Zedafen Tower

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by IVY SNAKE, Dec 21, 2008.


    IVY SNAKE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Zedafen Tower
    Created by I w r e k e d I and props to slackercat777 for the 2nd floor and 3rd floor.

    Supported Gametypes:
    The map is made for all default gametypes except multi based gametypes like multi flag,neutral assualt and reguler VIP.

    Map Description
    This is my first post on ForgeHub so sorry if something isnt working.Zedafen was once a peaceful place until the rivalling countries attacked the one true power source of Zedafen the tower....You must defend zedafen from the rivalling countries and keep them from taking the tower.
    Zedafen Tower is a assymetrical map that has a base and a courtyard you must defend the tower from the attackers.Very fun map to play on with alot of people I recommend 4v4,5v5,6v6,and 8v8 but all of them are fun.Since the base has 3 levels of power weapons I had to make the outside of it even with balanced weapon placement there a alot of weapons on this map even a hidden sword and there is a ghost outside of the base the really helps out since the base has 3 lvls of power weapons.

    The three diffrent levels of Zedafen Tower

    The outside courtyard of Zedafen Tower

    The third floor of Zedafen Tower

    The second floor of Zedafen Tower

    The first floor of Zedafen Tower

    A river made up of shield doors

    The ghost spawn just outside of Zedafen Tower

    The cannon man that launches you up to the 1st floor from the courtyard

    The overshield spawn


    I hope you enjoy the map!

    Zedafen Tower
    #1 IVY SNAKE, Dec 21, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2008
  2. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please don't double post.

    Welcome to FH.

    Here's what you do.

    Delete your link now.

    without the space before url
    [ url=link to bungie here]Download[/url]

    From the pictures, your map looks pretty good.

    PO PO RONNIE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Have not seen a map like it to date
    Good interlocking

    Can't tell what the gameplay would be like so add action shots
    More geo-merging would be nice

    Overall:Looks like it would be fun, and seems to be a very good map but it does not come off to me as being the best of the best so 4.0/5.0

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