry this is my first post so i didnt know how to put pics in
Your images are not working. And you must add a description. To add pictures go to bungie.net. Go to your gallery. Save each picture of your map. Then go to photobucket.com and make an account. Upload each image there. Then go to your gallery on photobucket. Copy the IMG bar under each picture and paste it in your post. Here is the map posting template as well. Map Posting Template - ForgeHub Halo Forums
yeah, embed the pics but from the pic links to Bnet, it looks very aesthetically pleasing. i love the way you used all of those barriers to make bridges and such. this is an alternate guide for pics ill give a DL and see if pics are better when i make a review
Here is a link to the complete tutorial of getting pictures embed on forgehub: Click You have exactly 24 hours from the time you posted this thread to fix it.
I think the time that a post is up that is not to standards should be 2 hours enough time for them to add pics. Plus there usually on looking for responses to see what people think...
Seeing as you haven't changed the post in the last 14 hours, I may as well give you a review of the map (as odds are, you won't change your post and this'll get locked). I like the double box floor, but most of the interlocking in this map is unnecessary, and some waals are crooked. It may not matter, but you should try to get your walls as straight as possible, otherwise they just look weird :/ I like the bridge, though, and the layout of the map. I don't mean to be petronising, but in case you missed the rules, here's the section that applies to map posts: Map Posting Rules Maps must include at least one embedded picture of the map. All pictures must be embedded. Download links must lead to a posted map on the bungie forums, NOT your fileshare. You must include at least a brief description of the map. Post titles must consist of the map name ONLY and no other symbols, comments or irregular formatting. Failure to post your map correctly will lead to a topic lock after 24 hours in the absence of a fix. ... And here's another link to the screenshot embedding guide in case you missed it; and also, the link to www.photobucket.com. I think it's the easiest site for uploading pics to, and it's probably the quickest, too.
even though your supposed to have pictures embeded, it still looks great, some people wont even look at it if you dont have embeded pictures, get on that fast and share your map to forge hub, good job 4/5