
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by J A Y, Dec 21, 2008.

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  1. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Removed for new version

    #1 J A Y, Dec 21, 2008
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2009
  2. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    RAWR! looks smexy
    looks kinda oldschool cuz theres not a but load of geomerging. me likey
    looks like it relies on good tactical gameplay. ill be beack with an extended gameplay review

    needs more dl links.
  3. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    I accidentally forgot to put one up, it's up and running now.. Also thanks for the comment =D
  4. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    Someone's been posting alot of maps XD. The layout looks really nice, really smooth all around and looks like it has some strong BR capabilities. I really like the center "structure", it has access to all of the ramps, making it a pretty strong focal point. And is geomerging not allowed by Atlas?
  5. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I really like this map's layout. It has kinda the same feel as Xyience which is my favorite map to play slayer on. You have the semi secret door jumps and then theres the window panel that a skilled jumper can use to get to the top level in a jiffy. I like the many "floors" of the map. As with Xyience, you don't have just a box or bridge making up a level, you have a large area made up of walls, boxes, and bridges. The weapon layout seemed to fit well, and I liked how you made up for the lack of geomerging with some shield doors interlocked with the boxes to prevent grenade loss. The only problem I found with this map was that it is breakable. You can grenade jump from the third floor to the open box on top of a double box beside the Plasma Pistol bridge, and from there you can make your way around Foundry's built in catwalk to get out. You can do close to the same on the other side, but it is a bit more difficult. Grenade jump from the middle floor to the lone open double box sitting next to the wall, then grenade jump again to the double box a couple yards away from it, and from there you can get onto the catwalk which leads out of the map, and more importantly, on top of some of your formations, which could lead to some easy kills with the height advantage. Now, I know these jumps would be extremely difficult to make in game with people shooting at you and such, but just wanted to let you know about them if you didn't (unlikely). I enjoyed this map though; excellent work. 8/10
  6. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Thanks for the detailed post, I'll try and get a box ontop of the other one. I might struggle due to the budget. But for now, it'll have to do.
  7. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I saw this on ATLAS a few minutes ago, it looks fun with the height and structure advantages in the middle of the map. I like how there is some geomerging but you didn't over due it. And the geomerging you did is well forged.

    But I think there nneds to be something in the back corners of the first 2 pictures. They aren't contributing to gameplay and they just look like a responing area to me. Mabey I'm wrong. When I get my xbox back from repairs I will DL and test.

    I would love to see this in MM!
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Tis a very basic style you went for, and in the end run, that makes this map about a billion times easier to navigate and play on. I played on several versions of this map the other day, and some were better than others, but this looks like it was my favorite version.

    I highly enjoyed playing on it, and i actually did fairly well. It was an easy map for me to navigate around on while still being aware of what all the other players are doing. The ground level features enough cover where i felt safe down there, while the top has enough routes to it where the team controlling it can easily be overthrown by a decent team. The shotgun was not overpowering, or completely useless. I love when you get the weapons that nice balance. You really know the weapon fits the map when you do that. I was effectively using just about every weapon in any part of the map, so i know that i am not constantly running for one part of the map every time i spawn. Though, it shouldnt hurt to have control of the top layer :D

    This is probably my favorite out of all the maps you posted, and i hope it makes it into ATLAS. :)

    J A Y likes this.
  9. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Looks like a great map, nothing too amazing to look at, but if the gameplay is what you say it is, then it must be good. I couldn't picture this in matchmaking, I don't know why, but for my personal tastes, I wouldn't want to play like Team Capture the Flag, Oddball, ETC. But,, What do I know. I will DL and play
  10. LIGHTSOUT225

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    just did a forgethrough on this, LOVE the layout. There's a great use of height, and some good lines of sight. I do have some qualms with some of he technical aspect regarding spawns and gametypes, however.

    First, you have over 80 more items you can place before you hit the item limit. I think this map could support a wide variety of gametypes, and I wish it was set up for more, if not all of them. Especially territories and VIP. In assault, you have the objective locations placed, yet no starting points or respawn areas. This seems like it would be a stellar assault course. Also either I couldn't find the neutral bomb spawn, or it uses the default location and is interlocked in a box somewhere. In CTF, I was hoping you could explain why there were 4 respawn areas all placed together in a bunch, seemingly covering the exact same area. Im sure you have a reason for it, and it made me pretty curious. In KotH, I was hoping for more hills on the upper levels of the map. I realize the third leve may not be ideal for a hill, with only 2 ways up and it being fairly linear, but I think another hill on the 2nd level would suit the game well. It seemed that the upper level of the map would really only play a factor in slayer games, althought that is merely speculation as I haven't had the opportunity to game here yet. In fact, take everything I say with a grain of salt, as you are the one who has done the testing, and not I. Just thoughts from what I see.

    On a last note, there's a vertical double box in the back right corner of Foundry (if you are facing the back wall from the offices) that has no cover over the top of it. It is an accessible box, and while its not practical at all, it is possible to fall down there and be stuck. You have $4 left over, and it could easily be remedied with either a corner wall or a door. A door would be unobtrusive and you probably would'nt even see it.

    Like I said though, I LOVE the design of the map. Good wrap-arounds and some great angles. I can't wait to get some games here. A job well done, sir.
  11. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Clean interlocking, but i have to say it looks very dull. Maybe it would be more appropriate in the MLG forum? I see very few weapons and a hap-hazard design that when played, is extremely open and overall, not very fun. But the effort counts for something. Good work. 3/5
  12. black rose

    black rose Ancient
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    the maps looks kool but u could of interlocked some of those walls that form the first and second floors just gives a little cleaner look towards the map outside that awesome map.
  13. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Wow you have been posting a lot of maps lately. Your forging is very clean. In some way, your maps improve each post. That last picture showing that double box arc is gorgeous. The merging and interlocking is just spectacular. I would love to see more maps from you. You do a very great job on all of them.
  14. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    I've been having some troubles with this lately, I've placed starting points, objective locations and saved it, but they somehow disappear. I'll re-do it and post the new version shortly.
  15. skaterdude770

    skaterdude770 Ancient
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    Me and my friends played a couple of MLG FFA games on this map and it actually played quite well.
    The layout is perfect for competitive gametypes. The forging is amazing and not bumpy like a lot of maps I have played.

  16. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Thanks for downloading. Also FFA isn't the best gametype supported on Scarlet, also this is the Default slayer version. If you are looking for the MLG version, it's called Jilted.
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