You've gotta look on the other side of the issue as well. MLG has the most communication in both positive and negative varieties of any playlist. Some games you'll do only mediocre and get called a BK, but in the games that you win and your team was talking to each other you'll get partied up and often a friend request. Thats been my experience anyway, people are far more likely to offer to party up and after a few games friend request in MLG than the other playlists. Thats why if I have to play alone, I usually play MLG.
Dude, it sounds like you had a bad experience in the MLG playlist and just want to say **** everyone in MLG is a douch! Don't do that, because really, i doubt that you actually played game after game in the playlist and had all that much worse of an experience than you would in any other playlist. One could just as easily say that if you go into unranked playlists all you do is play with little kids, or if you go into big team battle they are all noobs. Don't discriminate. The idea of somebody saying haw yah meen i r MLG just shows a moron. People who brag about rank, or what playlists they play, or which weapons they use quite indefinitely shows how uneducated they are or how much time they have on their hands. But by lumping people who enjoy the MLG playlist into one group, you are not thinking about the ENTIRE community of people on halo 3. Not only that but there is an option to play with more "friendly" players instead of the uptight "people who think they are pro" players just by going to the dashboard and personal settings. If you choose underground setting, you WILL get a LOT of trash talk.
Well it seems people are right, I just pushed myself up to a 31 in MLG and it seems like everyone acts mature with the exception of a few. So i guess I could redub my post to "MLG playlist is aggresive towards new players" lol aggresive.
you get immature people every wheres. no matter where you go it's impossible to avoid. you just have to deal with it and accept it. anytime they yell at me, i just feed em ;-) like those guys that tea bag you and say,"suck ma rooster BIAAATch@!@#!" i go,"What? I can't cause ITS TO SMALL" or "yeah gimme more come on i cant feel anything" then they flip out and scream some more and do bad playing. and then quit, leaving the other team short handed and with the actual people who want to play. I love playing. plain and simple. K.I.S.S and just play
Wait, that actually affects matchmaking? I thought it was just a random profile stat that didn't matter. Do you have a link to where it says that?
I kind of agree. For this reason, only very good players ever play MLG, which means unless you are a general, you never really get a fair match. Its theese people that put others off, so yes, you are right. I wish more people would play MLG, then theese over-obsessive players would not get annoyed with those not as good as them. Its just a big circle, really.
I agree with Novak, about when you hit your 42-50 in MLG, you no-longer get paired up with the ignorant, annoying, self-centered MLG Pro wanna-be's. Instead you trade it in for MLG Pro Teams, really good competetive players, and just overall good people. And no more slacking in a game is allowed either. Every time your going to go into an MLG Game, you better be playing you best, or alteast good because I promise you, there will be no more Noobs. And if you have never played with good people, here's an example of their skill. Usualy either me and my Team, or just me and my friends, or even sometimes me alone will go into the MLG Playlist for a warmup game, playing on our 48-50's. And we have only been defeated like that 2 times. We have only done that about 10-13 times now
I think that the MLG playlist is just highly underrated by the Halo 3 Population. The reason that the Hardcore playlist was so popular was because A: it had variability, and B: It didn't stand out as something that extremely highly skilled players played. It was simply regarded as a playlist where above-average players played Team Games. When the MLG playlist came along, people thought that they couldn't play it even if they were fairly skilled because they thought they would be embarrassed by a pro. The playlist is just thought of as too highly skilled, that's it. Not to mention that lag is an extreme factor on the forged variants of foundry included in the playlist. Remember, these maps and gametypes were built for LAN play, not for xbox live where lag is a common annoyance. It was a good idea, it just really didn't have the chips to go that far.
I wish i had a good team to play MLG with, I was a 35 but I honestly keep getting crappy teammates, Im not saying im good but i could get myself to a 40 with the right attitude and the right team.
Saying "MLG players are assholes" is kind of the same as saying "Women are stupid". It's a huge generalization and it's generally wrong.
Agreed, it's generally the 13-year old wannabes who are the assholes, not the people who are actually good. I used to be terrible at Halo, so I know that pretty much anyone can get better, you just need to put in the right amount of time.
I'm 13, I take that offensively.... Just kidding, but yes that sums up a lot of the 13 year olds but is still stereotyping in my opinion. Because I don't think I'm annoying, but maybe I am you tell me.
ah, MLG. I love playing this but people who get angry over a game is what i hate about it. Sending messages and ****. The after game lobby is hell-on-matchmaking. I just leave unless my teammates arn't fags about it. still it pains me to see a 5000 average players on MLG compared to others like TS or TD.
Holy cow, the Nading on MLG is terrible, because there are always the certain bottlenecks of teh maps were everyone dies and drops nades, you need to not be able to pick up frags droped by players
HAHAHAHA!!! MLG is NOT coming to a close. MLG is growing at an extermely fast pace, so you'd better get used to it. But yes, the MLG playlist is full of immature people at the early levels. Also, Halo 3 online is crap. I still love it, but nothing can even come close to LAN. That's why I gave up on playing MLG MM and only play MLG customs. EDIT: I have read a few more posts in this thread, and I am amazed. If you don't like MLG, that's fine with me. We all have different tastes. What amazes me is how pathetic you guys sound as you try to trash MLG and say the dumbest stuff about it. Yea, I'm being pretty rude right now but I speak the truth. If you guys actually knew what competitive gaming was, you would understand why MLG is getting soooo popular. Again, if you don't like it, that's okay. But you guys sound like complete morons when you say stuff like, "I think they only made MLG because people were mad they couldn't get 4 shots with the BR...."
I hate the MLG playlist because I can't 4shot someone who's standing still. And because there's no vehicles.
I dont think warmup games are that big of a deal. My buddy and I never feel the need to warm up. I think it is just a waste of time. When you play your first game of the day the only thing that is going to be rusty is your aiming. I rely on my decision making and teamwork to win more than I do with my aim. And it usually doesnt take me long to warm up my BR. I play on 4 sensitivity. I hope this is a joke.