First Signature: The big circle takes away from the BG too much, which should be the focus of this signature. As for the BG, nice work. You went a bit too heavy on the bottom because I think the cool part is where the top three colors meet. BG: 8/10 Circle: .0000001/10 Total: 6/10 Second piece: The BG is cool, but the lines that go over Niko aren't, and neither are the pixelated sections. Total (without taking points off for lines): 8/10
The first one is good, i don't think the circle detracts from it at all. Could do with some Century Gothic text and a border though. Niko looks really good on the second one but I don't like the random white dots and i don't understand the 'cut here' line, which looks strange.
The 'big circle' IS the focal point. Anyways, Diz, I like the first one a lot. It's very nice. Is it from scratch? I don't really like the Niko one though, just not very good in my opinion.
I understand it is the focal point. That's what makes it weird. It's a glowing circle over a great BG.
Use your imagination; think of all that the circle could stand for. Is it the moon? The sun? A hamburger bun? A misty eye? No one knows. That's why something simple like that is good. It makes you think.
I do hope your kidding. I really do. If it "stands for" the sun, make it a sun. What's so hard about that? All I'm saying is that the BG is much better than the "focal point". Without the sun/moon/hamburger bun/eye then this would look really cool. You could even enlarge it and make it a wallpaper.
Greeeat work on the first one. I love abstract pieces. Though, maybe the focal (circle) should be higher up, covering the blue..stuff.
Sig Uno--- I like the flow of it and the colors are mystic. Some may think the blank circle takes away from the rest of the area, but I believe it adds on a sense of imperfection in the flow of thought. Ha! 2.7 out of 5 stars Sig Duo--- I don't know what to say about this one... The stock is cool, but then you obliterate it with bad background choice and adding the 'cut here' line. Trying so very hard to find the positives, but there may be none. Maybe next time, bud. 0.2 out of 5 stars