How Bout Zombyz I don't usually make infection maps but I enjoy infection so I decided to make a map. I spent a lot of time interlocking and geomerging so please give me some feedback so if I make another infection map it will be even better. Gameplay: This infection map encourages the humans to work as a team and move from base to base in order to stay alive. The humans start in the back room of foundry where there are two plasma pistols which are very helpful in Strong Zombyz. The zombies are released 20 sec into the game. As they make there way down the hallway there is a 10 sec respawn gernade at the A sign on your right. The first right turn you can make is into the A base. There is an SMG a plasma rifle and a needler in this room (I'll let you find those on your own). After a while the humans will run low on ammo and should now move to the next room. They will move further down the hallway into the B section, here there is a br and assult rifle. After running low on ammo here the humans are now forced to move into the teleporter room where there is a trip mine. After 2 min into the game the teleporter will unlock. By the time the humans get there it is usually unlocked. There are two reciever nodes but you will have to jump in order to surprise them. This will take humans into the third area. Here there is a brute shot and a turret with limmited ammo that spawns another minute in. Few people make it this far but if you do you should be able to hold the zombies off a little longer. It's Pic Time Starting room A base B base Teleporter Room Final Base Just for the heck of it heres some action pics Hope you liked my map and here are the DL links How Bout Zombyz (map) : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Weak Zombyz : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Strong Zombyz : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Wow i love infection and this looks really fun, especially for your first infection map. Also good job on the geo-merging to its great. I'll give this 5 stars for sure.
looks really good! the merging and interlocking looks really good. 20 sec is a while till the zombies are released. the ppl i know would complain a lot about that. but theyre all annoying like that. anyway, the map loks really great. gameplay also seems well set up. i like the two single boxes that are merged and interlocked together in the base A pic. over all 5/5! and im glad u put 2 different game types.
This map looks very nice. Good interlocking and especially good geo-merging. It's a fairly large map, and I'm glad there are 2 bases rather than 1. I'll download and play this map with a large party of 12-16 players. But in the first pic, are you sure those receiver nodes aren't blocked?
Great map, I really had a greta time testing this with you. It really was an enjoyable map, much better then most infection posted these days. I really liked how the last room was opened up at 2 minutes, but the only thing there I worried about was the camping because of the trip mine. But their really wasn't any problems at all, the only thing in the map that I think should have been changed was making the final room alittle bit bigger. It was a bit small, but I understood how you ran out of money at the end. Also sorry about the lack of testers, the guild wasn't very helpful in your test. 4.7/5 for such a great infection map.
Thank you and the last room being small helps the camp problem. Its not a base really its just a way to get to the third base.
this looks friggin sweet! i loved giving you help on this, its very well built. sorry i couldnt get in on the testing, i was caught up in homework as usual......anyway ill check this out and get back to ya on the gameplay. nice work Isles
Isles? W/e Thanks for all the comments you guys. Im glad you like it. Too bad about the testing it was really fun.
This looks really sweet for an infection map! At first when I saw the name I was like another infection map wow. But this looks awesome. I love infection so I might downloading. Great interlocking and geomerging. I hope to see more maps from you! 5/5
Looks good, I like these sorta maps. How much of Foundry did you use in this map? If you haven't used all of the map, then give it to the FH mapbreakers. They'll find a way out of the map if there is one.
Epic fish fingers unfortunately there is a way out of the map. Mainly for the zombyz but humans must do very dificult grenade jumps. If someone gets out of the map then they don't want to play the game the way its meant to be so i advise booting them. I would make it unescapable but i ran out of budget because i lost my budget glitched map varient and didn't want to start over.
I played this map with 5 of my other friends and we didn't like it, this is why 1.) It is waaaaaay to small 2.) No weapons for the humans 3.) Games lasted from 20 seconds to 1 minute 4.) It wasn't fun To make this map more fun, I would recomend you explain to me where the heck that "Final Base" is. Because all we could do as the humans was walk out of the starting room, and then we would have to hold off the next room. There are a TON of things in this level that do not need to be their but are their anyways. I don't get your pictures because when we played, the zombies ended up in that "B Base." So it was impossible to hold off their. All you really need to do is well... I read the Gameplay section and I did not see any weapons at all. 3/5 because it is a well made map, but hiding weapons is just ridiculous.
What is wrong with hiding weapons. It seems like a good easter egg. and in a real war weapons aren't going to be floating in mid air by a weapon holder. (if you thought so) this map is increadibly well forged. The layout is unique seeing as it uses the entire foundry and includes interlocking and geomerging everywhere.
Rofl... it barely uses half of Foundry. Nice try, but I have played this map and forged through it. Even that last room isn't good. To Small!
Geomerging on an infection map? That's a first. Yeah, I liek the map. It woudl be very wlel geomerged for any map, but the fact that it's infection really caught my eye. Superb job.
First things first #1 too small. I made it small so that not everyone crowds ten miles not allowing the zombies to get anywhere near the humans. It is small so you can go pretty far away but you have a bit worse of a vantage point. #2 There are seven weapons for the humans. They aren't really hidden i just didn't think i needed to list where they were at but here you go: The smg is on the other side of the A sign, you can see it when you're walking down the hall. The plasma rifle is under the double wall sticking out of the wall and the needler is further back in A base in the small tunnel (underneath the stairs) coming out of the wall. The br is underneath the uppside-down stairs in the B base. #3 the zombies get out at 20 sec so there is no way a game could end that fast. and games have lasted to about 4 min. #4 i thought the other 3 reasons were supposed to be why it wasn't fun. #the rest The final base is unblocked 2 min into the game and is at the end of the hallway (as stated in OP) The spawns in the B base are set to a timer so that you should already be at B base when they are enabled making the zombies spawn elswhere. This is a mechanism used to ensure that you don't just camp in A base the entire time. I have already given the weapon placements so I guess that is it. What are the tons of things that aren't needed. Thanks for your feedback. And conerkid what isn't good about the final base?