Orbital Created by Cydronix and Blakbastud9 This is my "Remake" of the Mythic map Orbital from only the two pictures in the December Game Informer Magazine, now from the recent bungie update I realize my looks almost nothing like it. For Asymetrical Gametypes there is only a receiver node that the teleporter sends to, but in symetrical games there is a Two-Way Node. Money Used: $699 Time to Finish: 3 hours, 23 minutes Symetricality: Asymetric The Map is based off of this picture: Weapons: BR x2 Carbine x1 Shotgun x1 Plasma Grenade x 4 Frag Grenade x3 Mongoose x1 (Scenery, It is not touchable) Radar Jammer x1 Plasma Rifle x2 Spiker x2 Flamethrower (Asymetrical Games only) x1 Custom Powerup (Use my Gametype) Tunnel Leading to the "Ship" (Inside Tunnel) Outisde view of tunnel leading to "Ship" Bottom view of Tunnel Birds Eye View of Map Tunnel from top Top Tunnel Geo-merged Fence box in "Ship" Gametypes: Slayer Primary Weapon: Battle Rifle Secondary Weapon: None Grenades: 2 Speed: 110 Damage: 110 Custom Powerup Traits: Overshields: x3 Damage: 110% Speed: 120% Kills to Win: 50 Recommended for 3v3 or 2v2 One Flag Primary Weapon: Battle Rifle Secondary Weapon: None Grenades: 2 Speed: 110 Damage: 110 Custom Powerup Traits: Overshields: x3 Damage: 110% Speed: 120% Flag Return Time: 10 Seconds Flag Respawn Time: 30 Seconds DOWNLOAD ORBITAL DOWNLOAD ORBITAL SLAYER DOWNLOAD ORBITAL ONE-FLAG
Tunnel It looks a little like it. That sloped tunnel looks super sexy, though. I'm definitely checking this one out. It's hard to get a sense of how big it is. How many players is this map meant for?
The sloped tunnel looks really, really cool. I will almost certainly use it in a map design. I haven't seen pictures of the Orbital map, so I can't really compare it, but I played on this map and it looks and plays solid. 4.5/5. Keep on Forgin'.
The tunnel must have been a ***** to make. I'll download and check it out. I've only seen, what, two pictures of orbital so i really wouldn't know the difference.
Hard to know what to expect when the actual Orbital hasn't been released, but this looks good. Did you actually merge that fence box? Because it looks in pretty much the exact same position as Linu's on Remedy.
Oh lol my bad, I thought the door from where the shot was taken was to the locker room, not the middle of the hall. Downloading. That tunnel looks amazing by the way.
i see some really nice interlocking in this map i reall liked that sloped stairway thing. definately some time put it this map. im not to sure how the game play seems though ill have to DL and try it out later i will post back once ive tried it but i give map 7/10 ggood work
Lol, I can imagine bungie right now saying, "Alright, we'll go on forgehub, and if we see an epic map that starts with an O and isn't stolen, and is the first map we go on, we'll add easy interlocking and geomerging." They then come to this map, compare to Orbital, find it's an exact copy, and never give us easy interlocking. Anyway I want to see how this map plays. It does look remarkable similair to the pictures. Also where's the ghost they showed in the picture? Or would it just ruin gameplay?
nice. i saw the real orbital on bungie.net. looks awesome. it kinda looks like it took long to make. good job!