Background Story Max : Where....Are....We ? James : I think are plane crashed in some foreign Part of Russia Max : What the hell is that !!! James : OH SHITT !! James : Ahh Its eating me ALIVE !! (Blood Squirting everywhere) Max : Get the **** away from me ! Max : Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!! ( No further radio signals from either of them. some people say they got lost but I don't believe it. your mission is to survive the predator long enough to rescue them. or could this just be a trap ? ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOUTUBE VIDEO http:// Screenshots Overview 1 Overview 2 Overview 3 Human Spawn Stairwell Luggage thrown down from plane crash More luggage inside a russian training base Luggage scattered inside training excersize area Back hallway of training base Alpha Predator Spawn Kills non playing zombies after 60 seconds Base Omega Hallway from Base Omega Action Shots Fresh Blood My Horrid Death Description As you all should know this is a Predator map which i hope everybody looking at this has played Predator before this map has almost the same layout as Predator E made by Warchocolate i think ? correct me if im wrong but it has interlocking and Geomerging and is very playable i have tested this map alot with friends they all said it was fun but i will get to the point the zombie is invisible and has low gravity but ver low health and the humans have regular health but have shotguns and assault rifles which pretty much gives the humans an advantage right ? WRONG they actually have a very low chance of survival because the zombie has low gravity and is invisible so mabey he can do a slice and run LOL but i hope everybody has a goodtime playing this map and happy Forges. Download Map Download Game
ya i no, a post already! This is the first predator map I've seen that has advanced Forging in it. The whole map idea and "Background" is pretty cool. The map layout is very clean, but i don't see THAT much hiding spots... although there are a few. Ill give it a 3.5/5 and a DL, great work!
Great job.. I played this map with you the other night and I had a good time. I never really played Predator before that night. I must say that I enjoyed the game and there were some pretty tense moments. I edited your game type. I made the Predator run 150% with 50% gravity. I felt 200% was too fast. I also made the Predator have no shields with the damge resistance turned up 200%. The base players have no shields too with their damage resistance up to 150%. I do this so you can see more of the screen. The top bar is not in the way. I tried using radar too. Some people in my party said they liked radar and some said they did not want radar. The map is really fun and wored great with the game type. I was even considering making my own Preditar map. 5/5
Sorry I don't know how to embed videos or I would tell you... To the map, hmm- predator... All the predator maps I ever see are open, and leaving them open I think makes the game really gay for the humans. If you have a cieling the game is much better to play and the noob predators die because they don't know what to do. From the pics there are many one-way in places which are the worst for predator maps because they are SUPER rigged. I would recommend putting a ceiling on and then try it, it might be better.
Umm i hate to say this but i think you can't put a ceiling on the whole fricken map of foundry this map is WWAAAYY to big to put a ceiling on and trust me its fun to play on.
All you have to do to embed the video is copy the link to the video, hit the "Insert Link" button in the tool bar of your post window, then paste it and your video will automatically embed itself.
I like the map and it is really well forged but that backstory was a bit wierd (with lack of a better term.) I'm pretty sure when someone is being eaten alive then they will be dead and also check you're spelling. Other than that could be a fun game, i'll download.
Then you should try and make the map smaller. I have a map for predator that I made that is like a mazeish thing and is all enclosed. There are 2 storys and like 4 places the humans can get to a second story. But I have doors along the walls for the predators to crouch on and kill the humans. The game is actually really fun and most people like it WAY more than the non-enclosed crappily made maps(not saying yours is crappy)
Its a really cool map, but i have a question. Whats with the one pic that says "More luggage inside a russian training base"? What does Russia have to do with this?
I like how you've changed things up since i played the old version of the map. But as i tested i noticed that everyone camped in the corner and the back room. :S in other maps I've seen the same problem. I wish all gametypes were fixed so camping didn't happen. You may want to try and fix that. In my map, no camping of any kind occurs.