Capsize Made by: Federaltag Hello everyone. Yeah my names Corey aka federaltag. Most of you probably have no idea who I am but thats ok. I used to forge all the time before call of duty 4/WaW and gears of war2. This is my second race map and since I havn't been forging for a while it's certainly not my best map. I am posting some maps I started a while and am just now finishing. I will most likely continue to forge from this point onward. I just got a little distracted. Well this map is not like most racetracks. Like most my maps I built this map backwards.Kinda. I started with the curvy part then worked my way down then back up. Because I used up so many objects, for the beginning section I had to keep it simple. Sorry about that. I made this map originally for two players but it supports three. Four just wont do unless you want a screaming friend who gets mad because they get knocked of the jump. If you remember I'm terrible with stories. So with out further waiting here are my pics. If you miss the jump you can just retry Download Capsize Please comment and tell me what you think.
This map actually looks really good, like the interlocking and everything seems smooth, unfortunately i won't dl because i'm not really a fan of race tracks but keep forging! this is really well done!
Clean racetrack. Pretty nicely made and looks great. 5/5 but I don't really want to Dl sorry. But this is probally the cleanest race track I've seen.
WOAH. I don't usually post anymore except for flaming necro-posters and rating rly delicious maps and this thread's all out of necro-posters. I love it. This map has terrific interlocking, a wonderful design, not to mention an original design, and the raceplay looks ossim. I've honestly never seen a map like this. 5/5, and, in the wise words of StrongBad: "TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!!!"....****, I mean, FEECHURE NAO!
This looks like a really well put together racetrack map. Some of it seems a little awkward (the actual track is awesome though), and some of the outside aesthetics are messy;who cares as long as it is a good race huh...
It looks ok to me. There definetly could be better forging in some places like with the pallets but It looks pretty good in design. It also looks like the sheild door drop with the grav lift will flip you often. I say 3/5
Sorry for some of the mess but most of it was due to the fact that I ran out of almost everything no joke. But the shield door flip if you go straight into it like 95/100 times you will land on the ground. Awkward is my style. i hate creating maps that people feel like they have seen before. You should try it before you rate it si poorly. I've seen s**ty map get at least 4/5