Also, you can create your own races. If your saying this would be the fifth, then your wrong. Call of Duty 1 1 Call of Duty: Finest Hour 2 Call of duty 2 3 Call of Duty: Big Red One 4 Call of Duty 3 5 Call of Duty 4 6 Call of Duty : World at War 7 Plus, the game just isn't called CoD5, its called world at war. NOT 5!
Technically CoD:Waw would be like the 7th or 8th CoD game because I own a CoD for psp that's different from all the others and I heard there's a CoD:WaW-like game for PS2, but different.
1. Dead Space (X360, PS3, PC) Keep it in the list. 2. FarCry 2 (X360, PS3, PC) Take it out, it would be biased (FarCryHub). 3. Gears of War 2 (X360) Keep it in, for sure. 4. Fallout 3 (X360, PS3, PC) Keep... 5. Mirror's Edge (X360, PS3) Keep... Even though I don't like it. 6. Left 4 Dead (X360, PC) Absolutely. 7. LittleBigPlanet (PS3) No. 8. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3) Nope. 9. Call of Duty: World at War (X360,PS3, X360, Wii, DS, PS2) Yesh. 10. Fable II (X360) Why not? 11. Resistance 2 (PS3) No. 12. Tom Clancy's EndWar (PS3, X360, PC) No. 13. Rock Band 2 (X360, PS3, Wii, PS2) No, maybe. 14. Guitar Hero: World Tour (X360, PS3, Wii, PS2) Maybe. 15. Spore (PC) Absolutely. 16. Crysis Warhead (PC) No. 17. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (PC) ....No. 18. Grand Theft Auto IV (X360, PS3, PC) Yes, indeed. 19. Midnight Club: Los Angeles (X360, PS3) Yeahz.
First of all, I don't think FarCry 2 would be taken off for biased feelings. If Halo 3 came out this year, would it be a bad idea to put it on the list. Whether it makes it or not will not be determined by the biased opinions on the site. Secondly, you said no to every PS3 exclusive, which I'm taking means you don't own one (Just a guess). Therefore, I cannot take your honest opinion on them. However, everyone take a look at Dragoncoal's post. It wouldn't be a bad idea if you did something similar, and let me know what the community feels.
I based my opinions on popularity. You're right about me not owning a PS3. But neither does the majority of this site.
I know most people don't own a PS3, and so while they may not win, from what I've seen and from what people have told me they are still great games, and will have a chance to be a nominee.
1. Dead Space (X360, PS3, PC) No. 2. FarCry 2 (X360, PS3, PC) Yes. 3. Gears of War 2 (X360) Yes. 4. Fallout 3 (X360, PS3, PC) Yes. 5. Mirror's Edge (X360, PS3) Yes. 6. Left 4 Dead (X360, PC) Yes. 7. LittleBigPlanet (PS3) Yes. 8. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3) No. 9. Call of Duty: World at War (X360,PS3, X360, Wii, DS, PS2) No. 10. Fable II (X360) No. 11. Resistance 2 (PS3) No. 12. Tom Clancy's EndWar (PS3, X360, PC) No. 13. Rock Band 2 (X360, PS3, Wii, PS2) No. 14. Guitar Hero: World Tour (X360, PS3, Wii, PS2) No. 15. Spore (PC) No. 16. Crysis Warhead (PC) No. 17. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (PC) No. 18. Grand Theft Auto IV (X360, PS3, PC) Yes. 19. Midnight Club: Los Angeles (X360, PS3) Yes.
I was thinking that maybe when I post the voting thread I might ask everyone to send me PMs in order to vote instead of having a poll. The poll allows everyone to see the votes, and so it wouldn't be a surprise for anyone when I posted the winner's thread. The surprise is pretty much half the fun. What do you guys think? You would all have to trust me to tally the votes exactly how I receive them and not pick what game I think should win. However, I promise that I would display the winner that Forgehub chose, not my personal choice.
Does this mean we SHOULD PM him or just keep posting? anywayz... I love Left 4 Dead - no reasons necessary, about 99% of the FH community would agree with me. Gears 2 - I love how EPIC made the Horde Gametype and also all teh new weapons like teh Mortar and teh New Pistol, cool beans.
Do not PM me yet, I wanted to gauge the communities trust in me before I did that. In a few days I will post the voting thread with the 10 nominees. It will either ask you to vote in a poll or to PM me.
Mirrors Edge is much more revolutionary than Metal Gears Solid. Plus, Im not into a lot of 3rd person shooters, only a select few.
Revolutionary (innovative) games shouldn't be GOTY based on the fact that they did something never done before. The game isn't GOTY material. It isn't blockbuster. It's a short and rentable game. Most of the time innovation is what ruins games, developers focus too much on trying to be different and lose what actually makes a game great. I'm not saying ME wasn't a good game, but it isn't better than MGS4 just because it was more revolutionary.
hey we should do WGOTY (worst game of the year) 1. all the games on that list! no,not really i think all of those are good execpt mirrors edge
Why does every one bag on the long cutscenes. I liked them plus, there is so much gameplay. Its not like its all one long scene.
I love Rock Band (and RB 2) with such a passion. It's so much more polished than GH:WT could ever be, and it makes parties feel so much better. I don't want a fancy touch guitar, I want fun, and RB gave it in bucketloads.