Only one more for Expert guys. I'll leave it up for a day or two more, depending on the activity of this thread.
Would you consider doing a RB2 tournament also? I have both but I really prefer the metal songs in RB2 as opposed to the Nu-Metal and final tier of GH3. If not, I guess I'll sign up for expert.
Also, just wondering, should I sign up for Expert even though I can't complete it? I'm not sure if I should be in Expert or not. EDIT: I noticed you can sign up for two difficulties. Sign me up on Hard, aswell. Just me, not my mate.
I think I may have to bump down to hard seeing as I haven't played in over two months and am not very confident in my expert passing ability right now
Smitty, I also suggest you making more entries for Expert if needed. It will only make the competition better.
Allright in response to a few questions first off. I don't have RB2 Raw King, so sorry, can't do one of those. Don't be worried if you can't pass Expert. I had somewhere around 15 100% and was able to beat the Devil Went Down to Georgia downloadable song before I actually passed the duel. Trifslap, I can put you in both if you want. There's nothing to lose being in both. Stoj, good idea. Maybe I'm scaring people away cause there's only 8 slots. **UPDATES** Okay, so I just have a few questions for you guys now regarding the time and how this will be run, seing as this will probably happen. Question #1: Would you guys rather have me start this around Monday, January 5th so Christmas and New Years are passed, or just start it the weekend after Christmas and give a small break for New Years? Yes Votes: 0 No Votes: 0 Question #2: Would you guys rather have this be a bracketed style tournament where you are paired with an opponent, a single player type tournament where you add up your scores for each of the predetermined songs and the person with the most points wins, or a league style play where you play a predetermined song and get let's say 5 points for 1st, 4 for 2nd, and so on, with multiple rounds of songs? Bracket Tourney Votes: 0 Score Tourney Votes: 0 League Votes: 0 Lemme know what you guys think, I'll do whichever ones get chosen.
You can put me on expert if theres still room. I'll Probobly be the worst though, can't ****ing beat raining blood. Last thing I have to do.
Allright, haha. I think I'll start working on the official thread and run the sign ups until after Christmas because I won't be available from tomorrow until the 26th.
Yeah I'm making the post and bracket now. Note, this is your last chance to sign up. Only the Expert tournament will be running for now because that is the only one with enough people. If you do not sign up before I'm done making the post, you won't be in this tournament. I'll check back here every few minutes.
You'll murder me lol. I remember you and I talked about you dirty nasty you are. After Xmas I'm down for expert.
I need more people to vote... I was thinking about starting it now and giving the first round until a day or two after Christmas, but I need to know.
does that mean that I atuomaticly win easy,and do me and camo gotta fight itb out for the mediam champ?
I'm not starting the Easy, Medium, and Hard tourneys yet. I might if I get more people, but for the moment I'm only going to do Expert.
I'm not sure when I'm going away but I'm probably going to be able to talk to my mate over XBL and get back to you soon.