well this map looks really good do you think you could get some more pictures and maybe a weapons list? other than that great job
This looks pretty good. Are the back hallways blocked off, or are players free to walk through the back alleyways of Foundry? Anyway, 4/5. Nice map. Keep on Forging!
I can't really see all of the map from the pictures but besides that good map since there isnt ant interlocking (as far as I could see) but at least you geomerged.I give it a 3.5 out of 5
looks cool Pros Good Idea looks very fun no one side is uneven Cons Looks a bit sloppy(but I don't mind that to much) I don't know what game type to play this on looks a little open Overall: Looks fun, but does not have too much interlocking. I would give it a 3.0/5.0 for looks but because I take gameplay over looks I will Give it a 4.0/5.0
Reply to PO PO RONNIE As I stated before: DON'T SAY THERE IS TOO LITTLE COVER! It may appear from the screenies, but in play, there is no more than a 3 second run into cover anywhere. Since it is symmetrical, you can play this on team games, or just straight up slayer. I have outfitted it for every type of gameplay, so whatever you like, you can play. (excluding special gametypes like racing gametypes and other specific-to-a-map gametypes) Sloppy? How do you mean? Reply to IVY SNAKE: There is actually lots of interlocking, for one instance, look at the peek into the long extending hallway, two interlocked "Single Box, Open"s that are interlocked into the roof, the walls, and each other. Reply to mastersync23: The back hallways are blocked off, but you can go through the teleporters that lead into the hallways, there is a door blocking the middle of the hallways though. In other words, left teleporter leads to left hallway, right teleporter leads to right hallway.
i dont like symetrival maps because it lacks creativity but it does look good and it seems as if the top part it a little open but thats fun for a bit of mlg
this map is not asymmetric. it's perfectly symmetric. and as i said before, its made to fit with all gametypes.... not specifically infection, but it can be used that way.