CQC Pinned By xcid77ux This is the first in a series of Close Quarter Combat (CQC). CQC Pinned is a symetrical map that will have you fighting non-stop. Update: Shotguns removed, Shield Doors removed, Fire Bombs removed, and Fusion Coil removed. Weapons Battle Rifle x 6 Assault Rifle x 4 Magnum x 4 SMG x 2 Mauler x 2 Needler x 2 Carbine x 2 Rocket x 1 Frag Grenade x 4 Plasma Grenade x 4 Regenarator x 2 Bubble Shield x 1 (Symetrical Only) Gametypes Team Slayer Multi/One Flag Multi/One/Neutral Bomb Team KOTH Team Oddball (not recommend) VIP Pictures Note: This is my first map for Forgehub Download CQC Pinned
ok i cant tell if its multiple rooms or just that one also i noticed those rockets if its close quarter combat it needs to have one clip or not even be on the map you also seem to have alot of weopons for a small map but any way i love close combat and nonstop action so im downloading and it seems nice and smooth no annoying bumbs so 4/5 welcome to forge hub
Yeah, the rockets only have the initial clip and that's it. I know its alot, but it gives you more options that way. Thanks.
well this looks like a good 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 map the rockets could get a bit hectic what the respawn time for them?
Havn't played the map yet but it looks good. One concern as others have posted is your weapon placement, but beyond the rockets. In the default Foundry office you have a shot gun next to a shield door. ad idea. just means people will camp there.
Is it 1 big room or not if its 1 big room maybe you could add teleporters that bring you to diffrent spots of the map I noticed you used 1 teleporter to bring you in the back of foundry though.The interlocking looks good and how you put everything also looks good 3/5 since I cant really tell what the map looks like.