DanIz3pic: Your request is done. ZCT made it, but couldn't get it up so I'm posting it. EDIT: Here is the avatar asked for (100x100) Just ask for any changes or things needed.
FH User Name: knight kninja Render/Stock: Text/Name Wanted: Keyword: Empathy, Name: knight Layout Description: go however you want, if i may, may i request my good ol friend zstrike do the sig? i wanna see how hes doing. First off, i wanna get at least the guy's face and hands, maybe the armour falling off him cause thats cool. Don't make it as busy as your hydra sig, but close to it. just enough to see all that. GO FOR IT ZSTRIKE!! impress me il probably use it.
here ya go FH User Name:rbyuski Render/Stock: Text/Name Wanted:Shadow Power Layout Descriptionnly keep the guy and the explosion and if possible all the spikes towards top(above guy) if you could erase the smoke around them and make them go off the sig
Ok. Sorry pigglez but I'll be out of the shop for about a week or so.. I just my new iMac and will be getting CS4 soon.. Until then.. Good luck On the plus side, i will be writing some tutorials because now i will not have INCREDIBLE ps lagg
FH User Name: Hellclown Render/Stock:something Unreal Tournament 3 (Necris) Text/Name Wanted:Hellclown Layout Description: Lets just pretend that you are the one with the mouse in your hand and that you have complete control. or Author Freestyle: Just use what I gave you (^)there(^) and make it awesome.
I'm sorry everyone, I forgot to say so, but I am closed for the Holiday's, as I will not be here to make the requests. I will be back in January. Sorry for any inconvenience and Have a great Holiday! XD