Book it Boys! V2 (sorta) Make haste! the zombies, they be comin'! Hello forgers. this is my third map posted on FH, and its an infection game where the zombies atart in a small cage, right behind the humans. the humans then have to run down the hallway, and up the ramps and then get to the "stronghold". after 45 seconds, the zombies are launched out by a man cannon. there is cover and weapons and small rooms speckled throughout the level. *Gametype: 4 rounds to 25, zombies invulnerable first 30 seconds, zombies move 125% speed, and for the rest of game have 150% damage resistance, and normal shields, players have no nades, and start with magnums* EDIT: this is a new version- it uses walls on the top level for the most part as opposed to bridges, it has a shield door covering off the zombies as well for protection, there are 2 barrels in both mauler rooms, and also there are 2 defense mechanisms for the outpost! (also gametype updated) Forge techniques used: -lotsa interloxage -some geomerging (for the ramps) Weapons: nades: none, in some places it can be escaped with a nade jump BR: x2 sniper: x2 shotgun: x2 mauler: x4 magnum: x2 turret: x1 carbine: x2 SMG: x2 Map: Gametype: Make haste Pics: somewhat of an overview: zombie spawn in box, humans just outside it (pretend there is also a shield door, unfortunately i couldnt get a pic of this): small rooms to the left and right: example of such a room: hallway down to the ramps (with doors just to piss you off - dont everyone go at the same time through the two at the end! =D) top view of ramps: example of one of the 2 traps (shoot fusion coil overhanging from the "stronghold" to set them off!): view from the entrance to the outpost: please tell me what you think!
Not... Enough... Interlocking. Can't.... Walk.... Please.. Fix. Other than that, this could be a good map. Just interlock the bridges, and it will be all cool. FIRST POST: WOOT
i walked over the bridges, and did some walk around tests and stuff, and if there is much bump, its barely anything - ill see what i can do later though
This looks really good, the interlocking is good, flip the bridges in the middle, it makes the interlocking more noticeable and also looks a lot better. You should also add some stuff to your post to make it all look better: A Forging 101 list, ie which forging techniques you used A weapons list other than that it's good, keep forging!
Yea there does need to be more interlocking, like the hallways, just little stuff like that. And yes I greatly desire a gametype. People dont like having to make it themselves. Do all this then I would give it a 3.5/5