
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by evilvillager, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    Download Poseidon

    Supported Gametypes
    - King of the Hill
    (any default KOTH gametype can do)

    Recommended Players
    - 2 -4 player Free For All
    - 1 vs. 1
    - 1 vs. 1 vs. 1
    - 2 vs. 2

    Map Description
    Poseidon is placed on the beach of High Ground, but past the barrier. Only a tiny bit of the map uses the shore of the beach but you wouldn't want to stay there too long because this map is mainly made for KOTH. The forged structure of the map is almost symmetrical, but the rocks on either sides are asymmetrical.
    (Read after looking at pictures or keep in mind while looking: Using the grav lifts, you can rise up and easily confuse the person on the hill. Or you can just simply from one box to another box.)

    History of Building the Map
    I had first started making this map during May-June, at that time, I didn't have Xbox Live, so I couldn't download Heoric Map Pack. With only Pre-DLC maps to forge with, I wanted to make at first a floating water base and have the humans stranded on the island while the zombies pile on top of them. So I picked out High Ground since the water level is so high. My idea didn't exactly work out, I just ended up with a bunch of immovable crates in the water and no more teleporters/weapon holders for any more crates. But then I noticed the crates could be some interesting "towers", so I then transformed the whole map into a KOTH map.
    (Then I went away for the whole summer, then I got Xbox Live about 2 months ago but got too carried away playing than forging.)

    Weapon List
    (RR=respawn rate, SC: spare clip, PAS: place at start
    1x Battle Rifle: RR: 30, SC: 1, PAS: Yes
    1x Carbine: RR: 30, SC: 1, PAS: Yes
    1x Shotty: RR: 30, SC: 0, PAS: Yes
    1x Needler: RR: 60, SC: 1, PAS: Yes
    1x Sentinel Beam: RR: 45, PAS: Yes
    1x Sniper Rifle: RR: 60, Sc: 1, PAS: No
    2x Spike Grenade: RR: 20, PAS: Yes
    2x Plasma Grenade: RR: 20, PAS: Yes
    1x Spartan Laser: RR: 60, PAS: No
    1x Firebomb Grenade: RR: 30, PAS: Yes
    1x Deployable Grav Lift: RR: 30, PAS: Yes
    Fusion Coils: RR: 10, PAS: Yes


    Now this is something foundry can't do

    Map Overview with Spawns. Btw, in each group of respawn points there are spawn points, but the water hides it (I'll explain the explosions later, and if you go past 1/3 of the pic, starting from the beach side, you die from a death barrier)

    Map Structure Overview (I forged these parts)

    Left Side Angle/BR (notice the shotty)

    Right Side Angle/Carbine (notice the shotty)

    Location of Splazer and firebombs

    Now the teleporters are both for immovable purposes and defence purposes

    Fusion Coils spawn every 10 seconds creating a dangerous path for you to get the splazer

    From here...

    To here...

    Spawn Lower Rocks (notice the sentinel beam [closest rock] and the needler [further rock])

    Spawn High Rocks (notice the sniper rifle) look back to the map overview if needed

    Placement of Deployable Grav Lift (zoom in)

    Placement of Deployable Grav Lift (zoom out, at the foot of the high rock)

    If you were to pick up the Deployable Grav Lift, you can place it under my character and you can get up to the sniper rock.

    Now if you want to create some chaos during the game or potentially stop people from scoring in the hill, then you can plant the grav life right on the box.

    Grenade Explosions in Water

    Frag Explosion
    Plasma Explosion
    Spike Explosion

    Download Poseidon
  2. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This is the best High Ground map I have seen. It's so well planned and the idea is awesome. My only complaint is that you should have put 4 crates forming a square that way the hill would be bigger. It looks really fun, I'll download. Good job.
  3. sparten57

    sparten57 Ancient
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    i agree with the guy above me it shoudl be a square and i love how you put it in the water and also part of the main map and you didn't even need to put a barrier or anything cause it for KOTH only which thats really smart (something i never would have thought of) is it crazy king or just non crazy king? but also i think you should up the respawn time for the spartan lazer and the sniper rifle to 90 seconds each and the shotty up to 60 seconds other than that it seems like a great KOTH map good job! and you've got my download =)
  4. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    this map look insane annd awesome (a map on highground that doesnt take place on the highground?) who would have thought of it?). the map looks really good although you should of put the boxes in a squar like the dudes above me stated. but the lawout is really well planned and put out nicely along with the weapons. You have my dl. one question how do you stop people from going to the rest of the map? 4.3/5
  5. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    well i mainly designed this map for KOTH, so escaping the map will be pointless.

    PO PO RONNIE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks fun for a 1v1 or 2v2
    Nicely made

    Way to small for my tastes
    If some one wanted to they could run to the other side of High Ground

    Overall: Good I idea but not haveing the map blocked off GRINDS MY GEARS, 3.5/5.0
  7. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    If the people above me read, I believe it has a pre-made barrier to keep you from going into the map.
  8. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    actually, quite the opposite, once you walk past a certain point, you are back within the normal game boundary, which is why i also added in the teleporter so that you can get back inside.

    no offense guys, but if you read my Suggested Gametypes, this map is only meant for King of the Hill (due to no more immovable objects)
  9. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    I always thought that area was meant for infection. Good job on creating a competitive map on a non-dlc. I just wish the platforms were bigger for bigger parties

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