The Infected Castle Are you afraid of zombies? Even if you have a big wall and protective castle surrounding you, you still arent safe. For those who stand and dare to fight, this map is very suitable and much to your delight . Download Map Download Gametype The Humans start in their big fort, thinking they are safe. the zombies start someplace a little secluded and are ready to eat som brains. After the beginning of the match, the zombie is really outnumbered. Only 25% of the people become zombie. Also that he's got to infiltrate a bigass fort doesnt help either. The only thing he can do to infiltrate is destroy the 2 switches ( grav lifts ) in front of the gate to magically open it. also after 30 seconds some grav lifts spawn at the initial location of the zombies, providing an easy way inside the fortress. The gate automatically opens after 2 minutes to make the zombies life somewhat easier. But how does the fort look, you might wonder. Now let me introduce you to the Castle of Spree. It is well protected by its reinforced gate ( which doesnt seem to be so robust after 2 minutes ) and the two turrets alligned next to it. It can also be defended by the 2 sniper towers positioned behind the wall, which has a good overview of the map. The towers are accesible by teleporters located at their base. Also the humans have 2 warthogs at their disposal, which they can use to run for cover or to defend the fortress even better. but beware, they dont respawn. That's the outer line of defense, the humans last stand lies in the secluded building, which consist of 2 floors and a roof. The first floor is very cramped, with little runways to run in the building. it also features 2 armory's, on the left the covie armory and on the right the human armory. If you are being overrun at the firsr floor, you can travel to the second floor, which is accesible by 2 stairs. but before you enter the second floor, you get to a balcony, which is a great vantage point for shooters. The second floor consist of a large room, in which 2 more little rooms are located. These little rooms also have more defensive measures, 1 room has overshields and camo's, while the other room is filled with equipement. if even there you arent safe anymore, you can flee to the roof. The roof is accesible by the teleporter on the second floor. Located on the roof is a wraith, which can be used to pummel the evil zombies on the ground. You can also drive it downstairs, but i wouldnt recommend that, since its easily destroyed by the zombies and it also doesnt respawn. On the roof are also 2 man cannons, which shoot you towards the wall, for a hasty retreat. EDIT: now made the zombies somewhat human, so they have bad camo and can pick up the grav lifts. also the normal zombies dont have camo anymore. now its time for some pictures ( sorry for the bad quality ) this is the initial spawning place for the zombies. this is the front gate, which can be sabotaged by destroying the two grav lifts this is the roof where the wraith is located on this is the right overview of the map this is the left overview of the map the human armory the covie armory \ equipment room Equipement and powerup room 1 of the 2 sniper towers 1 of the two garages i hope that i have interested you for the great map and that you give it a shot by downloading it. if you download it, please respond what you think about it and maybe what can be perfected
ive set the runtime minimum to 2 and stated that the 2 in front never respawn and the 2 under the dumpsters to not spawn at start. So that means that there must always be 2 grav lifts on the map. so when you destroy the 2 at the gate, aka the switches, they grav lifts under the dumpsters spawn, projecting the dumpsters in the fence box located above, and voila, you have an manually opened gat
*UPDATE* yes another update, after playing it with some friends today, i figured some errors. the gravlifts for the zombies dont work, so i let the alpha zombies dont pick up weapons. instead i give them an 1 minute respawning custom powerup, which makes them faster and jump higher. also i made the turrets non respawnable plz rate and comment
come on, this topic has been watched many times, but no one responds please respond what you like about it or not, i need some feedback so i can watch those on my future maps
So I checked out ya map, didn't play it in a game but I looked around it in Forge. First things first, your map would benefit greatly from interlocking. It'll help make your map look more attractive, save you more space as well as cash. Click here to see the tutorial on interlocking. Another issue I found was that as a Zombie, I could actually get into the base without using a gravity lift or opening the main gate! This happens where the boxes meet the side of the wall on both sides of the map. Admittingly, I haven't checked out your gametype, so this problem can be rectified by increasing the gravity. In terms of balance, it's seems to be pretty unfair on the zombies. There are things you can do to fix this though. I would suggest ditching of the turrets, and moving the other one into the middle (so if you're looking to the left, you're unaware of whats happening to the right). Same applies to the Sniper. I would suggest ditching at getting rid of one, or at the very least limiting the ammo to 0-1 clips. Humans have too many power weapons. I'd remove the RLs, Lasers, FRG and so on. Would be best if you spread the weapons around as well, because they're so close to each other that if someone picks one up, he'll pick the other one up as ammo meaning no one else will even have a chance of getting a decent weapon. On a positive note, you have given the weapons decent respawn times to help balance things out! Now, I have a issue with the vehicles. For the size of the castle, and not forgetting that Foundry isn't that big of a map, they don't mix well with your map. For example, you can't really drive the warthog around too much because your castle isn't that big, and if you leave it parked and used it as a stationed turret, because it'll give the humans more power. If you really want to, you could keep one warthog, but I'd definitely get rid of at least one. Concerning the wraith, well, I can appreciate what you're trying to do, but it's just way too powerful. I'd get rid of it. Those are my comments, you map has potential, but you need to sort out these problems because they're restraining it at the mean time. Also, just liked to mention that you forgot to add the "e" at the end of castle on the actual map name it self.
thnx El Leone for the big reply i thought the humans were balanced, because i only played with 1 zombie and 4 humans, because the rest wouldnt want to test with me . then the map was balanced. Now i also see the poorly spreas weapons, ill fix that asap also the turrets will be deleted and 1 turret will come in its place. just like the warthog, im going to switch the hogs with mongees, so its more balanced and the name of the map: i couldnt add the last e to the name, so now its known as infectec castl anyways thnx for the detailed response
No problem. I forgot to mention, but some of the zombie respawn points may need repointing, some of them are facing the wall, which means that if someone spawn camps the zombies won't have a chance to fight back. You have given plenty of respawn points though.
It looks alright, and I dunno if I'm in a position to judge, not being that great myself at Forging, but the 'Compound' map on Last Resort is just as good as this. In other words, if you make a map on Foundry, with so many more options, that isn't much better than a regular map, it's not worthy of anything higher than 7/10 Therefore, 7/10. I like the gate though.