Me and my friends messing around on a mongoose. He did most of the kills, and i drove most of the time.
THat's pretty sick. Nice editing aswell... Good job if this was you who mad the video. If you didn't then still good job...
Wow sick skill. How did he or you pull off those kind of no scopes on a damn mongoose? That's insane!!
Wow, really nice sniping skills by the passenger. You're a good driver as well, setting up the shots for him . What video editing software do you use?
That was some great footage, and the editing was good aswell. Keep making them!! Yeah, what editing software did you use??
Some of those were incredibly skilled. Nice no scopes. The montage was well made too. Nice job, I wish I had that kind of skill.
haha this makes me want to use the mongoose more often in squad battle lol that would be really fun to use that on a mongoose. nice video and the editing was smexy as well
The music was extremely annoing im sorry to tell you this but i had to turn it off because of that music no offense though.
2:27 Do a barrel roll! Nice No scopes. I mongoose snipe myself on occasion. The lasers were ok, the snipes were more pleasing IMO. Overall, nice tage my friend. Edit: I liked the music, TTFAF gets played to much in other montages.