:squirrel_rocking:THE GAS STATION :squirrel_rocking:_________________________________________________ -_-_-_-_-_->download<-_-_-_-_-_-^^^^^^^^^^^^_________________________________________________ :squirrel_shiftyeyes: DESCRIPTION :squirrel_shiftyeyes: _________________________________________________ ( + )THE STATION( + ) The Station has two pumps that explode bullet proof windows inside u find some guns maulers, smgs, bruteshots ,carbiens ,and battle rifles . Thier is also a single shotty behinde the counter typical country fashion. The first base is outside and has a 4 vehicles a warthog a ghost a chopper and a mongoose. Their is also another structer with a lazer in it.their is also a door that shut after 3 mins _________________________________________________ I^I THE ROOF TOP I^I The rooftop is pretty much an areana with only two ways up those ways would be the teleports i placed under the bases. their are 4 weapons placed for optimal destruction mainly shooting down they are needles rockets and a sword its pretty hard to camp it. _________________________________________________ #(-)THE BACKYARD(-)#The backyard is home to the second base has access to the station from the side door. Their is a gate in the front with some fork lifts by it and a quick route to the lazer to even things up. Thier a 4 vehicals a warthog a ghost a chopper and a mongoose. _________________________________________________ (<^>)THE LAUNCH PAD(<^>)The primary purpose of the launch pad is to shoot u up to the air plane. Their is a small structer inside with a sniper in it, and in order to get to it u have to smash the gate. _________________________________________________ <()>THE AIR PLANE<()>The airplane has two main parts the tail and the body. The tail has a sniper on it and can only be reached though the teleporter behind the station and the body can only be reached from the launch pad and has an overshield in it. _________________________________________________ WEAPON LIST :squirrel_jaffa: 4 battle rifles spawn 45 1 shotgun spawn 120 2 snipers spawn 150 4 smgs spawn 30 2 needlers spawn 45 4 brute shots spawn 90 1 rocket launcher spawn 180 1 sparten lazer spawn 120 2 energy swords spawn 90 4 covanet carbiens spawn 45 4 maulers spawn 60 2 machine gun turrets spawn 60 _________________________________________________ VEHICLE LIST :squirrel_jaffa: 2 warthogs spawn 120 2 mongoose spawn 10 2 ghost spawn 60 two choppers spawn 60 _________________________________________________ EQUIPMENT LIST :squirrel_jaffa: 6 frag gernades spawn 10 13 plasma gernades spawn 10 7 spike gernades spawn 10 1 bubble shield spawn 45 1 regen spawn 120 1 power drain spawn 60 1 overshield spawn 120 1 active camo spawn 120 _________________________________________________ PERFERRED GAME TYPES :squirrel_chatting: team slayer free for all multi flag shotty snipers random weapons <------download here random teams sick as hell <------- download here _________________________________________________ IN - GAME ACTION PHOTOS_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ other structers_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
I suggest you organize this post a little better.... Put some emphasis on something... Most people will stop reading because there isn't much organization... Group the pictures together into grids.... Also use the same color so it doesn't hurt peoples eyes... haha other than that Good Job! -DarthYoda19
Props on the map dude, that looks sweet. It kid of reminds me of that level in GoW campaign. Although I recommend a little less shield door, IMO.
There seem to be lots of ideas packed in here, nice job on that. Everything looks nicely put together, as well. Those crossed shield doors don't look like they would add anything useful to gameplay, though. Good post too but I suggest you try to be more efficient with your screenshots. More is not better.
I think you may need to correct the editing of your post. It looks all weird and words are missing on the left hand side.
Hmm... I'm not sure the stationary airplane makes any sense, but good job packing all the concepts into the map.
Yeah, usually air planes have to keep moving to stay up. All the pictures of this made me think it was an Infection map. Does that work well on it? It seems like it would be pretty interesting with zombies.
The map looks... O.K. It is sloppy looking and a little bit typical of some of the maps appearing in the community nowadays: a bunch of shield doors, etcetera. But that post is so annoying: Take out the glow. One/two colours(three only if you need to heavily emphasize something). Less screenshots, your post is a monster, and it "buzzes like a fridge". Posts should speak in words and pictures, the thing where you give the weapons lists always bugs me, because unless the viewer can know where each and every weapon on the map, they can only know so much, in this case your post talks in maths. Squirrel abuse much? Seriously, get rid of them, maybe one, if any, per map post. You don't need any of those symbols [<=+--.>, it's not necessary. I'm not sure if this is an offense in the terms of posting, but seriously, fix that stuff up!
my bad i just wanted to be impressive i spent a lot of time trying to make look good i take eazy on my next one thanks for the critisim good or bad it alway good to know how ur doing than to take a guess in the dark
it really looks like something fun to play on infection trying to hold out each building as long as you can!
Is it just me, or are people more concerned about how someone post a map rather than how good the map is? I've read people saying that they downloaded a map just because the post was amazing honestly that map didn't even look that good this map looks sick if I had an Xbox I'd download it I'll have my homie dl it when the maps come out free tho it looks like something bungie would make although I'd probably put less power weapons in it tho but hey, whats forge for? and btw, chronics good and all, but have you eva smoke tha kush?
Quality posts are valued here at Forge Hub. It's a first impressions thing. As of this writing, there are aproximately 51,900 (2,076 pages, 25 per page) maps posted on b.net. The purpose of posting a map on Forge Hub is to present as much information about the map as efficiently as possible. So you will see a lot of criticism here on postings themselves, but I think you will find that there is plenty of commentary on the maps themselves as well.
Ive never seen anyone make a gas station before so you got to be the first. Looks good Im gonna dl soon so hopefully it plays good too.