MLG Inertia

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by SuperFeiGn, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. SuperFeiGn

    SuperFeiGn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    MLG Inertia. Simplistic and competitive asymmetrical map. Co-created for
    double the awesomeness!



    MLG Inertia is a beautifully simple and amazingly fun asymmetrical map.
    Games flow brilliantly due to the effort put into balancing the map; a prospect which hinged upon a perfect compromise between geometrical and weapon-spawn advantages.

    Aside from the obvious neatness, smoothness and fluidity, this map also
    shows the benefits of having two forgers work together. Yes, two
    highly experienced forgers having an equal input on one map! (Forgers
    being myself and ash55.)

    The great thing about two forgers working towards one goal is that you
    always need to find the perfect solution to any disagreements. This means
    that we have most likely found a much better balance and flow to a map
    than a single forger could. It also helps because there are two sets of highly scrupulous eyes finding all the tiniest of flaws in the geometry and noticing
    basically, a lot more potential imperfections than you’ll find on almost
    any other map.

    A great deal of care has been taken when placing every single object on
    the map. And not just the crates and bridges, but the respawn points, the
    starting points, respawn areas, objective spawns/sizes, weapons etc. etc.


    As I’ve mentioned, this map was designed to be simplistic and create a nice
    fluidity to games. Fast-paced games are forced due to long lines of sight. The
    map is quite open but also has lots of cover.

    The most interesting thing about the cover used is that in many areas it
    comes in the form of a wall which is merged into the crate beneath. What
    makes this structure better than the kind of full sized cover you see on most
    maps is that is custom built to cover you from some elevations of the
    map but leave you vulnerable to others. To explain; some walls are short
    and only provide cover from players shooting from lower areas whilst other
    walls are taller (about head height) and cover you from players shooting at
    you from lower areas, areas of equal height but not from above you.

    One side of the map has the areas of highest elevation but less cover
    whilst the other side has less elevation but also leaves you less vulnerable
    most of the time.

    We have tried to create that “coolness†that exudes from maps like Lockout
    by use of similar jump points. We included some jumps that will make you
    think you are awesome when you do them but at the same time are not
    overly difficult to pull off.


    All gametypes are supported on MLG Inertia (even though I doubt it will be
    used to play territories for example) and have been set up with starting
    points that we believe are balanced for all the gametypes. Obviously for
    MLG settings, TS, KotH and Oddball are the only viable options, but like with Lockout, they should all work fantastically on this map.

    Another note about the gametypes, is that KotH in particular has been set
    up the way MLG has set up this gametype for Halo 3 in that the sequence
    for the three hills is basically: Middle Hill>>>Side A Hill>>>Middle Hill>>>
    Side B Hill>>>Middle Hill etc.


    The weapons on this map are:

    4x Battle Rifle
    2x Carbine
    1x Sniper
    1x Mauler

    15x Grenades

    1x Custom Powerup

    Battle Rifles have been set to 10 second respawns; Carbines 90 second
    respawns; Sniper 120 second respawn and Mauler 150 second respawn
    (and 1 spare clip).

    There are 9 Plasma grenades and 5 Frag Grenades placed around the map.
    All but three of the Plasmas are placed “out of the way†so that they
    promote movement, and to certain areas of the map. It also decreases the use
    of grenades during matches to get rid of any grenade spamming that is
    generally disliked. All grenades are set to 30 seconds respawns.

    The Custom Powerup (i.e Overshield) is set to a 120 second respawn with
    a twist
    . The twist being (ash55’s idea) to give it a “Halo: CE†feel.
    This basically means that it will respawn at two minutes into the game
    regardless of how long it was before it was first picked up. (This is done
    by placing two Custom Powerups in the exact same spot, using a weapon
    holder, and setting one to “Respawn time: 120â€, “Place at start: No†and
    the other to “Respawn time: Neverâ€, “Place at start: Yesâ€.)









    This map is meant to be played with MLG settings and nothing else. It
    can be played with all other settings but this is not recommended.
    All MLG gametypes can be found at this link. If any of you should decide to rate
    this map, then please do so as an original, asymmetrical MLG map, not
    something else.

    We will post a "default" version for more typical games (not MLG) in the
    near future but we have yet to perfect the weapon placement on that version.

    I think we have created a really great map. If you feel like downloading it
    then"]click here[/url] and enjoy! If you don’t
    want to then don’t bother, it’s up to you. I’ve given up trying to persuade
    people that the maps I post are worthwhile. The description and screenshots
    should do that.

    Oh and finally, I wanted to rub this in Ash’s face:

    Noh Skohpz!



    Epic Tusk likes this.
  2. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks interesting; I'll download it and try it out later.
  3. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks great :). Great post as well! I'll write a review in the coming days.

    Peace // gorebound


    If you fix the link it would be greatly appreciated. The link has an extra "http://".

    Senior Member

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    looks good homie, ill check it out and get back to you
  5. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Its nice to see an asymmetrical MLG map. Not many people are willing to take that kind of risk. I'll definitely be back after a forge-through.
  6. gamergimp

    gamergimp Ancient
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    Queued... looks good! I noticed that in the screenshots it looks like 1v1s. Has this map been tested with larger teams or FFA?
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I'm really impressed with what you've done here. I haven't done a complete forgethrough yet; I was only running around to get a feel of the layout (and testing out the Bumper Jumper control scheme, which suits this map nicely) and just wanted to throw out there how much I like the setup. I love the receiver nodes as up arrows for the elevator system. Just enough to be different from Metalock and a very nice touch. It's nice to see map makers that understand the complexities of proper cover and the risk vs. reward premise. You guys seem to make a pretty good team and I'm looking forward to playing a proper game here.
  8. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    I have to DL to see more but this has the look of a real map designers level (like someone who would do this crap for a living) Your ideas and use of cover are terrific; you arent simply throwing crates and barriers out there. Picture 3 shows you have multiple avenues to areas and there is little chance of noobs camping with anything. The flow looks very thought out.

    I am working on a criteria-based review of maps...I would like to test it on this map. Trust that it is not as primitive as the guy from FuriousReview who did your 'Sanctum' I have actual defined criteria for judging maps. I could evaluate and then PM you if you would rather not have it posted; but its not like personal or group-based reviews mean much anyway.

    If I were you I would ignore the probable 5-6/10 that you know the "review" is going to give. They only rate internal maps highly and have little credibility with people who appreciate competitive play.

    DLing for testing.
  9. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I thought the same thing when I saw this on the MLG forge forums, but finally, an asymmetrical MLG/competitive map. I have this queued to download and will get back to you once I give it a spin. Because of your post quality and your display of intelligence, I will disregard your comments on Sanctum about us Forge Hubbers not knowing how to balance a map or write a subjective review. Welcome to Forge Hub. I would love to see you team up with some of the creative minds here to make some sweet maps.
  10. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Great map, but i disagree that is is MLG worthy. Your interlocking skills are very good, and there are some innovative idead there. But i think the map is a little big over complex for a forge created MLG map.

    Nothing wrong with the map though, great job.
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I'd have to disagree with that statement. Of course, I have no official basis for this opinion, as I'm not a hardcore MLG player. That being said, seeing maps like this and Different Level makes me wonder why Onslaught was chosen as MLG's official map. I know those guys spent a lot of time on it, but it comes across as bland. This map and the other that I mentioned have some visual character to add to that fast-paced style of competition. To me, that really makes a big difference in the kind of maps I like to play (read: steal ideas from). Just from doing a forgethrough you can tell it plays just as the authors intended it to.
  12. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    The blandness you are referring to, is the very reason Onslaught was selected. Onslaught is catered to favor the better BR player and strategist seeing as there is only a mauler on the map. That is exactly what MLG is all about. Complexity just gives a worse player a better chance over a superior player which takes away from the purpose of MLG. I am a competitive Halo player, but I don't like MLG style because of the blandness of just throw 'nade, BR, hide, BR, hide, and then throw 'nade. I would prefer both this and different level over onslaught, but onslaught is the best for MLG contests.
  13. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    looks like it would be a good 2v2 or 1v1 map
  14. JoeyT 23

    JoeyT 23 Ancient
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    This looks really good. Definite download.
  15. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played this map earlier today with some people and it works great! The central area really provides good standoff confrontation potential. Works great for BRs. I'm not a fan of grenades directly next to weapons but that is a small issue. Again, great interlocking and cover provided and multiple avenues are great.
  16. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this map looks really good. Downloading...
  17. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks Nice man.. definately gonna DL this 1. Will try to get back ASAP with a review.

    [​IMG]Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
  18. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Wow, def. a MLG map. You can tell just by the setup and layout. Which the layout looks amazing. I love how you interlock! You move the open boxes a hair down so that there is no crease to walk over and everything. Another great map you have created. Nice work! I have it queued.
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    only one word comes to mind...flawless. The first thing that really caught my attention was the different sized wall covers you were talking about in the original post. and im gonna have to agree with crooked, moving the open boxes down just a tad like that is genius...why didnt i think of that? Extremely well-balanced, except i was a bit surprised at the flag spawns when i flipped it over to CTF..but hey, after everything else i see in this map, who am i to question the flag spawns. The interlocking aside from the lowered open boxes is immaculate. i ran over all surfaces and didnt stub my toe on a single one. And you might be stoked to know that you have inspired me with the grav lift behind the box, as i was struggling with putting together a very important part of my map. I now have an easy solution, and couldnt have done it without this map.

    Im sure itll make a great MLG map, hopefully its well accepted by the MLG community. Did you post it over there also? im sure you did.

    anyway, fantastic job.. ill probly download sanctum now also just from my experience with this map. cant wait to log some matches here. keep up the good work
  20. SuperFeiGn

    SuperFeiGn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks. I look forward to your review.

    All of the links have been fixed and thanks for pointing that out. I copy/pasted most of the OP from my thread on and it seems to have added another “http:†to the html here.

    Thanks. Ash should get credit for the idea of building an asymmetrical MLG map. Basically, he had filled about 70% of the map space and then asked me to help him finish the map. I deleted about 20%, filled in the rest and added stuff to his side. We then both messed around with everything until we were completely satisified.

    Thanks. Yes the screenshots were of a 1v1 between me and ash55. This map has been tested with larger teams but I personally have only taken part in small FFAs, 2v2s and 1v1s on this map because I often suffer from a bad (shared) connection during peak times.

    Thanks for the feedback. Ash again gets credit for the receiver node. That had nothing to do with me but I love them too. Thanks for noticing the “risk vs reward†ideas.

    Thanks a lot for the feedback. It’s nice to see people appreciating the thought we put into the map. A review would be appreciated a lot. You do not have to send it in a PM. It would be nice to see a fair review and I’m sure others would like to know what people think of the map before they decide to download it or not.

    Thanks! I look forward to you getting back to us. Maybe I or we can team up with other people should they want us. It was strange for me to team up with Ash; I am not usually too keen to team up basically because I worry I will just annoy the other guy too much with my persistent restarting of rounds to make sure items are interlocked perfectly.

    Thanks a lot. I too am not overly fond of this kind of grenade placement but Ash managed to completely convince me that placing those two frags next to the mauler were necessary so that people were more drawn to that area of the map and therefore create a better flow. I do certainly undertstand why you might disagree. Thanks for the feedback.

    Thanks a lot for the feedback. We had a little discussion about the flag spawns (i set them up and he was unconvinced). They perhaps look to be in weird positions but i think these are the best places for them. I wanted to try and create the feel of 1 Flag CTF on Lockout where the flag is low down in the corner of the map and the score point is up high. Having the flag near the corner means that you can approach the flag from different positions throughout about a 100 degree ark. Having it where it may be expected (in the middle of the back wall) would allow you to only really get a view of the flag from close range and through a 180 degree ark. I think it fundamentally creates better flag games if you can keep your distance from the flag to provide surpressive fire and help your tam to grab it. That is my opinion at least but i respect that others will disagree.

    Again, thanks for downloading and leaving feedback.

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