I cover the budget glitch and all its glory. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=55VdH50Lpsw There's been a debate about the use of it, I'm all for it. I see no reason not too You guys can discuss it, Budget glitch or no?
great vid, helped me a lot, I was wanting to make a map on avalanche but I need the budget glitch and I didn't have one anyay nice! 5/5
OMFG I learned something today. That means no more ****ing up my maps. I actually tried the glitch one time but as soon as I got to $2, I didn't know you had to save and quit and start it up again and blah blah blah so yeah. Thanks for teaching me.
Why would people not use this? Besides the obvious draw back of having one less of each item. But anyway nice video Bl00D F1R3, keep them coming.
i think the biggest thing that is bad about it, is you can't delete. anything put in has to stay, so if you geomerge, then those teleporters have to be put some where or not used again. also it does have one less of each item. Bungie put the budget there for a reason. i personally hate the budget glitch.