MLG QUARENTINE v5 Forged by Cydronix Ideas and Layout by Blakbastud9 I DO SAY MLG BUT IT IS BOTH A COMPETITIVE MAP AND AN MLG MAP, DON'T NAG ME ABOUT THE DOUBLE POST! Yes, I know the name may have already been taken. This is my team, Team Quarantine's first Official Map, I have made many more but this is the first official MLG map for Team Quarantine. This map is perfectly symetrical with every object near the wall or ground geo-merged. This map is Inspired by MLG Amplified v5, and MLG Onslaught v5. The map consists of all MLG Weapons and Standards, except for the curved wall. It plays incredibly well and has a un-get-outable wall. I still have $150 left for this map so look forward for a version 2. It is aproved for all, MLG gametypes. Gametype Tactics Multi-Flag Tactics - In multi-flag the best thing to do is have one player go up the shoulder (raised platform to the south end of the map), and one go on the opposite side. Have the player shoot down onto the enemy base while the other player picks the flag up. Two ways to carry the flag safely to the other base is to follow the should back to your base or take take the elbow (opposite side of shoulder) back to your base, Be advised to toggle the flag (Drop it and pick it up repeatedly) when going the shoudler route. When going the elbow route it is better to be sneaky and undedectable. When defending your flag have one player stand up top on the base and one in the basement of the base, if the top needs help the bottom player can easily jump up and pick up the kill. For playing up-top you should find a spot out of fire. I recomend the open single-box on the shoulder. Slayer Tactics - To hold your game in slayer it is good to have two people take the shoulder, one player take the center (Mauler Spawn) and the other take your base. Doing this you can cover the entire map. The two on the top can cover each base while the player on the mauler spawn can cover the two on shoulder, the player on the base can cover half the map if he get's above the overshield base. Oddball Tactics - In MLG Oddball it is best to be slow and steady, two players take shoulder and two take Elbow. When the other team approach's the oddball your team can help take them out. Have one person grab the oddball and rush to the basement, and near the staircase wall to avoid grenade spam. If grenaded out, grab the oddball and go counter-clockwise around the map, up the shoulder through opponent base down the elbow onto your base and back up the shoulder, once your team gets back into the game go back to the staircase spot in your base. King of the Hill Tactics - KOTH (King of the Hill) is not reall the most "Tactical" gametype. But if your do chose to play KOTH on MLG Quarantine, then this is how the hills move: Center Spawn - 1 minute Red Base - 1 minute Center Spawn - 1 minute Blue Base - 1 minute Repeated... Center Hill It is best to have one or two people in the hill at once, have one/two people on the mauler spawn and one/two people in the hill. Base Hill When the hill is on the base it is a good Idea to have one person in the basement and one on top, also have one person on the shoulder to pick off the people has they rush the hill. Call-outs: Shoulder - Raised Bridge walkway south of the map Elbow - Opposite size of Shoulder West Basement - Blue Base Basement East Basement - Red Base Basement Center Spawn - Area above Mauler Spawn Barrel - Area where Mauler Spawns Cave - Area under Mauler Spawn West Collar - Double wall connecting to Shoulder on Blue side East Collar - Double wall connceting to Shoulder on Red side Weapons on Map: Battle Rifle x 8 Carbine x 3 Plasma Grenade x 6 (20 Second Respawn) Mauler x 1 (Drop Spawn 90 seconds) Plasma Pistol x 1 (120 second Respawn) Frag Grenades x 4 Spawn Points x 50 Overview of MLG Quarantine v5 Top of Shoulder Lower View of Barral and Cave Overview of Map from Shoulder viewing elbow View of East Collar Red Base Blue Base I hope you enjoy my First MLG Map! Here is it's info: Time To Create: 24 hours 42 Minutes (Editing and Testing) Budget Spent: $650 Budget Left: $150 Symetricality: Perfectly Symetrical Remake Possiblity: 98% Date Started: 12/20/08, 2:32 p.m. Eastern Time Date Finished: 12/21/08, 3:14 p.m. Eastern Time Helpers: Blakbasud9 (Ideas and Spawning), La Glouton a.k.a. Siberdine (Final Gameplay help). >>DOWNLOAD MLG QUARANTINE v5<< >>DOWNLOAD MLG TEAM SLAYER v5<< >>DOWNLOAD MLG KING OF THE HILL v5<< >>DOWNLOAD MLG MULTI FLAG v5<< >>DOWNLOAD MLG ODDBALL v5<< >>DOWNLOAD ANY MLG GAMETYPE/MAP<< THANKS FOR THE DOWNLOADS! Sincerely, Cydronix Blakbastud9 La Glouton/Siberdine LOOK FORWARD FOR A VERSION 2!
looks pretty nice. i like astmetrical maps more. but this seems great. can u get on the floating platform in pic 1? overall it looks good. nothing that really stands out though. u can prob submit this to matchmaking. overall 4.5/5 its worth a DL
Pros Love the idea The gameplay would be great. Cons Can't think of any Overall:gamplay looks great and the interlocking is pimping, 5.0/5.0
looks more or less like every other mlg map created in the past 5 months. I'd urge Cydronix and Blak to explore more creative avenues of forging an MLG design, and to break away from the terribly mundane quota the forging world has wrongly placed on what should be an mlg map. the forging is nice, but there's nothing i see that would get me to DL it. Sorry, its just another mlg map drone.
This was a fun map to play test with you Cydronix and I'm glad to see you added a little more cover to the map. Multi flag was probably the best on this map. I give it a 5/5 now, good job.
Can't you just type in the normal font? That post is annoying as hell. Anyway, pretty good map. I can definately see the Onslaught in it. It looks a little bleh in some spots, but the gameplay looks good. But you should've posted this in the MLG maps' section, considering the name is "MLG Quarantine." Maybe a mod will move it for you.
i disagree to an extent... Most mlg maps when you look at them have the exact same strategic layout and what makes a mlg map stand out is the design of the bases and the middle. for the most part your bases have a very un original taste to them. And lately mlg maps are becoming asymetrical. Your middle has alot of potential but some main aspects lack. i suggest you cut of some lines of sight from both you bases to make your map more rounded and to make people playing your map want to go around the sides of your map to take full advantage of the space you provided.your floating structure is a for me and isnt needed in my opinion. Also i may suggest some high ground on the back middle of your map i know it makes your map even more unoriginal but it may be needed. ALL IN ALL cydronix you map has potential but does need some work.(i much prefer you other one). keep up the good work 3.5/5
These MLG maps seem so similar to me, yet I can see some drastic differences in your map than others. I'm just not a big fan of the staircases on each side going up to the platforms. Nothing against your map though. Personally, I like the simplicity of.. everything. When walls are interlocked, most of the time it looks like a mass of lines thrown together. Overall 4/5. Nice job.
Hey cool map dude I make MLG maps myself and this one is pretty good but I would have to say that it kinda looks empty the map feels like its not done and it could be much much better 4/5 cant wait till v2 this map has alot of potential
the map looks good, unfortunately, i see Onslaught and Amplified making up most of this map, though i like how you placed in the back wall, with Custom Powerup Light, gives the map an original feel, but i can only give you a 3/5 because most of it looks like Onslaught and Amplified's offspring. Aesthetics wise though everything looks really smooth the interlocking and geomerging are great!
Your middle structure is the main attraction. It has a very different feel about it. It feels foreign in the midst of other mlg maps. I am not a fan of mlg, but i dont' mind playing it. What you have built is very playable, but try making non-mlg maps, I can see that you have a creative talent. Let it loose. Or at least create even more creative mlg maps.
This looks very nice. As usual, the interlocking is top notch. As someone said, it looks like Onslaught and Amplified's son, though. 4/5 Also, if you spent $650, then you would have $50 left. $700 - $650 = $50 lol.
I play MLG and this looks a lot like a edited onslaught map if it is then stop stealing maps or just stop stealing ideas plz
Good try. You can't just put the same map in two spots and go "uh, it's both." You have to pick one. Otherwise, you're just advertising, which is illegal. Here is his other thread, mods.
Hmm. Looks remarkably clean. Sadly, it also looks remarkably uninspired and unoriginal. Can we all just get past the common misconception that MLG does not necessarily equal "not creative?" Just because people want to be highly competitive on a map does not mean that that map must be the visual equivalent of a yawn. Symmetry is a great thing...when used correctly. Otherwise, symmetry simply means taking one boring side of the map and flipping it, then placing it on the other side. Regardless of how perfectly interlocked, geomerged, and "tested" a map may be, if it brings nothing new or better to the table, it's not going to last. Period. ForgeHub is about perfection and ingenuity, creativity mixed with well-executed beauty that assists gameplay. Please, use your obviously good Forging abilities to create something fresh and new!
it looks like you borrowed alot from both amplified and onslaught... the geo merging looks pretty prestine but i'm gonna have to give it a one for originallity, cuz everything on this map has been done before... many many times...