I thought his knew map could've been good... if it wasn't modded and had a few touch ups here and there... As for most of his other maps... (IMO) they weren't very good at all.
i second that..... horrible gameplay, horrible layout, horrible design, horrible asthetics....but wait, U CAN WALK ON SHEILD DOORS.... OMG...
im not bashing the kid, but i dont approve of modding, and i sure dont think he understands how to make a flowing layout.
I dissagree modding is good as long as its not used in matchmaking. Map / gametype mods are fine in my book. Modds were great in games such as Halo CE and Counter Strike. Bad modding the modding everyone complians about happened in Halo2. As for picetta I think hes a good forger and I dont blame him for using tools to help him out. Also bungie DOES NOT BAN people as much as you think they do and if you have modded content on your fileshare you will not be banned unless its a picture mod in which they will ban you lol. Gametype and map mods wont get you banned as much as picture modds. I haven't seen this new map of his but I think it might be cool from what Im hearing :].
Ok, even though modding for map building purposes may not be 'bad', it's still illegal according to the ToS.
Locked due to people insulting Picceta, and what he does. I find a lot of the earlier posts to be in very bad taste. :lock: