
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by jakob hunter, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    ok i have finally finished my map waterfront v3 yaaaah!!!
    first before i sart getting into a long boring description of my map you guys want to see some pics infact some of you will only look at the pics so ill just post them now ok.......
    overview of attackers base
    overview of defenders base
    overview of the neutral base
    the awesome turret mount i invented i hope you like
    the sniper spawn
    another overview of the attackers base
    the flag in the shower
    some of the water going through the pipes i made and redid from wolfs version
    the sentinal beam spawn and it spawns every 120 seconds to avoid overuse
    And now the moment you have all been waiting for my totally redone awesome water/airvent pipe thingy that shoots you to the other base yah!!
    more pics will come and posibly a youtube post if my friend is up for it
    ok now for the long boring description i was telling you about i would put it in bright colors to make it more cool but that might hurt your eyes so boring grey it is......

    Well this map as you might be able to see is a military camp deep in covenent infested sewers (no well now you know) they were sent to investigate a new kind of covenent species that tends to like the damp watery areas and what better place to keep it than the sewers? (well they are part sewer part cavern). So the team of cool military dudes set up camp by this half dried up very damp cut off sewer cave river with lots of pipes leadind through it and to it. "The creature was seen around here" they said.then they where never heard from again. noone knows what happend to them but something bad i bet since they where stupid enough to put a fusion coil in a sniper cave highplace. the camp was found loiterd with dropped weapons loitering very neatly in the area and perfect for a bunch of kids to play around with. Thus waterfront was born!! It is now a fun place to play fun team games with friends with some crazy king thrown in and oddball hwever a new version of the map specificly for FFA and SWAT is being descovered as we speak SWATerfront will be posted tomorrow as a new thread and FFAterfront will be by this weekend i might just add them tothis thread. (man this is a long boring description). And finally a v4 will be found by the end of christmas break so be ready.
    The list of items that where found in these sewers was reported however some items where not counted completely so yah here is what we got
    -1 shotty gun
    -1 sniper rifle and one beam rifle
    -1 sentinal beamafier 120 sec respawn
    -a few BRs and carbines
    -a few frags and plasmas and spike nades
    -1 power drain
    -1 regerater (wow what is the point of the power drain?)
    -2 machine gun turrets 90 sec respawns
    -2 plasma riflers
    -2 spikerfiers
    -1 invisabilifier
    and that is all i believe. Oh and the fork lift thats a funny stiry really yah it is a sewer and who knew what came out of cranes oh well it ended up there might as well use it as cover even if it smells. Wait your telling me the military dudes came with it to build a road and stuff oh ok i was scared that i was using poop for cover oh well.
    here it is in all its awesomeness


    Thankyou for viewing and please post constructive critisisim and good reviews only thankyou.
    thanks to everyone who help play test you guys are great especially Magicpretzal he was there with me the whole tim i was making this map and play testing it about so thanks
    oh yes and if you happen to come across with around this same name in the infection threads with around the same layout made by wolfmk47 well i did not copy his discovery i help him a ton infact i almost made his made (no im kidding he did alot) but we did this together he made the infection version i did the other versions but the idea what was originally his was completely different than what this turned out to be. none of us came up this map on our own it just came about as we where making it and about a quarter of the way through did i realize what i was making and that was when i split from wolf.

    But i basicly redid everything wolf made in this map not because i didnt like it but because i wanted it to be my map so i can say i made that map with a proud feeling. Although the map would of never happened without wolf and i know i sound selfish when i said that but it is true. and wolf can do about the same with his map to so there you go a big thanks to Wolfmk47
    #1 jakob hunter, Dec 21, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2008
  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    your top half of the pictures isent working
    from what i can see it is messy in some places like the sniper interlock the wall so its in line

    3/5 for me
  3. sparten57

    sparten57 Ancient
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    this map looks very well thought out i love the thing that launch's you from one base to the other but in capture the flag that would kinda ruin the game =\ but i don't know i havent played it yet and it is a bit sloppy here and i also think you should remove the beam rifle but it is also very well made in some other area's when should we expect a version 4? cause im sure it will be even better than this one but the map looks very playable and i cant wait for version 4 i give you a 4.2 out of 5
  4. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    The top half of the pictures on you're page arn't working. Use photobucket, it works better.

    About the map, it looks kind of rugged. Like some things just look titled or unstrait, and generaly just not smooth. The game play might be great and make up for it though, so I'll DL and get back to you.
  5. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    thankyou for the posts and about the rigidness and croockedness to some things remember it is a sewer in a cavern so stuff is going to be croocked. But i will be fixing most of that in a v4 which is sure to be the best it will come out by the end of december

    the beam rifle actually doesnt affect gameplay to much but it can be a huge part if used right like when you find yourself in a fire fight from across the map through the air vent

    speaking of the air vent i just played a game of ctf on here and it is not to much of a helf unless you just want to die. because as soon as you come through you are in enemy territory and get shot at plus you cant take it on your way back so you have to go on foot thanks for all your posts again and merry christmas
    #5 jakob hunter, Dec 21, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2008

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