Yeah, was bored today and just felt like making something. Tell me what you guys think. (It's not amazing, but I don't think it's horrible) [Better if viewed on Forgehub X or Far Cry skins] Edit: The way it is lighter at the top and darker at the bottom relates to the whole theme that the title, Still Alive, implies. She's sinking/falling into something and drifting farther away from the light. However, despite all this, she is still staying alive, fighting for her survival.
You're not supposed to really see text unless you focus on it. If the text is too visible, it detracts from the rest of the signature. Try refreshing?
Looks alright, If I'm correct you've used fractals in this. If so, you overdid it. Also, the text should use the 'thirds rule, and make the text larger, and more blended in.
The thirds rule doesn't apply to text, unless the text is the focal point. Really? I always thought this was my worst one lol: No problem.
There is very poor flow and the BG is too empty and uneven. The BG/render don't go together very well. Also, it's okay to make a border a color other than black or white. You did, however, do a good job on the light source. I'm not too sure about the text though. I like how it merges with the border but it is too simple and small. Also, what you said about the text is false. If you are putting in your name, then it can be true, but if it is the title of the work, then it is a different story. If your going to put in text then be sure to make it interesting. Final Score: 3/5
What you're saying about the text refers to the old, outdated styles of signature making. Nowadays, it's thought of as 'correct' to have minimal text. I agree with you about the borders, but I just don't like putting on colorful borders. Not my thing. I don't understand how you can say there isn't much flow, seeing as it all flows from upper left to bottom right. Don't really know where you're coming from with that. And about the background being too simple, I disagree. It's supposed to be a relatively simplistic signature, as per the theme of it. Also, any additional features I could add would just detract from the focal itself. Also, no offense, but after looking at some of your signatures, I can clearly see that you have little sense of what is 'good' art.
Lol whatever, I haven't been GFXing lately, mostly working on some forums. Besides, this is CnC on your work, not mine. Also, please don't defend your sig so much. It's obviously one of your worst. As for the flow, the bright section in the BG in comparison to the rest of it is just odd. And I really think you should follow my advice on the border. The text would probably look cool enlarged over the BG in a suddle shade of orange with a thicker font.
The way it is lighter at the top and darker at the bottom relates to the whole theme that the title, Still Alive, implies. She's sinking/falling into something and drifting farther away from the light. However, despite all this, she is still staying alive, fighting for her survival. I'm going to defend my sig as much as I want, by the way. Lol. And I disagree about the text. It would take away from the art.
Okay... you could have explained that in the first post. Now I sort of see what you meant by this signature. Maybe try making the transition between the light and the dark in the BG smoother, yet make the range between them greater.
I thought about that, but decided that 1) it would make the signature too uneven and 2) it wouldn't show how she was still partially in the 'light'.
Hmm... I see what you mean. I like the middle of the BG but the left is nowhere near as good and should definitely altered.
It is decent. I don't see any flaws right away, so that is a plus. Good work from being inspired by boredom. --Compliments of Stanford
To be honest, the terrible choice of render just destroyed it for me. And what were you doing with the text?? It's not good at all. Keep checking out those tutorials!