This is my first FH post so bare with me. The map is Centurion, a symmetrical FFA and team arena. Im pretty sure it works with every game type. Here are the pics. Front end Back end, floor Back end, top Base (bases are symmetrical) Bridge. The map is made by me. The geomerging is a little sloppy because it is the first map i made after i learned how to geomerge. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Hmm, you said you Geomerged, but i don't see any.... Did you get it mixed up with Interlocking? Kuz thats differant. The map looks really great, but all those Double Boxes on the sides sould be flipped over to give it a cleaner look. And it does look a little bit easy to escape your map... other than that, ill give it a 3/5.
I think i ment interlocking. What is the difference? As far as i know,the map is inescapable, but i could be wrong.
geomerging is connecting objects with the maps walls/floors/etc... interlocking is connecting two or more objects with each other.
I guess i was interlocking, not geomerging then. Thanks. The reason the map has no description is the game said it was inappropriate. All it said was "An arena style map made for team and FFA games. By The EAKLE" I didnt know how that was inappropriate, so i just made it have a blank description.