This is my first map post on Forgehub! =D This map is a 3 story house which the humans spawn in (and if their smart stay in.) The House has several enterances. 1 is secret. the house has a Balcony on the secound floor which can work both ways: Humans can shoot zombies, Zombies can jump into house. The first floor is pretty bare, The secound floor is good for ambushing and camping and the 3rd floor/the roof is a good sniper and last resort spot. Zombie must break into the House (knock down barricades to get the humans. Power weapons spawn outside the house to make it harder for the humans to get them. This is to be used with the Burglers gametype. Now for pics! ZOMG. I CAN'T GET PICS TO WORK! I CAN'T SIGN UP FOR PHOTOBUCKET AND BUNGIE.NET SAYS: SCREENSHOT NOT FOUND!!! Camper! A trap for a zombie. Sniped! But always look behide you... Another un-suspecting victim. Stair-case Ambush XD Don't stray to far from the house! Human spawn. Overview. Da Roof. Front door. Behind the House. = Map = Gametype
Your screen shots are not working. You need to download them to you computer from, upload them to photobucket, then use the links to put them in your post. Your map sounds okay from the description. Not very original though. If it is forged well and has good gameplay and flow, with balanced weapons, traits, and spawns, it might be a very good map.
it looks like the problem lies with Make sure the pictures are being puleed form your File Share and not anywhere else on the site (e.g. Recent Screenshots)
ok heres a hand buddy, go to Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket then make an account, make a folder for each mao u make save the screenshots FROM to your comp upload them 2 photobucket when making a map description on the HUB in the texty pannel, "insert picture" then you go to the pic on photobucket (diff tab or window) then CLICK. DIRECT LINK! then paste that written text to the "insert picture" box and viola! picturres
Regarding your screenshot problem, I recommend using tinypic. Go to your fileshare, click 'save as' on your screenshot and save to 'pictures/documents'/etc, click 'browse' on tinypic's homepage, upload your picture, then click 'direct link' and copy the code. Bada bing bada boom. Hope this helped!