Instead of the stupid glowing cylinders, Bungie should have made the teleporters into more of a gateway. Something like the Stargate: except smaller and without that ramp leading to it. They would also make it so you could see through to the receiver area and see a small section of the place where you're about to go into. Thoughts?
My main point is that, for both gameplay and aesthetic purposes, you should be able to see through to your destination. The Cold Storage ones don't allow for this.
I like the portals from the game 'Prey' that the first poster suggested. Mainly because they let you see through them to see what's on the other side. But the ones in Halo 3 aren't that bad.
It would take extra memory space to implement that feature, but it would be really nice to see how hot a zone is before jumping into it. But then again, couldn't some one the recieving end see into the sending end and prepare a counter attack for some one to teleport to them? And like Portal/Prey, do you want people to be able to fire through the teleporters?
Imagine how bulky and large they'd have to be to get a clear view of what would be on the other side. And more importantly, how realistic is it that in a game of Team Slayer or FFA someone's going to stop and watch the other side of a teleporter to see if they'll go through?
They don't really have to be. They can be the same size as the ones we have now, just a bit different in proportions. And all it takes is a glance.
I like the idea of that, its kinda like the teleporters off of the series Jack and Daxter. lol i love that game. And yeah i think thats the way they should be also it would make it look a lot more cooler and interesting