Blood Gulch: Cold Gulch 3 Created by Sarge Explosion Supported Gametypes: CTF, KotH, Assault, Infection, Territories Map Description This is the Final version of the Blood Gulch remake, Cold Gulch. I edited this maps many times over a few months, using floating, merging, and many suggestions and comments from people who saw the first two versions. Without further ado, Here is Cold Gulch: An overview of the map layout from the Red Base side. Bases: The positions of the bases are the only flat spots on the entire map that were big enough for them. They are in the style of the Original Halo CE Blood Gulch Bases complete with the weapon sets and minor additions. The Base teleports lead to the center teleports in the field. Red Base contains 1 sniper, 1 rocket, 1 smg, 1 assault rifle, 1 magnum, 2 shotguns with 1 clip each, 2 warthogs, 1 ghost, 1 banshee(if aircraft allowed in game), and 1 Scorpion tank. The teleport on the cliffs behind Red Base. Blue Base Contains the same weapons as Red Base. The teleport on the cliffs behind Blue Base. An overhead shot of a base. Notice the nice icy interior, lol. Center Field: This field is wide open which means that crossing it will be dangerous for you, so bring a hog. The field contains a camouflage, 2 mancannons and the only entrance to the center cave. There is supposed to be a fuel rod cannon in the center but it doesn't seem like Avalanche will let it load in a game. Wierd. Center shot of the base teleport recievers, the camouflage, and the fuel rod belongs in the center. The Central Cave: This cave is the replacement for the Blood Gulch caves of old. It has 1 entrance that is shielded by a double shield door. There is an over shield, sniper rifle, and a flamethrower. At the end of the cave, there are 2 sender nodes that send you to the cliffs behind the bases. Entrance looking out. Notice the sniper rifle. The main area in the cave. Most fighting will be done here. Overshield is accessible from both lifts. Behind another shield door sits the flamethrower, and the 2 sender nodes for the cliffs of the bases. Left = Red, Right = Blue. _________________________________________________ The walls you see in the Behind the bases are made to block off the original bases and most of the useless parts of the map. In addition all original Avalanche structures are blocked by energy blockers. Please take some time to read the brief thread I have taken the time to write above. I would appreciate it if you would read it all the way through before commenting. Thank you! = ) Download Cold Gulch 3 Download Blood Gulch CTF
I would maybe use signs to designate which teleporters take you to which base. Yeah, maybe a line of slanted, geomerged boxes across the center to cut off the line of sight between bases a little bit.
i remember DLing the second cold gulch map, and there were many places to improve on. on this new one it seems better but maybe you could somehow add those little rock-type things that were in front of the bases on the other levels, and also, some sidewaysish-geomerged Dboxes to make it seem more hilly in the center like the other ones. Definite Dl because it is my favorite map and you have remade it astoundingly. 4.95/5 looking forward to v4?!?!? Edit: I forgot to say that you should try making all the boxes ether blue or red corresponding to which side they are on.
Much, much, much too open. The tank would dominate the battle field with the massive amount of LoS. Try geomerging some boxes and walls and such to make a more tactical playing field.
Pretty good. Although I would block off the caves too and do what Whisper suggested. Make the caves on the raised ground by using boxes and what not. Not to mention that most of the work is done for you (the rocks and arch way). Also, try to add some cover/hills along the ground by geo-merging objects with the ground. It will add cover so the tank does not dominate. And deleted the man cannons. Blood Gulch never had man cannons.
instead of a line of boxes, add like a zigzag of boxes. it would make it more customized to a remake and make it look less open. but if you do that you HAVE to make dem all blue. or it looks terrible. Is this more of a casual map or a competitive, big team sort of map. Ill try and see if it is escapeable.
Bungie limited us in so many ways on forge I could go on for a day explaining all of it. But this is one of the ways: The boxes choose a random color when you spawn them. So sadly, he cannot really do that.
Cold Gulch 4..... Umm, maybe but definitely later. I just got off of a long binge of editing on this map. The difficult thing to do is to go back and edit it because my use of the unlimited budget glitch and my use of so many items makes it so I have to delete items in order to make new ones and adjust the glitch on each item. Basically, its time consuming. I agree that I do need to add cover to the center area. Before there was concern that the tanks would dominate without heavy weapons. Thus, the rockets were added. I will remove the mancannons and add cover instead. ALSO: I'm pretty sure its not possible to make the boxes stay a certain color. They always change colors randomly. If I could I would, but I cant so I wont.
There's a tut somewhere on this site explaining how to get them all the same color, try searching for it.
I really hate bungie for making budget. it ruins all great maps. it would have been awsome if you had used Buddha's idea to get unlimited budget and such. it's a shame that there will probably be v4 oh well, DL anyways. Also, here is the link to the colored boxes guide
I did use the budget glitch, but it is temperamental and needs to be fixed sometimes. So it is possible and I will make more adjustments. I do plan on making a new version with more geomerged scenery, but it will be at the expense of the wall. It won't be a v4, it will be just called Blood Gulch: Cold Gulch.
dude, this is awesome, probably closest u can get to blood gulch on halo 3(besides valhalla lol) nuyway look really playable, send me a request GT:a P3Rson. looking forward to playing this!
nice map. i really like how it looks like it can play just like the original. i am downloading this asap. great job 5/5 that was the first thing i thought when i saw those teleporters....
awsome map but like most of them said."it does need more cover in the middle".but this looks great-4.75/5